On The Education Industry Recruiting Liberals


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Really, what choice do they have?
After all, what is the source of the pool of recruits?

It has been my experience that conservatives, rightwingers in general, have read more extensively than Leftists.

More books. Books of all kinds.

So, I may be off target here, in referring to a portion of George Orwell's classic critique on totalitarian governance, "1984," in the hope that some of our Left leaning brethren will have read it.

1. In it, the recovering communist, Orwell, underscores indoctrination as a an obligation of the citizens to view, each day, the picture of the 'enemy,' Emmanuel Goldstein, in an auditorium, ...

"As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with BIG BROTHER himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared."
19. Goldstein Two-Minutes Hate

Our universities have become those very auditoriums, monasteries of Liberalism....

2. "Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians."
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

"...we need to brainwash people..."
Eric Holder

3. It is the rare individual who can get through the education process without having been corrupted by the indoctrination. So.....when they apply to be 'educators' themselves......the pool of candidates is largely if not totally Liberal.

And Liberalism is centered on the collective, the worship of big government.....
Is it a surprise when teachers paint our history in the most derogatory of terms?

Is it unexpected that said teachers, government school employees, toe the party line by slandering American history, and American values?

Such as calling the Pilgrims "America’s first terrorists"?

You will be amazed.....more to follow.
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Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, rape the land and scar the natives....
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
They did like to humiliate and spank...
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, rape the land and scar the natives....

1. Actually, it was the Indians who 'scarred the land."

a. Let's start with the fastest way to destroy natural surroundings...forest fires: how many times have we heard that such a destructive attitude towards the environment is the product of Western man’s alienation from nature?

American Indians were forest-burners par excellence:it was not the forests which impressed the early settlers but the absence of them.

Thomas Morton, a Puritan, wrote in 1637:
"...the Savages are accustomed to set fireof the Country in all places where they come, and to burne it twize a year, vixe at the Spring, and the fall of the leafe. The reason that mooves them to doe so, is because it would other wise be a coppice wood, and the people would not be able in any wise to passe through the Country out of a beaten path."
Morton, T., "New English Canaan: or, New Canaan, 1637," rpt. pp.52-4, quoted in Chase, "Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America's First National Park," p. 94.

b.They hated the forests...they burned them down so they could see the animals they hunted. " Once the forests have been burnt, however, and the land transformed to grasslands and savannah, these desirable species become available. The species which the Indians most wanted to hunt, like bison, moose, elk and deer, are found most easily in areas of recently burnt forest, which is why they burnt the forests over and over again."
Chase, Op. Cit.

2. Of course, if one gets their view of history from Kevin Costner’s 'Dances with Wolves,' and of the Disney cartoon 'Pocahontas,' with itsnature-loving Indiansand destructive British settlers, or Liberal universities (redundant?) they probably believe that Indians sentsmoke signalsto each other by waving a blanket over a campfire. The reality was more dramatic: while the Indians regularly used fire to communicate with each other,they wouldn't bother to burn anything less than an entire hillside.
Budiansnky, S., "Nature’s Keepers: The New Science of Nature Management," p.107.

a. Lewis and Clark, in the first serious study of Native American lifestyles at the beginning of the nineteenth century, wrote thatIndians in the Rocky Mountains would set trees alight ‘as after-dinner entertainment;the huge trees would explode like Roman candles in the night.'

You're lookin' pretty stupid, huh?
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, rape the land and scar the natives....

1. Actually, it was the Indians who 'scarred the land."

a. Let's start with the fastest way to destroy natural surroundings...forest fires: how many times have we heard that such a destructive attitude towards the environment is the product of Western man’s alienation from nature?

American Indians were forest-burners par excellence:it was not the forests which impressed the early settlers but the absence of them.

Thomas Morton, a Puritan, wrote in 1637:
"...the Savages are accustomed to set fireof the Country in all places where they come, and to burne it twize a year, vixe at the Spring, and the fall of the leafe. The reason that mooves them to doe so, is because it would other wise be a coppice wood, and the people would not be able in any wise to passe through the Country out of a beaten path."
Morton, T., "New English Canaan: or, New Canaan, 1637," rpt. pp.52-4, quoted in Chase, "Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America's First National Park," p. 94.

b.They hated the forests...they burned them down so they could see the animals they hunted. " Once the forests have been burnt, however, and the land transformed to grasslands and savannah, these desirable species become available. The species which the Indians most wanted to hunt, like bison, moose, elk and deer, are found most easily in areas of recently burnt forest, which is why they burnt the forests over and over again."
Chase, Op. Cit.

