On Trump and his administration policies

Do you agree with Sessions policy decision on the war on drugs

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Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

I voted yes and I think he should start with the State run cartels. He should seize the property of the growers and sellers and all taxes collected by the States. We are a nation of laws selective enforcement is not an option. You don't like a law get your congresscritters to change it.

We are also a Republic with states rights. Thats part of our law

You might want to remind the supreme court of that and your fellow regressives when they use the courts to over ride States wishes. You don't get to pick and chose, you buy it all or nothing.

Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.

The war on poverty is quite different than the war on drugs, first of all it has not created a black market or criminal gangs.

The rest of you post is foolish too, but that too is for another thread.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.
Wow, going for the deflection on the first post, thats Ballsy! How about you address the OP before you try and change the subject?

See how the far left reacts when you point out that their "wars" are failures?

The far left will always bash anything Trump. So why address someone that is a part of the far left religion and does not care about living in reality?

The far left is here to push their failed religious agenda and nothing else.

WTF X 2? War on drugs was started by Nixon. I'd say from your posts you're on something.
You hit the nail on the head, plus the fact that the drug trade funds the criminal underground so legalization takes kids off the street and opens up legit employment while defunding the gangs. People are going to use drugs regardless, its about time we stop wasting time and money by criminalizing them and start regulating it while funding education and support. Sessions is going backwards
So you support our LEOs picking and choosing what laws to follow?
I understand your point, and i agree, but people shouldnt decide what laws to enforce.
Get rid of the laws.
How does states rights work if they can't make their own laws? Is it they can only make laws that are in addition to and in accordance to Federal law? That's a big can your wanting to open.
Federal law takes precedence over state law.
Im not opening a can, you are. You are sitting there openly supporting law enforcement CHOOSE what laws they should enforce.
Im not supporting law enforcement choosing i'm support States Rights and the MJ laws were legislated and voted on by the people. You're comparison to an officer deciding what is law is not at all an honest comparison.
States rights dont matter when it is FEDERAL LAW. Your argument is redundant.
I have CLEARLY stated they should do away with it. I just dont support selective enforcement of our laws like you.
Passing a law legalizing pot at a Federal level doesn't make sense. First of all it will never get done because congress has forgotten how to get anything done and there is a large difference of opinion on a national level. Second, the "State" approach allows a tester to see how progressive agendas and laws will work before doing a nationwide roll out. CO and WA were the guinea pigs and gave a model of how revenue, regulation, crime, and operations will work. It gives the ability for states and communities to implement policies that perhaps other areas of our nation are not yet ready for. And it allows other states to see the effects and then decide if they want to implement as well. It is a smart way to roll out progressive agendas and how, I believe, our Republic is supposed to work. I also believe that as it grows it will eventually become Federal Law. I'm not implying that this is an easy black and white situation as we need to be careful about how these "rebel" laws effect other states, but it is a discussion worth having.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.

WTF? Religious narrative? What religious narrative?
WC is asking where you want your tax dollars to go: to continue a failed war on drugs or to what other advanced societies do: put the money into treatment centers which will also go hand in hand to reducing crimes that are committed in order to obtain drugs. Besides, marijuana isn't nearly as dangerous as alcohol. And alcohol is legal.

And the far left drone proves my point, they show they are more dangerous than ISIS.

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet as you prove my comments!

"Far left drones! SQUAWK! Far left drones!"

Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

I voted yes and I think he should start with the State run cartels. He should seize the property of the growers and sellers and all taxes collected by the States. We are a nation of laws selective enforcement is not an option. You don't like a law get your congresscritters to change it.

We are also a Republic with states rights. Thats part of our law

You might want to remind the supreme court of that and your fellow regressives when they use the courts to over ride States wishes. You don't get to pick and chose, you buy it all or nothing.

The Pot law has to do with regulation it is not a constitutional issue unless you can show me where in the constitution it outlaws the use of pot. The supreme court deals with constitutional issues.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.
You hit the nail on the head, plus the fact that the drug trade funds the criminal underground so legalization takes kids off the street and opens up legit employment while defunding the gangs. People are going to use drugs regardless, its about time we stop wasting time and money by criminalizing them and start regulating it while funding education and support. Sessions is going backwards

So you support our LEOs picking and choosing what laws to follow?
I understand your point, and i agree, but people shouldnt decide what laws to enforce.
Get rid of the laws.

