Oklahoma Beheader Linked To Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki: Workplace Violence??? No! It's Terrorism!

Let me know when it's something besides breitbart. Then I'll read it.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers

Federal authorities today urged law enforcement across the country to be alert for possible attacks inside the United States in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic group ISIS, the brutal terrorist group that beheaded American journalist James Foley and has seized vast swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.

In a joint bulletin issued to local, state and federal law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security and FBI said that while they are “unaware of any specific, credible threats against the Homeland” and find most threats to the U.S. homeland by supporters of ISIS “not credible,” they cannot rule out attacks in the United States from sympathizers radicalized by the group’s online propaganda.

ecause of the individualized nature of the radicalization process – it is difficult to predict triggers that will contribute to [homegrown violent extremists] attempting acts of violence,” the bulletin states. Moreover, such lone offenders “present law enforcement with limited opportunities to detect and disrupt plots, which frequently involve simple plotting against targets of opportunity,” according to the bulletin.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers - ABC News
if only this was about the OK beheading and how he is linked. All i want is an honest good link. Im not dismissing the idea yet.

ISIS one finger salute, alton in the middle.
Looks photo shopped, doesn't it to you?
His hand and fingers don't look photoshopped to you? The finger is super, super SKINNY compared to all of his other fingers shown on his other hand, and the blurriness and awkward look of the hand with the skinny finger, and other fingers is unnatural....I even tried to put my one finger up and my other 3 fingers positioned the way it shows and could not get my 3 fingers in the position shown with the thumb in the picture.... looks photoshopped to me!!!!

I'll be shocked if it isn't.... Not because I don't think this man would do this salute as you call it, but because it truly LOOKS photo altered with that hand and fingers, thumb, partial palm etc...
btw, did someone in the administration SAY this was not domestic terrorism that I missed hearing?

Why are you guys acting this way? Who specifically said this was not an act of terror or terrorism....? Just because it was workplace violence, someone going Postal, doesn't mean it is not terrorism as well, right?
The guy came out today and stated he was fighting on behalf of ISIS.

He is a terrorist and the piece of garbage admitted as much. He deserves the death penalty, though I don't know if OK has that.
Agree the MSM is taking advantage but here's his facebook page:

"Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook He does have himself giving the Isis salute with the index finger up and he is portrayed with the mosque members who denied knowing him. Looks like he may have been inspired by Isis but it was triggered by a workplace event so the connection cannot be made much as it would sell newspapers." By flamingdem

It is from his facebook page, above is a post from democraticunderground avout it for you.


ISIS one finger salute, alton in the middle.
Looks photo shopped, doesn't it to you?

ISIS one finger salute, alton in the middle.
Looks photo shopped, doesn't it to you?
He got fired. How many get fired and then go shoot their boss. The most famous was the guy who shot the mayor of San Francisco, a father of five. The police supported the killer. Can anyone remember why?

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to AL QAEDA Leader Awlaki

Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosqueattendedby Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Imam Suhaib Webb has a history of ties to radicalism. FBI surveillancedocumentsfound that he was a known confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Webb spoke at a fundraiser with Awlaki with hopes to raise funds for Atlanta-based H. Rap Brown, a man that shot and killed two police officers. The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a groupdescribedby the Investigative Project on Terrorism as being “founded as the United States Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Nolen took a picture of himself (above) September 5th, just three weeks before he brutally murdered an innocent woman, standing in front of the gates of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.

Yet this is NOT Terrorism, it is WOKPLACE VIOLENCE. IOW, it is absurd!

Someone is going to have to go undercover and start videotaping the sermons inside the Mosque he was attending - it would be even better for a team to go in undercover - they will be looking for that so it would be best to use people from the middle east. They should hire Jews who speak Arabic. It would be much more difficult to detect them.

a few years ago, 2 women went undercover in one.

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to AL QAEDA Leader Awlaki

Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosqueattendedby Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Imam Suhaib Webb has a history of ties to radicalism. FBI surveillancedocumentsfound that he was a known confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Webb spoke at a fundraiser with Awlaki with hopes to raise funds for Atlanta-based H. Rap Brown, a man that shot and killed two police officers. The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a groupdescribedby the Investigative Project on Terrorism as being “founded as the United States Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Nolen took a picture of himself (above) September 5th, just three weeks before he brutally murdered an innocent woman, standing in front of the gates of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.

Yet this is NOT Terrorism, it is WOKPLACE VIOLENCE. IOW, it is absurd!

