one Solid Reason Trump Will Win; Hillary is Low Energy

Shoe me a poll of 'likely voters' where the sample is based on current demographics and not the demographic turn out of 2012, which Republicans under performed because Romney was a vulture capitalist.

Basing their sampling on the demographics of 2012 is the 'secret sauce' that keeps Trump low in the polls as well as other 'tricks'.

Demographics are worse for the Republicans in 2016.

Enthusiasm is much worse for the Republicans in 2016. Don't confuse a few loud fanatical cultlike Trump fans with the Republicans as a whole.

Likely voters are now more Democratic than registered voters, a reversal of most other years. That's not reflected in most polls, so it's likely the polls understate Clinton's numbers.

As far as rallies go ... Hillary likes small events. She's very busy. Winning. Large rallies are a waste of money. Only the already-converted attend, so they do no good. While Trump talks to 20,000 hardcore Republicans at a rally, the Democrats are talking to 20,000 undecided voters at home. Guess which brings in more new votes?

Plus, whenever Trump opens his insanely stupid mouth at a rally, he loses more votes.

(Coming up soon: "I saw more Trump yard signs, so Hillary is doomed!")

Glad you think so, idiot.

Lol, "Hillary likes small rallies" roflmao
This is a list of the Trump itinerary as compared to the Clinton itinerary.
First is Trumps, and the second Clintons. Trump has 19 events over the same period that Hillary has only 8 plus Trump does far more interviews.


And Trump will get far better word of mouth as far more people attend his rallies compared to Hillary.

This is how Trump is going to 'punch through' the medias thick layer of lies and propaganda to elect Hillary.
It could be argued that Hillary doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.

Just let Trump keep talking, as much as possible.
Orange Jesus's worshipers aren't representative of the population in general, no matter how many times they vote in an online poll for their messiah.
You are such a brain-dead loser you cant even type Trumps name, lolol, and he doesnt have orange skin either.

When someone says they dont like something and then repeats a bunch of inaccuracies and lies to support that reaction, anyone knows that you are dealing with either a pathological liar, a political whore or a Democrat Party hack.
It could be argued that Hillary doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.
Just let Trump keep talking, as much as possible.
It could also be argued that the Chicago Cubs like the cellar, that Jerry Jones likes looking like a fool and Micheal Moore likes being a fat hippopotamus, but the problem is any thinking person knows better.
It could be argued that Hillary doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.
Just let Trump keep talking, as much as possible.
It could also be argued that the Chicago Cubs like the cellar, that Jerry Jones likes looking like a fool and Micheal Moore likes being a fat hippopotamus, but the problem is any thinking person knows better.
Well, I guess "thinking" is the key word there.
It could be argued that Hillary doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.
Just let Trump keep talking, as much as possible.
It could also be argued that the Chicago Cubs like the cellar, that Jerry Jones likes looking like a fool and Micheal Moore likes being a fat hippopotamus, but the problem is any thinking person knows better.
Well, I guess "thinking" is the key word there.
Yes, it does requires some thought to realize that small rallies and a light event schedule are as anathema to politicians as losses are in baseball, bad drafting is in NFL football or keeping your weight high is for fat asses like Moore.

Get real; Hillary is not doing this simply because it is a preference on her part; the woman has poor health, and whether you partisan Dimbocrats want to admit it or not, it is apparent to anyone following the story that isnt a hack, a liar or a dumbass.
It could be argued that Hillary doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.
Just let Trump keep talking, as much as possible.
It could also be argued that the Chicago Cubs like the cellar, that Jerry Jones likes looking like a fool and Micheal Moore likes being a fat hippopotamus, but the problem is any thinking person knows better.
Well, I guess "thinking" is the key word there.
Yes, it does requires some thought to realize that small rallies and a light event schedule are as anathema to politicians as losses are in baseball, bad drafting is in NFL football or keeping your weight high is for fat asses like Moore.

Get real; Hillary is not doing this simply because it is a preference on her part; the woman has poor health, and whether you partisan Dimbocrats want to admit it or not, it is apparent to anyone following the story that isnt a hack, a liar or a dumbass.
Why do you suppose she's leading in the polls, particularly in important swing states?
Dude, you're being silly.

The polls weren't "skewed" in 2012 and they aren't in 2016.

Your boy is getting hammered right now.
How many times do I have to assplain to your stupid fucktard face that you cannot use 2012 demographics for this years elections. One could just as easily claim that this year is like 1980 all over again.

You stupid shit4brains want to think Hillary is winning, then go ahead. IT is no skin off my nose fucktwat.
Why do you suppose she's leading in the polls, particularly in important swing states?
You mean according to the polls that cant tell if she is up by 4% or up by 18%? Those polls?

Obviously they are not accurate polls, and Trumnp is on a climb while she is on a slide, even despite the Media being in her pocket.

CNN's Cuomo comes right out and admits it: 'We couldn't help Hillary any more than we have'
So the polls are wrong.

So the polls are wrong.

You should go tell Truman how the polls are never wrong, Einstein.

Break down the numbers:

1. Trump has most Republicans; somewhere between 77% and 96% depending on the poll.

2. Trump leads among independents.

3. Clinton is having trouble with her own base, many of whom are Sanders supporters who have sworn to never vote for Hillary and about half of them say they will vote for Trump.

How that adds up to Hillary having an 18% lead in the polls only proves that some people are fucking gullible as hell.
So the polls are wrong.

You should go tell Truman how the polls are never wrong, Einstein.