The people in Oregon, Colorado, and California to name a few have spoken, and LE - notwithstanding the DEA - enforce the laws which have become part of the States' Constitution.

Police officers and Deputies have discretion as do prosecutors, do you want to take patrol off the streets to book someone with a single joint, or stay on patrol for serious crimes and accidents?
So you support our LEOs picking and choosing what laws to follow?
I understand your point, and i agree, but people shouldnt decide what laws to enforce.
Get rid of the laws.
How does states rights work if they can't make their own laws? Is it they can only make laws that are in addition to and in accordance to Federal law? That's a big can your wanting to open.
Federal law takes precedence over state law.
Im not opening a can, you are. You are sitting there openly supporting law enforcement CHOOSE what laws they should enforce.
Im not supporting law enforcement choosing i'm support States Rights and the MJ laws were legislated and voted on by the people. You're comparison to an officer deciding what is law is not at all an honest comparison.
States rights dont matter when it is FEDERAL LAW. Your argument is redundant.
I have CLEARLY stated they should do away with it. I just dont support selective enforcement of our laws like you.
Passing a law legalizing pot at a Federal level doesn't make sense. First of all it will never get done because congress has forgotten how to get anything done and there is a large difference of opinion on a national level. Second, the "State" approach allows a tester to see how progressive agendas and laws will work before doing a nationwide roll out. CO and WA were the guinea pigs and gave a model of how revenue, regulation, crime, and operations will work. It gives the ability for states and communities to implement policies that perhaps other areas of our nation are not yet ready for. And it allows other states to see the effects and then decide if they want to implement as well. It is a smart way to roll out progressive agendas and how, I believe, our Republic is supposed to work. I also believe that as it grows it will eventually become Federal Law. I'm not implying that this is an easy black and white situation as we need to be careful about how these "rebel" laws effect other states, but it is a discussion worth having.
Passing a law legalizing weed? Are you even reading what i am writing? LOL WTF
They need to remove it from federal law and let the states decide. HOWEVER, selective enforcement of our Nations laws does nothing but invoke corruption.
I think the war on drugs is unconstitutional and regressive. The law needs to be changed.
However, we cant have the LEOs of this country picking and choosing what laws to follow.
I dont understand how people can support that bullshit. Well, they do until a law gets ignored that they support...

Cops pick and choose what laws to follow every day.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.

The war on poverty is quite different than the war on drugs, first of all it has not created a black market or criminal gangs.

The rest of you post is foolish too, but that too is for another thread.

No it is not, you are just here to push the far left religious agenda of hatred against anything that is not part of your religion.

So how many bills have the far left introduced in Congress on the federal level to decriminalize pot or any drug?

How come Obama did not use his pen and his phone to do this?

The far left could care less they just want to bash anything not far left!
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

I voted yes and I think he should start with the State run cartels. He should seize the property of the growers and sellers and all taxes collected by the States. We are a nation of laws selective enforcement is not an option. You don't like a law get your congresscritters to change it.

We are also a Republic with states rights. Thats part of our law

You might want to remind the supreme court of that and your fellow regressives when they use the courts to over ride States wishes. You don't get to pick and chose, you buy it all or nothing.

The Pot law has to do with regulation it is not a constitutional issue unless you can show me where in the constitution it outlaws the use of pot. The supreme court deals with constitutional issues.

Show me where the Constitution gives the courts the authority to rewrite legislation, redefine marriage or any of the other myriad of other things they involve themselves with, including drug regulation.

Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.

WTF? Religious narrative? What religious narrative?
WC is asking where you want your tax dollars to go: to continue a failed war on drugs or to what other advanced societies do: put the money into treatment centers which will also go hand in hand to reducing crimes that are committed in order to obtain drugs. Besides, marijuana isn't nearly as dangerous as alcohol. And alcohol is legal.

And the far left drone proves my point, they show they are more dangerous than ISIS.

