one of the reasons i own guns....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
High Country Radio has been able to confirm reports of a manhunt in Avery County.

According to Watauga County Sheriff Len Hagaman, the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office provided SWAT assistance as well as two K-9’s to the Avery County Sheriff’s Office’s search efforts.

Unconfirmed reports indicate the manhunt is in the Old Beech Mountain Area of Avery County. Unconfirmed reports also indicate authorities are looking for a man who could be linked to a domestic violence case.

The communications office at the Avery County Sheriff’s Office was unable to release any information about the incident.

A description of the man is not available at this time. - Manhunt in Avery County - Constantly Updated High Country NC News Source

they arent really saying much about this...i noticed the police when i drove home last night but didnt think much of it....tired and wanting to just get out of the holiday traffic....the tourist turned out for the holiday.

but before either my husband and i knew this was happening....he had left this now i am at home...terrified (not really) i have the dogs in with me...and a loaded 22....i dont feel like loading the shotgun..cant be bothered if i can kill the vermin with a single shot...they should take my guns....i use hollow points
I live out in the middle of nowhere. I own quite a few guns. You could get hurt screwing around my house if you're the boogy man! The wife knows how to shoot too and she's pretty good. If you come to my house, smile a lot and be peaceful.
Having a gun close or in my pocket has saved me more than a few times from being raped or worse. I would have hated to have to shoot someone but being in rural areas I needed that protection as a deterrent. When I first started contracting for DOT I was on one of the out in the middle of nowhere sites finishing up cleaning the inside of the men's room. It was my third week on the job. I had mopped the floor first as usual, propped open the door and started in on sinks, toilets and then the urinal with a toilet brush. I was scrubbing the urinal when I heard footsteps coming toward the door. I did not look around just said, you can't come in right now use the women's or go out back. The guy said with a Southern drawl, have ya been raped yet today? My heart went up into my throat and I stared at the brush in my hand thinking damn this could be tough. At 5'3, a hundred pounds I was no match for the majority of men out there. I kept scrubbing and responded, nope not yet today. The guy started laughing and said your alright. I turned around and looked at the guy as he was turning around to leave. That night we went to the local gun store and bought a stub nose 358. From that day on that gun went into my back pocket before I ever stepped out of my pickup.

A few months later a couple of drunken young punks came along and started threatening me. One of them started towards me saying you aren't big enough to stop us we will do whatever we want. I reached my hand to my back pocket and wrapped my fingers around the pistol grip. The smart asses bud saw what my hand was holding and grabbed he friend and dragged him outta there.

Law abiding citizens should always have the right to own that deterrent and safety measure, a gun.
Having a gun close or in my pocket has saved me more than a few times from being raped or worse. I would have hated to have to shoot someone but being in rural areas I needed that protection as a deterrent. When I first started contracting for DOT I was on one of the out in the middle of nowhere sites finishing up cleaning the inside of the men's room. It was my third week on the job. I had mopped the floor first as usual, propped open the door and started in on sinks, toilets and then the urinal with a toilet brush. I was scrubbing the urinal when I heard footsteps coming toward the door. I did not look around just said, you can't come in right now use the women's or go out back. The guy said with a Southern drawl, have ya been raped yet today? My heart went up into my throat and I stared at the brush in my hand thinking damn this could be tough. At 5'3, a hundred pounds I was no match for the majority of men out there. I kept scrubbing and responded, nope not yet today. The guy started laughing and said your alright. I turned around and looked at the guy as he was turning around to leave. That night we went to the local gun store and bought a stub nose 358. From that day on that gun went into my back pocket before I ever stepped out of my pickup.

A few months later a couple of drunken young punks came along and started threatening me. One of them started towards me saying you aren't big enough to stop us we will do whatever we want. I reached my hand to my back pocket and wrapped my fingers around the pistol grip. The smart asses bud saw what my hand was holding and grabbed he friend and dragged him outta there.

Law abiding citizens should always have the right to own that deterrent and safety measure, a gun./QUOTE]

Because of exactly what you have described from your past experiences is one of the reasons I believe that concieled carry laws are a good thing. It's a shame that in today's world it has come to this but there are people out there that are really the dregs of society and you should have the right to protect yourself from them.
I don't believe any of the drivel posted below. You should right a fiction novel....

Having a gun close or in my pocket has saved me more than a few times from being raped or worse. I would have hated to have to shoot someone but being in rural areas I needed that protection as a deterrent. When I first started contracting for DOT I was on one of the out in the middle of nowhere sites finishing up cleaning the inside of the men's room. It was my third week on the job. I had mopped the floor first as usual, propped open the door and started in on sinks, toilets and then the urinal with a toilet brush. I was scrubbing the urinal when I heard footsteps coming toward the door. I did not look around just said, you can't come in right now use the women's or go out back. The guy said with a Southern drawl, have ya been raped yet today? My heart went up into my throat and I stared at the brush in my hand thinking damn this could be tough. At 5'3, a hundred pounds I was no match for the majority of men out there. I kept scrubbing and responded, nope not yet today. The guy started laughing and said your alright. I turned around and looked at the guy as he was turning around to leave. That night we went to the local gun store and bought a stub nose 358. From that day on that gun went into my back pocket before I ever stepped out of my pickup.

A few months later a couple of drunken young punks came along and started threatening me. One of them started towards me saying you aren't big enough to stop us we will do whatever we want. I reached my hand to my back pocket and wrapped my fingers around the pistol grip. The smart asses bud saw what my hand was holding and grabbed he friend and dragged him outta there.

Law abiding citizens should always have the right to own that deterrent and safety measure, a gun.
i have a rifle and handguns
That model 500 I posted will bifurcate the skull of the belligerent who finds himself in your house, on the wrong end of it. And fits nicely under the pillow too!

While you're fumbling with the long rifle, or the shotgun, and maybe getting those taken away from you and shoved up yer ass, I am blowing big holes in the interloper!

And with your .22, probably going to take several shots to stop the intruder. This gat only needs one.

Hardware. The proper hardware for the specific job!
well that is why the two major dogs.....they are simply the alarm system...with i wont there is no going for my gun....and i use hollow nose shot well placed...which i am quite capable of doing....will take care of anything that passes the dogs....with the hollow points any body shots should hit vital know how they like to explode inside what they hit
Some of you folks live in places where having a gun handy at all times is probably necessary.

You have my condolences.
good point ed...i only keep the my 28 yrs of living here...i have brought them out...once..pretty good average
i could never sleep with a loaded gun under my pillow.....
One should not sleep with a loaded gun under their pillow. I used to keep mine alongside the bed. Has one of those big four poster water bed frames. Kept the gun slid down between the wood and the mattress. Under the pillow would not be good.
well that is why the two major dogs.....they are simply the alarm system...with i wont there is no going for my gun....and i use hollow nose shot well placed...which i am quite capable of doing....will take care of anything that passes the dogs....with the hollow points any body shots should hit vital know how they like to explode inside what they hit
I have a Marlin 22 rifle, semi-automatic and holds 18 rounds. I use hollow points. There is no stopping power there. However, with it I can pump 10 little pellets in the malfeasant, really fast, and hope the fragments do some damage. OR....

I can blow their damn head off with one shot from the .44 Mag. OR....

Dot their eye with the .38. OR...

Plug a couple of .32s in them. OR....

Blow 'em in half with my 12 gauge pump shotgun. (Quite messy though)

Just depends on which weapon I'm nearest.
i assure you the one time i brought the guns out....the 12 gauge was what i loaded....i always figure if the sound doesnt spook em off then they know what is coming....and i have no guilt from that point on

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