On why Progressives pretend to be Republicans


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The reason that Progressives pretend to be Republicans and vote in our primaries and try to run (ruin) the Republican Party is that they know theirs is a failed ideology. If they were winners and truly confident of the superiority of their ideology they would proudly claim it. Instead, they fear the natural success that flows from Conservatism, so they do whatever they can to prevent it. They vote in our primaries to give us weak Candidates like Juan McCain, himself a failed Progressive.

They fear the Palins and Pauls because true Conservatives are leaders and winners. What do Progressives have to counter love of country and dedication to excellence and American exceptionalism? Hope? Change?

You never see a Conservative pretending to be a Democrat or Liberal, it's pearls before swine for us.

Let them pretend, let them try to Starkey us. We're going to swamp them in record numbers in 2012. They will lose and lose as the poseurs and fakes they are. For anyone with a lick of pride and self respect that's a fate worse then death. Then again, these are Progressives so they have neither pride nor self respect. After their record defeats in 2012, they will have to find another line of work and might consider circus clowns.

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat (Wizbang)
This guy is quite the media darling in California...

The only problem is that he's a complete fraud. Here's the information on his political contributions, from the FEC (via Newsmeat):​
The reason that Progressives pretend to be Republicans and vote in our primaries and try to run (ruin) the Republican Party is that they know theirs is a failed ideology. If they were winners and truly confident of the superiority of their ideology they would proudly claim it. Instead, they fear the natural success that flows from Conservatism, so they do whatever they can to prevent it. They vote in our primaries to give us weak Candidates like Juan McCain, himself a failed Progressive.

They fear the Palins and Pauls because true Conservatives are leaders and winners. What do Progressives have to counter love of country and dedication to excellence and American exceptionalism? Hope? Change?

You never see a Conservative pretending to be a Democrat or Liberal, it's pearls before swine for us.

Let them pretend, let them try to Starkey us. We're going to swamp them in record numbers in 2012. They will lose and lose as the poseurs and fakes they are. For anyone with a lick of pride and self respect that's a fate worse then death. Then again, these are Progressives so they have neither pride nor self respect. After their record defeats in 2012, they will have to find another line of work and might consider circus clowns.

Are you just a five year old? You act like you just arrived from Fantasyland. What an imbecile.:lol::lol:

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