2. Of course, if one gets their view of history from Kevin Costner’s 'Dances with Wolves,' and of the Disney cartoon 'Pocahontas,' with itsnature-loving Indiansand destructive British settlers, or Liberal universities (redundant?) they probably believe that Indians sentsmoke signalsto each other by waving a blanket over a campfire. The reality was more dramatic: while the Indians regularly used fire to communicate with each other,they wouldn't bother to burn anything less than an entire hillside.
Budiansnky, S., "Nature’s Keepers: The New Science of Nature Management," p.107.

a. Lewis and Clark, in the first serious study of Native American lifestyles at the beginning of the nineteenth century, wrote thatIndians in the Rocky Mountains would set trees alight ‘as after-dinner entertainment;the huge trees would explode like Roman candles in the night.'

You're lookin' pretty stupid, huh?
I really didn't expect anal retentive upstarts to get that old joke....
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, rape the land and scar the natives....

1. Actually, it was the Indians who 'scarred the land."

a. Let's start with the fastest way to destroy natural surroundings...forest fires: how many times have we heard that such a destructive attitude towards the environment is the product of Western man’s alienation from nature?

American Indians were forest-burners par excellence:it was not the forests which impressed the early settlers but the absence of them.

Thomas Morton, a Puritan, wrote in 1637:
"...the Savages are accustomed to set fireof the Country in all places where they come, and to burne it twize a year, vixe at the Spring, and the fall of the leafe. The reason that mooves them to doe so, is because it would other wise be a coppice wood, and the people would not be able in any wise to passe through the Country out of a beaten path."
Morton, T., "New English Canaan: or, New Canaan, 1637," rpt. pp.52-4, quoted in Chase, "Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America's First National Park," p. 94.

b.They hated the forests...they burned them down so they could see the animals they hunted. " Once the forests have been burnt, however, and the land transformed to grasslands and savannah, these desirable species become available. The species which the Indians most wanted to hunt, like bison, moose, elk and deer, are found most easily in areas of recently burnt forest, which is why they burnt the forests over and over again."
Chase, Op. Cit.

2. Of course, if one gets their view of history from Kevin Costner’s 'Dances with Wolves,' and of the Disney cartoon 'Pocahontas,' with itsnature-loving Indiansand destructive British settlers, or Liberal universities (redundant?) they probably believe that Indians sentsmoke signalsto each other by waving a blanket over a campfire. The reality was more dramatic: while the Indians regularly used fire to communicate with each other,they wouldn't bother to burn anything less than an entire hillside.
Budiansnky, S., "Nature’s Keepers: The New Science of Nature Management," p.107.

a. Lewis and Clark, in the first serious study of Native American lifestyles at the beginning of the nineteenth century, wrote thatIndians in the Rocky Mountains would set trees alight ‘as after-dinner entertainment;the huge trees would explode like Roman candles in the night.'

You're lookin' pretty stupid, huh?
I really didn't expect anal retentive upstarts to get that old joke....

I get the joke: you.
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.
Yep, rape the land and scar the natives....

1. Actually, it was the Indians who 'scarred the land."

a. Let's start with the fastest way to destroy natural surroundings...forest fires: how many times have we heard that such a destructive attitude towards the environment is the product of Western man’s alienation from nature?

American Indians were forest-burners par excellence:it was not the forests which impressed the early settlers but the absence of them.

Thomas Morton, a Puritan, wrote in 1637:
"...the Savages are accustomed to set fireof the Country in all places where they come, and to burne it twize a year, vixe at the Spring, and the fall of the leafe. The reason that mooves them to doe so, is because it would other wise be a coppice wood, and the people would not be able in any wise to passe through the Country out of a beaten path."
Morton, T., "New English Canaan: or, New Canaan, 1637," rpt. pp.52-4, quoted in Chase, "Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America's First National Park," p. 94.

b.They hated the forests...they burned them down so they could see the animals they hunted. " Once the forests have been burnt, however, and the land transformed to grasslands and savannah, these desirable species become available. The species which the Indians most wanted to hunt, like bison, moose, elk and deer, are found most easily in areas of recently burnt forest, which is why they burnt the forests over and over again."
Chase, Op. Cit.

2. Of course, if one gets their view of history from Kevin Costner’s 'Dances with Wolves,' and of the Disney cartoon 'Pocahontas,' with itsnature-loving Indiansand destructive British settlers, or Liberal universities (redundant?) they probably believe that Indians sentsmoke signalsto each other by waving a blanket over a campfire. The reality was more dramatic: while the Indians regularly used fire to communicate with each other,they wouldn't bother to burn anything less than an entire hillside.
Budiansnky, S., "Nature’s Keepers: The New Science of Nature Management," p.107.

a. Lewis and Clark, in the first serious study of Native American lifestyles at the beginning of the nineteenth century, wrote thatIndians in the Rocky Mountains would set trees alight ‘as after-dinner entertainment;the huge trees would explode like Roman candles in the night.'