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet as you prove my comments!

"Far left drones! SQUAWK! Far left drones!"


See how the far left religion reacts when you show them reality?
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.
You hit the nail on the head, plus the fact that the drug trade funds the criminal underground so legalization takes kids off the street and opens up legit employment while defunding the gangs. People are going to use drugs regardless, its about time we stop wasting time and money by criminalizing them and start regulating it while funding education and support. Sessions is going backwards

So you support our LEOs picking and choosing what laws to follow?
I understand your point, and i agree, but people shouldnt decide what laws to enforce.
Get rid of the laws.

The people in Oregon, Colorado, and California to name a few have spoken, and LE - notwithstanding the DEA - enforce the laws which have become part of the States' Constitution.

Police officers and Deputies have discretion as do prosecutors, do you want to take patrol off the streets to book someone with a single joint, or stay on patrol for serious crimes and accidents?
Good gawd you people are illiterate.
The laws need to be GONE.
They are still Federal law and federal law trumps state law.
They need to get rid of the unconstitutional bullshit, not selectively enforce our laws.
Do you understand now?
I think the war on drugs is unconstitutional and regressive. The law needs to be changed.
However, we cant have the LEOs of this country picking and choosing what laws to follow.
I dont understand how people can support that bullshit. Well, they do until a law gets ignored that they support...

Cops pick and choose what laws to follow every day.
They shouldnt. And people damn sure shouldnt support it when it helps their agenda. Its pathetic.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.

See how the far left continue to rerun their debunked religious narratives?

The War on poverty is a failure as well, that is why you far left drones support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

The far left could not survive in a world where people can think for themselves and be independent of the government.
Wow, going for the deflection on the first post, thats Ballsy! How about you address the OP before you try and change the subject?

See how the far left reacts when you point out that their "wars" are failures?

The far left will always bash anything Trump. So why address someone that is a part of the far left religion and does not care about living in reality?

The far left is here to push their failed religious agenda and nothing else.

WTF X 2? War on drugs was started by Nixon. I'd say from your posts you're on something.

Nixon also ended the Vietnam war,

The first U.S. law that restricted the distribution and use of certain drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914.

See how the far left will rewrite history?

They are just here to push their religious agenda not connected to reality!
How does states rights work if they can't make their own laws? Is it they can only make laws that are in addition to and in accordance to Federal law? That's a big can your wanting to open.
Federal law takes precedence over state law.
Im not opening a can, you are. You are sitting there openly supporting law enforcement CHOOSE what laws they should enforce.
Im not supporting law enforcement choosing i'm support States Rights and the MJ laws were legislated and voted on by the people. You're comparison to an officer deciding what is law is not at all an honest comparison.
States rights dont matter when it is FEDERAL LAW. Your argument is redundant.
I have CLEARLY stated they should do away with it. I just dont support selective enforcement of our laws like you.
Passing a law legalizing pot at a Federal level doesn't make sense. First of all it will never get done because congress has forgotten how to get anything done and there is a large difference of opinion on a national level. Second, the "State" approach allows a tester to see how progressive agendas and laws will work before doing a nationwide roll out. CO and WA were the guinea pigs and gave a model of how revenue, regulation, crime, and operations will work. It gives the ability for states and communities to implement policies that perhaps other areas of our nation are not yet ready for. And it allows other states to see the effects and then decide if they want to implement as well. It is a smart way to roll out progressive agendas and how, I believe, our Republic is supposed to work. I also believe that as it grows it will eventually become Federal Law. I'm not implying that this is an easy black and white situation as we need to be careful about how these "rebel" laws effect other states, but it is a discussion worth having.
Passing a law legalizing weed? Are you even reading what i am writing? LOL WTF
They need to remove it from federal law and let the states decide. HOWEVER, selective enforcement of our Nations laws does nothing but invoke corruption.
Removing pot from federal law takes and act of congress and would result in legalizing it on a national level. Then all states would need to pass legislation detailing how they want to handle it. I'm fine with that happening but i'm saying it wont happen, there is too much bureaucracy in Washington.
"mr officer, this person just robbed my home. I have their hands tied for you"
"sorry sir. I dont like laws against robbery. Let them go or i will arrest you for kidnapping"

"mr officer, I think a kid is playing with a toy gun. Would you check on him and ask him not to point it any where near anyone? "sorry sir. I don't like black kids. I'll just kill him a couple of seconds after I get there.
Sessions on Drug Enforcement:

The war on drugs is a failure, it created a huge black market and criminal gangs, something our Pols should have known given the impact and example of alcohol prohibition.