Someone is going to have to go undercover and start videotaping the sermons inside the Mosque he was attending - it would be even better for a team to go in undercover - they will be looking for that so it would be best to use people from the middle east. They should hire Jews who speak Arabic. It would be much more difficult to detect them.

a few years ago, 2 women went undercover in one.
I didn't know women were permitted to go in mosques.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the act of Converting Christians to Islam or the firing for the argument over the stoning of women? Alton was trying to convert the employees to Islam. Then he was stopped, became enraged not just killed but beheaded his victim. That is not just going postal.
I guess every guy who goes nuts killing people after getting fired is terrorism now?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to AL QAEDA Leader Awlaki

Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosqueattendedby Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Imam Suhaib Webb has a history of ties to radicalism. FBI surveillancedocumentsfound that he was a known confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Webb spoke at a fundraiser with Awlaki with hopes to raise funds for Atlanta-based H. Rap Brown, a man that shot and killed two police officers. The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a groupdescribedby the Investigative Project on Terrorism as being “founded as the United States Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Nolen took a picture of himself (above) September 5th, just three weeks before he brutally murdered an innocent woman, standing in front of the gates of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.

Yet this is NOT Terrorism, it is WOKPLACE VIOLENCE. IOW, it is absurd!
Let me know when it's something besides breitbart. Then I'll read it.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers

Federal authorities today urged law enforcement across the country to be alert for possible attacks inside the United States in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic group ISIS, the brutal terrorist group that beheaded American journalist James Foley and has seized vast swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.

In a joint bulletin issued to local, state and federal law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security and FBI said that while they are “unaware of any specific, credible threats against the Homeland” and find most threats to the U.S. homeland by supporters of ISIS “not credible,” they cannot rule out attacks in the United States from sympathizers radicalized by the group’s online propaganda.

ecause of the individualized nature of the radicalization process – it is difficult to predict triggers that will contribute to [homegrown violent extremists] attempting acts of violence,” the bulletin states. Moreover, such lone offenders “present law enforcement with limited opportunities to detect and disrupt plots, which frequently involve simple plotting against targets of opportunity,” according to the bulletin.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers - ABC News
if only this was about the OK beheading and how he is linked. All i want is an honest good link. Im not dismissing the idea yet.

Oklahoma beheading: Was it an act of terrorism? (+video)

The case of Alton Nolen, the suspect in the Oklahoma beheading, emerges as terrorists become more adept at disseminating barbaric imagery, stoking American fears.

Yet local authorities have asked the FBI to investigate claims that Nolen had been trying to convert coworkers to Islam. And his Facebook page, under the pseudonym Jah'Keem Yisrael, holds disturbing images and statements. In one, he wrote: "She (the Statue of Liberty) is going into flames. She and anybody who’s with her."

It is the nature of the attack that has brought extra scrutiny, however.

Authorities say Nolen stabbed and then beheaded the first woman before stabbing the second multiple times. He was then shot by the company's CEO, Mark Vaughan, who is also a reserve deputy with the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.

In recent months, the Islamic State in Syria has gathered global attention for releasing videos of the beheading of Western captives.

Americans have been affected by the videos, polls suggest. The images have been a primary factor in driving fear of terrorist attack to post-9/11 highs,notes NBC News.

But Nolen could have been affected by the videos in a different way. Researchers studying mass shootings have noted copycat tendencies. Extensive media coverage of one event feeds the next. Ari Schulman, editor of the journal The New Atlantis, likened the events to a contagion in The Wall Street Journal last year:

"Mass shootings are a kind of theater.Their purpose is essentially terrorism – minus, in most cases, a political agenda. The public spectacle, the mass slaughter of mostly random victims, is meant to be seen as an attack against society itself."

Oklahoma beheading Was it an act of terrorism video - CSMonitor.com
I guess every guy who goes nuts killing people after getting fired is terrorism now?

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to AL QAEDA Leader Awlaki

Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosqueattendedby Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Imam Suhaib Webb has a history of ties to radicalism. FBI surveillancedocumentsfound that he was a known confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Webb spoke at a fundraiser with Awlaki with hopes to raise funds for Atlanta-based H. Rap Brown, a man that shot and killed two police officers. The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a groupdescribedby the Investigative Project on Terrorism as being “founded as the United States Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Nolen took a picture of himself (above) September 5th, just three weeks before he brutally murdered an innocent woman, standing in front of the gates of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.

Yet this is NOT Terrorism, it is WOKPLACE VIOLENCE. IOW, it is absurd!

No, if they are not connected to Islam, trying to convert, not using the choice mode of mutilation that terrorists use, not yelling out Islamic phrases, its not terrorism.

If someone walks in with a gun and shoots up the place without the Islamic garb after getting fired, he's going postal. The distinction is really quite easy.
Ok so now terrorism starts by getting fired from you job? I see.

I guess every guy who goes nuts killing people after getting fired is terrorism now?

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to AL QAEDA Leader Awlaki

Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosqueattendedby Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Imam Suhaib Webb has a history of ties to radicalism. FBI surveillancedocumentsfound that he was a known confidant of Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Webb spoke at a fundraiser with Awlaki with hopes to raise funds for Atlanta-based H. Rap Brown, a man that shot and killed two police officers. The FBI documents also found that “Webb and Awlaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” which is a groupdescribedby the Investigative Project on Terrorism as being “founded as the United States Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Nolen took a picture of himself (above) September 5th, just three weeks before he brutally murdered an innocent woman, standing in front of the gates of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.