You're lookin' pretty stupid, huh?
I really didn't expect anal retentive upstarts to get that old joke....

I get the joke: you.

You: do?
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Even more truth you can't handle:

"The 102 Puritans landed and built their colony called The Plymouth Plantation on the ruins of the Native village of Pawtuxet. Pawtuxet had been destroyed by the Weymouth expedition. The Puritans survived by stealing the food stores of neighboring Native Summer Villages as well as eating corn that was still growing wild from abandoned cornfields near the ruined village."

Read more: A More Accurate Historical Thanksgiving

And there's plenty more where that came from, all of which you are ignorant of because you were taught myths, and believed them...
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Even more truth you can't handle:

"The 102 Puritans landed and built their colony called The Plymouth Plantation on the ruins of the Native village of Pawtuxet. Pawtuxet had been destroyed by the Weymouth expedition. The Puritans survived by stealing the food stores of neighboring Native Summer Villages as well as eating corn that was still growing wild from abandoned cornfields near the ruined village."

Read more: A More Accurate Historical Thanksgiving

And there's plenty more where that came from, all of which you are ignorant of because you were taught myths, and believed them...
The colony also whipped people for being baptist, it was considered a too extreme form of Christianity...one person was hanged for returning to the colony after being exiled, for being a baptist...
Yep, Cut and Paste.

And the American value in this case was slaughter, and they were good at it, with a lot of help from nature. Did you know they also ate the bodies of dead Native Americans, as well as stealing from them and working as their servants? History, not what you've been taught.

1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Even more truth you can't handle:

"The 102 Puritans landed and built their colony called The Plymouth Plantation on the ruins of the Native village of Pawtuxet. Pawtuxet had been destroyed by the Weymouth expedition. The Puritans survived by stealing the food stores of neighboring Native Summer Villages as well as eating corn that was still growing wild from abandoned cornfields near the ruined village."

Read more: A More Accurate Historical Thanksgiving

And there's plenty more where that came from, all of which you are ignorant of because you were taught myths, and believed them...
The colony also whipped people for being baptist, it was considered a too extreme form of Christianity...one person was hanged for returning to the colony after being exiled, for being a baptist...
They were not tolerant of other sects. Just preaching the wrong faith could get you jailed, or exiled and dead as you said.

I guess PC must have gone off to sulk because reality showed up again.
1. Cut and Paste means documentation and support for the premise.

2. Now for your methods: lying.
Pilgrims did no such thing, you liar.
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Even more truth you can't handle:

"The 102 Puritans landed and built their colony called The Plymouth Plantation on the ruins of the Native village of Pawtuxet. Pawtuxet had been destroyed by the Weymouth expedition. The Puritans survived by stealing the food stores of neighboring Native Summer Villages as well as eating corn that was still growing wild from abandoned cornfields near the ruined village."

Read more: A More Accurate Historical Thanksgiving

And there's plenty more where that came from, all of which you are ignorant of because you were taught myths, and believed them...
The colony also whipped people for being baptist, it was considered a too extreme form of Christianity...one person was hanged for returning to the colony after being exiled, for being a baptist...
They were not tolerant of other sects. Just preaching the wrong faith could get you jailed, or exiled and dead as you said.

I guess PC must have gone off to sulk because reality showed up again.
It was you that trashed her thread...I just derail. No, she had to do some work instead of wasting her bosses money posting online...
You should learn the real history. They wrote that down themselves but you were never taught such things.

Start here: Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

Default position for Liberals: lies.
Even more truth you can't handle:

"The 102 Puritans landed and built their colony called The Plymouth Plantation on the ruins of the Native village of Pawtuxet. Pawtuxet had been destroyed by the Weymouth expedition. The Puritans survived by stealing the food stores of neighboring Native Summer Villages as well as eating corn that was still growing wild from abandoned cornfields near the ruined village."

Read more: A More Accurate Historical Thanksgiving

And there's plenty more where that came from, all of which you are ignorant of because you were taught myths, and believed them...
The colony also whipped people for being baptist, it was considered a too extreme form of Christianity...one person was hanged for returning to the colony after being exiled, for being a baptist...
They were not tolerant of other sects. Just preaching the wrong faith could get you jailed, or exiled and dead as you said.

I guess PC must have gone off to sulk because reality showed up again.
It was you that trashed her thread...I just derail. No, she had to do some work instead of wasting her bosses money posting online...
Post a thread about education and you get educated.

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