Now the Attorney General wants to double down on MJ enforcement.

I voted No, primarily because :

The cost deficit of enforcement - arrest, detention, trial, attorney fees, prison or probation - far out paces the tax revenue which a state could use to provide treatment rather than punishment for drug and alcohol addicts.
You hit the nail on the head, plus the fact that the drug trade funds the criminal underground so legalization takes kids off the street and opens up legit employment while defunding the gangs. People are going to use drugs regardless, its about time we stop wasting time and money by criminalizing them and start regulating it while funding education and support. Sessions is going backwards

So you support our LEOs picking and choosing what laws to follow?
I understand your point, and i agree, but people shouldnt decide what laws to enforce.
Get rid of the laws.

The people in Oregon, Colorado, and California to name a few have spoken, and LE - notwithstanding the DEA - enforce the laws which have become part of the States' Constitution.

Police officers and Deputies have discretion as do prosecutors, do you want to take patrol off the streets to book someone with a single joint, or stay on patrol for serious crimes and accidents?
Good gawd you people are illiterate.
The laws need to be GONE.
They are still Federal law and federal law trumps state law.
They need to get rid of the unconstitutional bullshit, not selectively enforce our laws.
Do you understand now?

Yes the far left wants to what it wants and not be governed by anyone, except their religious leaders.

The far left has yet to submit bills to decriminalize this on the federal level. Even Obama did not use his pen and phone to do it.

Now it is just a political talking point used by the far left religion.
Federal law takes precedence over state law.
Im not opening a can, you are. You are sitting there openly supporting law enforcement CHOOSE what laws they should enforce.
Im not supporting law enforcement choosing i'm support States Rights and the MJ laws were legislated and voted on by the people. You're comparison to an officer deciding what is law is not at all an honest comparison.
States rights dont matter when it is FEDERAL LAW. Your argument is redundant.
I have CLEARLY stated they should do away with it. I just dont support selective enforcement of our laws like you.
Passing a law legalizing pot at a Federal level doesn't make sense. First of all it will never get done because congress has forgotten how to get anything done and there is a large difference of opinion on a national level. Second, the "State" approach allows a tester to see how progressive agendas and laws will work before doing a nationwide roll out. CO and WA were the guinea pigs and gave a model of how revenue, regulation, crime, and operations will work. It gives the ability for states and communities to implement policies that perhaps other areas of our nation are not yet ready for. And it allows other states to see the effects and then decide if they want to implement as well. It is a smart way to roll out progressive agendas and how, I believe, our Republic is supposed to work. I also believe that as it grows it will eventually become Federal Law. I'm not implying that this is an easy black and white situation as we need to be careful about how these "rebel" laws effect other states, but it is a discussion worth having.
Passing a law legalizing weed? Are you even reading what i am writing? LOL WTF
They need to remove it from federal law and let the states decide. HOWEVER, selective enforcement of our Nations laws does nothing but invoke corruption.
Removing pot from federal law takes and act of congress and would result in legalizing it on a national level. Then all states would need to pass legislation detailing how they want to handle it. I'm fine with that happening but i'm saying it wont happen, there is too much bureaucracy in Washington.
they would have to amend the CSA. They need to remove it from the schedule drug list and be done. They dont need to legalize it. Thats needless.
Its retarded its even on there but big pharma and alcohol LOVE IT
"mr officer, this person just robbed my home. I have their hands tied for you"
"sorry sir. I dont like laws against robbery. Let them go or i will arrest you for kidnapping"

"mr officer, I think a kid is playing with a toy gun. Would you check on him and ask him not to point it any where near anyone? "sorry sir. I don't like black kids. I'll just kill him a couple of seconds after I get there.
OMG go on somewhere

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