OK, I'm Dead and I Deserve it


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is like the fourth year I have done this, but managed to recover quickly enough, but I waited too late this year.

On the eve of my 30th Wedding anniversary, I cannot find the gift I hid for my wife.

I bought it back in August and I hid it to keep her from finding it, but it was so long ago and now I cannot find it.

In the morning they will find my blood spread across the I-95 corridor.

Well, it has been nice knowing you all.


It'll be in the last place you look for it so I'd start there.

Next year make yourself a map...



...If you leave a few bodies around the spot to mark it it'll also most likely chase away the faint hearted.
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C'mon Jim...get a grip of yourself ....you are not that old,be a good boy now!:)
you are not even older than this woman Christine Brinkley ....this photo taken in 2016 and she is like 63 ok? c'mon Jimmy .....be good.

you are not even older than this woman Christine Brinkley ....this photo taken in 2016 and she is like 63 ok? c'mon Jimmy .....be good.

Yeah, but I dont have her plastic surgeon!
This is like the fourth year I have done this, but managed to recover quickly enough, but I waited too late this year.

On the eve of my 30th Wedding anniversary, I cannot find the gift I hid for my wife.

I bought it back in August and I hid it to keep her from finding it, but it was so long ago and now I cannot find it.

In the morning they will find my blood spread across the I-95 corridor.

Well, it has been nice knowing you all.

I heard it's in the back of my daughters car.
That way nobody will find it.
JB wrote: On the eve of my 30th Wedding anniversary, I cannot find the gift I hid for my wife.

Have the doctor check you for early onset dementia...

... the same happened with my mother...

... when she forgot where she put a gift for a friend...

... either that or your wife may have already come across...

... where you 'hid' it.

Did you have a friend or relative hold it for you?

Did you put it in a different container to disguise it?

Could it have been accidentally disposed of?

Well, I finally remembered what it was and where I first hid it; behind some books in the library. But we moved all those books out to have some work done on the floor, and I had to move the gift to a new spot.

I will just tell her the truth; I forgot where I put it and the new one is due Thursday.

I suck at lying and I cant lie to her anyway, lol.
Have the doctor check you for early onset dementia....
Oh, I have known that I have had early onset dementia since the third grade when I lost a book report; found it several days later in the back of another text book that I had used for a bookmark.

Not too bright there, no sireee.
lol, forgot to update this thread with what eventually happened.

Turns out that my wife didnt get me anything for our 30th anniversary as she could not decide and just ended up asking me. She did get me a card though, so we went to dinner instead.

Marriage is a special thing unique to each couple in its own way.
I have had that same situation several times, occasionally with bad results.

My motto for this is: "You will never find something by looking for it; you have to figure out where you left it."

The time you would be wasting looking for it (assuming you had control of it and your wife or kid didn't put it someplace) should be spent mentally going over the last time you had it, and re-tracing where you put it.

Worst case for me: A couple years ago I bought a necklace for my wife and because I bought it while I was with her, and didn't have an easy place to hide it, I put it in the pouch behind the passenger seat in my car. Christmas rolled around and I couldn't remember where I put the damned thing. Looked all over, again and again. At the last minute I gave up and ordered another one on line. I got it in time for Christmas so there was no real problem, except for the wasted money.

Last year I got a call from the guy I sold that car to, asking me if I had lost a necklace.

So now she has two of them.

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