On Christmas, Republicans Quietly Declare War on Themselves


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Matt Taibbi, POSTED: December 30, 11:45 AM ET

The holidays are a great time in politics. Every year it's the same: the minute the last bits of wrapping paper have been cleared away, and Grandpa has passed his last puff of holiday gas, you can always retreat to the inside pages of the news section and find some embarrassing/despicable PR fiasco that some politician somewhere has just tried to sneak past vacationing America.

Read more: On Christmas, Republicans Quietly Declare War on Themselves | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

While I certainly don't read Rolling Stone as it's certainly as left wing as you can get, this particular article certainly makes sense and shows how the GOP can lose what's there for the taking. I hope to God people wake up and become active at the local level – as well as actually going to the polls this year!
By Matt Taibbi, POSTED: December 30, 11:45 AM ET

The holidays are a great time in politics. Every year it's the same: the minute the last bits of wrapping paper have been cleared away, and Grandpa has passed his last puff of holiday gas, you can always retreat to the inside pages of the news section and find some embarrassing/despicable PR fiasco that some politician somewhere has just tried to sneak past vacationing America.

Read more: On Christmas, Republicans Quietly Declare War on Themselves | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

While I certainly don't read Rolling Stone as it's certainly as left wing as you can get, this particular article certainly makes sense and shows how the GOP can lose what's there for the taking. I hope to God people wake up and become active at the local level – as well as actually going to the polls this year!

Makes sense to WHO? There is not a Republican posting on here that will believe a word of what was written. Good god, did you read what was written about Palin? Palin is a deity on here. You can't be claiming there is something to be learned from an article written by Mat Tibbi.

You will get taken to the woodshed for sure. Delete delete.

You are a repub? Save your creds. Delete delete.
Matt Taibbi is a very good journalist, his well researched pieces stand above the rest of the pack for their clarity and humor.

As to the article, it is almost with horror that I realize that I miss the old GOP and welcome their attempt to get the insane ideology bound paranoiacs out of their party, should be very interesting to find who has the staying power here, the big business puppets or the conspiracy theorists.
No wonder the turd blossoms of the reactionary right are so scared and frightened.

They should be.
the article is a great example of what neither dimocraps nor their countrerparts of dimocrap-lite RINOs do not get - that the base of the potentially renewed Republican party has spoken and they have spoken AGAINST the republican establishment.
Those idiots pushed McCain in 2008 - if Romney would be the candidate instead - the election could have been very different.
Yet the outdated idiots with the tactic of let the good old boys finally get the nomination did not get the signal and repeated the mistake in 2012.
Both campaigns were lost because the base of the party did not get bothered to get voting.
Exactly those whom they always were counting as those who will vote republican no matter what - except the establishment did not predict that they might simply NOT VOTE AT ALL - and that is going to be the killer of the elections.

Seems like establishment idiots did not learn their lesson - instead of joining ranks with those whom they count "as usual" and teaching the nuances of the political world to the newbies ( and they definitely need it) they declare " a war" on them. Which the VA election proved - the idiocy of republican establishment withholding funds in the state is just astounding.
There is a proverb in my native language - if good Lord wants to punish somebody - it takes away their reasoning abilities. That is exactly what is happening with republican establishment - the idiots have to be extinct, nothing will teach them.
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the article is a great example of what neither dimocraps nor their countrerparts of dimocrap-lite RINOs do not get - that the base of the potentially renewed Republican party has spoken and they have spoken AGAINST the republican establishment.
Those idiots pushed McCain in 2008 - if Romney would be the candidate instead - the election could have been very different.
Yet the outdated idiots with the tactic of let the good old boys finally get the nomination did not get the signal and repeated the mistake in 2012.
Both campaigns were lost because the base of the party did not get bothered to get voting.
Exactly those whom they always were counting as those who will vote republican no matter what - except the establishment did not predict that they might simply NOT VOTE AT ALL - and that is going to be the killer of the elections.

Seems like establishment idiots did not learn their lesson - instead of joining ranks with those whom they count "as usual" and teaching the nuances of the political world to the newbies ( and they definitely need it) they declare " a war" on them. Which the VA election proved - the idiocy of republican establishment withholding funds in the state is just astounding.
There is a proverb in my native language - if good Lord wants to punish somebody - it takes away their reasoning abilities. That is exactly what is happening with republican establishment - the idiots have to be extinct, nothing will teach them.

Electing ideologues who ignore reality itself is not the answer to any problem we have.
the article is a great example of what neither dimocraps nor their countrerparts of dimocrap-lite RINOs do not get - that the base of the potentially renewed Republican party has spoken and they have spoken AGAINST the republican establishment.
Those idiots pushed McCain in 2008 - if Romney would be the candidate instead - the election could have been very different.
Yet the outdated idiots with the tactic of let the good old boys finally get the nomination did not get the signal and repeated the mistake in 2012.
Both campaigns were lost because the base of the party did not get bothered to get voting.
Exactly those whom they always were counting as those who will vote republican no matter what - except the establishment did not predict that they might simply NOT VOTE AT ALL - and that is going to be the killer of the elections.

Seems like establishment idiots did not learn their lesson - instead of joining ranks with those whom they count "as usual" and teaching the nuances of the political world to the newbies ( and they definitely need it) they declare " a war" on them. Which the VA election proved - the idiocy of republican establishment withholding funds in the state is just astounding.
There is a proverb in my native language - if good Lord wants to punish somebody - it takes away their reasoning abilities. That is exactly what is happening with republican establishment - the idiots have to be extinct, nothing will teach them.

Electing ideologues who ignore reality itself is not the answer to any problem we have.

