One More Iraq, Afghanistan or Ukraine?

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Venezuelan President Maduro urged the military to prepare for the US attack.

I remind you that the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday, May 1, in his interview to Fox Business Network, declared Washington’s readiness to use the American army as a solution of the political crisis in Venezuela.

It seems that the current administration of the White House has "surpassed" Bush the Junior's administration not even deem it necessary to lie to the international community by showing off a vial of white laundry detergent in the UN.

Would the White House be so much concerned about “supporting” democracy in this country, personified by its puppet, impostor Guaydo, IF Venezuela, according to some estimates, did not have the most significant oil deposits in the world ???



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Russia beat us to having troops on the ground in Venezuela, no way in the hell we will send in troops now. Pompeo is just talking out of his ass
Russia beat us to having troops on the ground in Venezuela, no way in the hell we will send in troops now. Pompeo is just talking out of his ass

I’m concerned that while the sons of the "powerful of the world" serve in the National Guard, boys and girls from poor American families shed their blood "protecting the interests of America" thousands of miles from Motherland


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