One Person Dies of Overdose Every 10 minutes


Gold Member
May 11, 2017
I have seen posts by those who believe white people are in danger. That they should be fighting for their very existence in an increasingly diverse country. I thought about these posts when I read an article in the August 21st issue of People Magazine. Here are some excerpts:

“According to the CDC, drug overdoses now kill more Americans than either guns or car accidents, a staggering 52,000 in 2015. Experts attribute the rising death toll to increased use of prescription painkillers such as Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin. People become addicted to the drugs while being treated for a medical condition and then seek out more pills – or heroin – on the street when their prescriptions run out. It starts with the misuse and abuse of prescription opioid painkillers.

The death rate from overdoses of heroin and prescription painkillers has more than quadrupled since 1999. The vast majority of those deaths – approximately 80% - have taken place in white communities, in part, because white Americans have better access to healthcare in general and are more likely to be prescribed narcotics by their physicians. We’ve never seen anything like this before. The severity of this addiction epidemic is far greater than the heroin epidemic of the 70s and the crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s and 90s. The number of people dying and addicted today is not comparable.”

The history of opioids in this country is fascinating to read and, I think, clearly lays the blame for this epidemic in the laps of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. But here’s why I’ve posted this in the race relations forum. We are so quick to tell black people to stop killing each other – to behave like civilized people- to stop acting like animals. But do we see these white deaths as somehow different? A person dies of a gunshot wound immediately. The addict dies a slow death, affecting his entire life and the lives of everyone around him. Do we somehow rationalize the killing of these people because it is slowly, systematically done by doctors and pharmaceutical companies and not "thugs" on the street? Do we somehow not want to talk about this because the doctors and pharmaceutical companies are civilized members of society? (you know, nothing like the savages in the inner cities).

What's really threatening the health and welfare of white people?
Why do you care what color a person is if they are dying of an overdose? What are you, racist?
No. I"m not. And I don't think you got the point. The article says that 80% of the addicts dying of overdoses are white. It's a statement of fact.
The Opiate epidemic involves Heroin, Opiates like Oxycontin and now synthetics like Fentanyl. I don't believe it is Race issue or a socio-economic issue. It plays no favorites and is a real crisis that affects every city and town in America. Local police forces have been overwhelmed by it. It has been ignored until recently because drug companies and doctors and treatment centers have been making big money off of the addicts.
I had a root canal done about 5 years ago, and right off the bat, the dentist got me a prescription for Oxy. I had no problems and didn't take one pill. But that is what they do, rather than start with tylenol they push the hard stuff on you.
Why do you care what color a person is if they are dying of an overdose? What are you, racist?
No. I"m not. And I don't think you got the point. The article says that 80% of the addicts dying of overdoses are white. It's a statement of fact.

Yes, you are. You're obsessed with demonizing the white man and constantly brag about having a black husband.
yeah , think that Henry Hough and 'Fnneco' ask the correct questions !!
The article says that 80% of the addicts dying of overdoses are white. It's a statement of fact.

And the total white population is about 77%. Therefore, all this tells us is that heroin is only slightly a preferred drug of choice among whites, so close is probably statistically insignificant. So what? I'm sure there are other drugs that tend to be preferred by other racial groups. Why is is this important?
So what if people die of overdoses?

It's their choice to do drugs so they assume the risk of overdose of their own free will
So what if people die of overdoses?

It's their choice to do drugs so they assume the risk of overdose of their own free will

So, some people care about human life.

If the people taking drugs don't care about their own lives that's their choice.

Some people value human life.

Yet you don't value the choices of others.

Of course I do. The two things are not mutually exclusive.
So what if people die of overdoses?

It's their choice to do drugs so they assume the risk of overdose of their own free will

So, some people care about human life.

If the people taking drugs don't care about their own lives that's their choice.

Some people value human life.

Yet you don't value the choices of others.

Of course I do. The two things are not mutually exclusive.

So a person chooses to overdose that's his choice and has nothing to do with whether or not you value life or not.
So, some people care about human life.

If the people taking drugs don't care about their own lives that's their choice.

Some people value human life.

Yet you don't value the choices of others.

Of course I do. The two things are not mutually exclusive.

So a person chooses to overdose that's his choice and has nothing to do with whether or not you value life or not.

People are free to make stupid choices. If someone makes a stupid choice and dies as a result and YOU say "so what?" That means you don't value human life and are a no-good, low-life SOB.

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