Yet this is NOT Terrorism, it is WOKPLACE VIOLENCE. IOW, it is absurd!

No, if they are not connected to Islam, trying to convert, not using the choice mode of mutilation that terrorists use, not yelling out Islamic phrases, its not terrorism.

If someone walks in with a gun and shoots up the place without the Islamic garb after getting fired, he's going postal. The distinction is really quite easy.
I think this guy was going to do this whether he was Moslem or not. Since he was Moslem he did it like he's been hearing in the news. The guy was clearly crazy. For this to be terrorism he'd be doing it to achieve some aim. But this was clearly just a turd going crazy.
Actually, he sounds like a violent guy who flipped out because he got fired that day.

He didn't bring a weapon to work. He grabbed a knife off a table and used that. No suicide note, no manifesto.

So why is this any different than the other 700 workplace homicides and 15,000 workplace assaults we have in this country every year?

Oh. Because he was a Muslim. Kind of. Wasn't born a Muslim. He found Islam in prison, and he wasn't in prison because he was already an upstanding citizen.
Actually, he sounds like a violent guy who flipped out because he got fired that day.

He didn't bring a weapon to work. He grabbed a knife off a table and used that. No suicide note, no manifesto.

So why is this any different than the other 700 workplace homicides and 15,000 workplace assaults we have in this country every year?

Oh. Because he was a Muslim. Kind of. Wasn't born a Muslim. He found Islam in prison, and he wasn't in prison because he was already an upstanding citizen.
Then, by your definition, Hasan, the Ft. Hood assasin, was a terrorist. He planned his own suicide (by cop) and brought his own weapon. He was a Muslim from birth, I believe.
I think this guy was going to do this whether he was Moslem or not. Since he was Moslem he did it like he's been hearing in the news. The guy was clearly crazy. For this to be terrorism he'd be doing it to achieve some aim. But this was clearly just a turd going crazy.

Beheading someone is not a sane act. I profess anyone who dies that in crazy.
For it to be just a plain run-of-the-mill bizarre act they just have to do it and laugh. For it to be terrorism, they have to want to terrorize the population, for an effect, a punishment or warning for others not to do or think as they are doing.

He clearly chose women who was the topic of the fighting earlier that got him fired.
Let me know when it's something besides breitbart. Then I'll read it.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers

Federal authorities today urged law enforcement across the country to be alert for possible attacks inside the United States in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic group ISIS, the brutal terrorist group that beheaded American journalist James Foley and has seized vast swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.

In a joint bulletin issued to local, state and federal law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security and FBI said that while they are “unaware of any specific, credible threats against the Homeland” and find most threats to the U.S. homeland by supporters of ISIS “not credible,” they cannot rule out attacks in the United States from sympathizers radicalized by the group’s online propaganda.

ecause of the individualized nature of the radicalization process – it is difficult to predict triggers that will contribute to [homegrown violent extremists] attempting acts of violence,” the bulletin states. Moreover, such lone offenders “present law enforcement with limited opportunities to detect and disrupt plots, which frequently involve simple plotting against targets of opportunity,” according to the bulletin.

Homeland Warns of ISIS Retaliation in US by Sympathizers - ABC News
if only this was about the OK beheading and how he is linked. All i want is an honest good link. Im not dismissing the idea yet.

Oklahoma beheading: Was it an act of terrorism? (+video)

The case of Alton Nolen, the suspect in the Oklahoma beheading, emerges as terrorists become more adept at disseminating barbaric imagery, stoking American fears.

Yet local authorities have asked the FBI to investigate claims that Nolen had been trying to convert coworkers to Islam. And his Facebook page, under the pseudonym Jah'Keem Yisrael, holds disturbing images and statements. In one, he wrote: "She (the Statue of Liberty) is going into flames. She and anybody who’s with her."

It is the nature of the attack that has brought extra scrutiny, however.

Authorities say Nolen stabbed and then beheaded the first woman before stabbing the second multiple times. He was then shot by the company's CEO, Mark Vaughan, who is also a reserve deputy with the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.

In recent months, the Islamic State in Syria has gathered global attention for releasing videos of the beheading of Western captives.

Americans have been affected by the videos, polls suggest. The images have been a primary factor in driving fear of terrorist attack to post-9/11 highs,notes NBC News.

But Nolen could have been affected by the videos in a different way. Researchers studying mass shootings have noted copycat tendencies. Extensive media coverage of one event feeds the next. Ari Schulman, editor of the journal The New Atlantis, likened the events to a contagion in The Wall Street Journal last year:

"Mass shootings are a kind of theater.Their purpose is essentially terrorism – minus, in most cases, a political agenda. The public spectacle, the mass slaughter of mostly random victims, is meant to be seen as an attack against society itself."

Oklahoma beheading Was it an act of terrorism video - CSMonitor.com
Asking the Fbi to look into it does not make it a fact just yet.

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