Break down the numbers:

1. Trump has most Republicans; somewhere between 77% and 96% depending on the poll.

2. Trump leads among independents.

3. Clinton is having trouble with her own base, many of whom are Sanders supporters who have sworn to never vote for Hillary and about half of them say they will vote for Trump.

How that adds up to Hillary having an 18% lead in the polls only proves that some people are fucking gullible as hell.
Okay, I'm with ya, big landslide for Trump. No sweat.
The only way Trump will win is if dems take Hillary's win for granted and don't hit the polls.
Not With Her, But Not With Him: The Women of the *New* GOP

Republicans don't like Hillary Clinton, and Smith and Miller are no exception. Miller cofounded a super PAC to oppose her and cowrote an e-book called Failed Choices: A Critique of the Hillary Clinton State Department. The two reject liberal policies, and they're not actually rooting for Clinton to win—not exactly. But, among a certain set of young, forward-looking conservatives, a Trump loss, especially a yuge loss, offers an opportunity. Look at it this way: Imagine you're living in a collapsing old house that's proving unfixable no matter how much work you do. And then, out of nowhere, that house burns to the ground. It's horrible and upsetting, yes—but…now you have the chance to build your dream house.

Republicans have been working on the House that Reagan Built for some time now. After Mitt Romney's 2012 loss, the Republican National Committee (RNC) commissioned a study—officially called the "Growth & Opportunity Project" but widely known as the Republican "autopsy." Its findings were unequivocal: Republicans needed to reach out to millennials, minorities, and women, who felt spurned by the party and considered its positions "stale." "Young voters are increasingly rolling their eyes at what the party represents," the report states. "When someone rolls their eyes at us, they are not likely to open their ears to us." The conclusion? Republicans had to overhaul their messaging and increase the number of women and minorities running for office to improve current dismal levels of representation.

Alex Smith and the College Republicans followed up the autopsy with a millennial-targeted report by pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson that found the words young people most associated with the GOP were "closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned." The Reagan-era arguments still being employed—trickle-down economics, small government—were meaningless to this generation. When Smith asked focus groups how important it was to fight big government, "We got blank stares," she says, "and then finally one brave person piped up and said, 'I don't know what you mean by "big government"; do you mean there are too many buildings?'" When Smith relayed that feedback to party elders, "they're like, 'How could these kids not know what big government is?' They're banging their canes on the floor. I'm like, Look at it from this generation's standpoint: Big is not a bad thing. Big connects us with the whole world. It's being able to send a tweet out in a second, being able to learn anything we want from YouTube. Big is only bad if it's intrusive. So now we say we don't want government that's in your business."
This is a list of the Trump itinerary as compared to the Clinton itinerary.
First is Trumps, and the second Clintons. Trump has 19 events over the same period that Hillary has only 8 plus Trump does far more interviews.


And Trump will get far better word of mouth as far more people attend his rallies compared to Hillary.

This is how Trump is going to 'punch through' the medias thick layer of lies and propaganda to elect Hillary.

Trump isn't winning. He's losing badly. Is this 'high energy' thing something new that he just started today? Because otherwise your premise is contradicted by pretty overwhelming evidence.
Ah, not as bad as what you claim. How do you explain ABC polls?
Will Donald Trump “Make America Great Again?”

    • Yes (95%, 3,769 Votes)
    • No (5%, 204 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,973
ABC LIVE POLL: Will Donald Trump “Make America Great Again?”

Which Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

    • Donald Trump (81%, 12,256 Votes)
    • Hillary Clinton (9%, 1,297 Votes)
    • Jill Stein (7%, 1,039 Votes)
    • Gary Johnson (3%, 477 Votes)
Total Voters: 15,069

ABC News Poll: Which Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

Do You Agree With Trump That Obama Is Guilty Of Treason To America?

    • Yes (95%, 10,279 Votes)
    • No (5%, 524 Votes)
Total Voters: 10,803
ABC LIVE POLL: Do You Agree With Trump That Obama Is Guilty Of Treason To America?

This is ABC, and it does not look good.
Yeah, Hillary has this election in the bag with an 18% lead in the polls, but wow, why cant her followers learn how to log in to a computer?

Trump will win: 81%

Clinton will win: 9%

Oh, and despite the poll having more than 15k votes, they stopped the count at 453 votes with Hillary having a lead.


The All Broadcasts for Clinton network does it again.
This is a list of the Trump itinerary as compared to the Clinton itinerary.
First is Trumps, and the second Clintons. Trump has 19 events over the same period that Hillary has only 8 plus Trump does far more interviews.


And Trump will get far better word of mouth as far more people attend his rallies compared to Hillary.

This is how Trump is going to 'punch through' the medias thick layer of lies and propaganda to elect Hillary.

Trump isn't winning. He's losing badly. Is this 'high energy' thing something new that he just started today? Because otherwise your premise is contradicted by pretty overwhelming evidence.
Trump leaned on it pretty hard yesterday. So this will probably be a thing now, at least for a while.
Trump isn't winning. He's losing badly. Is this 'high energy' thing something new that he just started today? Because otherwise your premise is contradicted by pretty overwhelming evidence.
Trump leaned on it pretty hard yesterday. So this will probably be a thing now, at least for a while.

Lol, so Hillary is taking three days off each week and having less than half of Trump eveents with less than a tenth his attendance....because Trump is just making it all up?


You Democrats seem to think when the Kool Aid is being served you gotta get seconds every damned time.

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