One black man who has it right....

Careful. You will be called a racist...and that guy will be called an oreo.
If not there....then he will here...

[ame=]ZoNation: Affirmative Action and Socializing the Big Three - YouTube[/ame]

Familiar with his nonsense. He's a paid plant for the right wing plantation message.
A true, Stephin Fetchit Negro.

Annnd here you go Gracie....didn't take long did it?
A black man who thinks for himself is a traitor in the eyes of the committed.
And exactly as he says as well as MLK, as well as Bill Cosby - herein lies a very big problem. The refusal to accept personal responsibility, everything is someone else's fault and no matter how bad you act or how irresponsible you might be - you are excused for it.
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Familiar with his nonsense. He's a paid plant for the right wing plantation message.
A true, Stephin Fetchit Negro.

Ah, the racist section of the peanut gallery predictably chimes in.

Gee, a black man who doesn't swallow the victimhood, entitlement, etc. orthodoxy and the race pimps open fire. Like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, it's just a given.
He's not the only one.

I just read two books by conservative blacks.

I'm betting that a percentage of Obama's black vote voted for him as a member of their group...not necessarily because they believed his doctrine...

And, is the anniversary of the first black Medal of Honor winner...

May 23,1900 William Harvey Carney was an American Civil War soldier and the first African American to be awarded, on this day,the Medal of Honor.

He took part in the July 18, 1863, assault on Fort Wagner in Charleston, South Carolina.

He received his medal for saving the American flag and planting it on the parapet although wounded: “Boys, I only did my duty; the old flag never touched the ground!"

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