I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.
The Civil War is happening. The Tea Party is taking on the establishment of the GOP.

The Status Quo is attacking the TEA Party..............

Nothing is going to stop that.................

But both sides will still attack the Dems as well......................the ultimate target anyway.
The Civil War is happening. The Tea Party is taking on the establishment of the GOP.

The Status Quo is attacking the TEA Party..............

Nothing is going to stop that.................

But both sides will still attack the Dems as well......................the ultimate target anyway.

and lose.

because both sides have to join ranks in order to win - the VA elections prove exactly that.

However, the establishment GOP is so blinded with hatred that I do not see them as making wise decisions in the near future. They will have to be extinct first.
By Matt Taibbi, POSTED: December 30, 11:45 AM ET

The holidays are a great time in politics. Every year it's the same: the minute the last bits of wrapping paper have been cleared away, and Grandpa has passed his last puff of holiday gas, you can always retreat to the inside pages of the news section and find some embarrassing/despicable PR fiasco that some politician somewhere has just tried to sneak past vacationing America.

Read more: On Christmas, Republicans Quietly Declare War on Themselves | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

While I certainly don't read Rolling Stone as it's certainly as left wing as you can get, this particular article certainly makes sense and shows how the GOP can lose what's there for the taking. I hope to God people wake up and become active at the local level – as well as actually going to the polls this year!
seems like repub-voters, at least here on USMB, get their marching orders from Fox & Friends so I doubt it. They support Establ Repubs/status quo/crony capitalism AKA- fascism
The Civil War is happening. The Tea Party is taking on the establishment of the GOP.

The Status Quo is attacking the TEA Party..............

Nothing is going to stop that.................

But both sides will still attack the Dems as well......................the ultimate target anyway.

BOTH parties are the target. They stand in the way of getting rid of corruption in DC sonny boy.
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the article is a great example of what neither dimocraps nor their countrerparts of dimocrap-lite RINOs do not get - that the base of the potentially renewed Republican party has spoken and they have spoken AGAINST the republican establishment.
Those idiots pushed McCain in 2008 - if Romney would be the candidate instead - the election could have been very different.
Yet the outdated idiots with the tactic of let the good old boys finally get the nomination did not get the signal and repeated the mistake in 2012.
Both campaigns were lost because the base of the party did not get bothered to get voting.
Exactly those whom they always were counting as those who will vote republican no matter what - except the establishment did not predict that they might simply NOT VOTE AT ALL - and that is going to be the killer of the elections.

Seems like establishment idiots did not learn their lesson - instead of joining ranks with those whom they count "as usual" and teaching the nuances of the political world to the newbies ( and they definitely need it) they declare " a war" on them. Which the VA election proved - the idiocy of republican establishment withholding funds in the state is just astounding.
There is a proverb in my native language - if good Lord wants to punish somebody - it takes away their reasoning abilities. That is exactly what is happening with republican establishment - the idiots have to be extinct, nothing will teach them.

Electing ideologues who ignore reality itself is not the answer to any problem we have.

I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.

Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.
Electing ideologues who ignore reality itself is not the answer to any problem we have.

I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.

Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.
The Civil War is happening. The Tea Party is taking on the establishment of the GOP.

The Status Quo is attacking the TEA Party..............

Nothing is going to stop that.................

But both sides will still attack the Dems as well......................the ultimate target anyway.

and lose.

because both sides have to join ranks in order to win - the VA elections prove exactly that.

However, the establishment GOP is so blinded with hatred that I do not see them as making wise decisions in the near future. They will have to be extinct first.

In VA the establishment refused to put more funds into the fray because he was with the TEA Party, but never even entered their own version of a candidate.

The Dems out spent the TEA Party Candidate by 5 to 1 and still nearly lost.

We can no longer afford to keep the Status Quo in place if they refuse to stand on principle...................

The Status Quo is not going to go against those who bought and paid for the career politicians................

Only solution is to take them out.
I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.

Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.


The leftist always have to get their 2 cents in on the GOP Civil War..........Saying we are advising you on what to do...............

I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.

Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.

:lol: You just keep on proving my point by acting like a spoiled little brat who might have to go stand in the corner because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Pout some more for us brat. :clap2:
I don't care what a leftard dimocrap has to say on this - you do not matter - you vote for fascist marxists.

Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.

repub-voters on USMB :tinfoil: are spoon-fed their beliefs by their solitary tee vee channel(Faux) & their solitary website(Drudge) :alcoholic:

Vox is a :up: prime example of what happens to someone who falls under the Repub, Washington-Insider spell
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Awesome example of ignoring reality. The people you would vote for always debate their policies the way you just did, with hyperbole and childish name calling. If these policies you like are so awesome then they will stand up to any amount of criticism and honest debate but somewhere in your heart you know that this TP mumbo-jumbo does not have legs to stand on so you act like a spoiled child and throw a tantrum. The government shutdown was the same as a three year-old falling to the floor kicking and screaming and now you are going to have to take a spanking for being such uncontrollable brats.

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.


The leftist always have to get their 2 cents in on the GOP Civil War..........Saying we are advising you on what to do...............

I thought I was just shamelessly gloating.
Let's listen to the Liberals...............................

They are really here to help the GOP..........................

Advising us and are concerned for our well being..............

oh, piss off. you are a leftard - a lost cause to anybody who can use their brains. go listen to your masters.


The leftist always have to get their 2 cents in on the GOP Civil War..........Saying we are advising you on what to do...............

I thought I was just shamelessly gloating.

Who cares about you..........We are busy beating the hell out of each other...............

Your next.:D

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