Ok guys who should I contact. Local woman helping illegal Somalis. Network out of Minneapolis.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Not making this up. Article in the Carrillon. Somalis and others and with the help of my Canadian border patrol.

That's the part that gets me. The border patrol is putting these un vetted people in the hands of do gooders smuggling them in.

So do I contact DHS first? Obviously something is really broken down on the Canuck side to be allowing this so I don't want to really talk to anyone up here first.
Woman is in Emerson. This is out there man. I'll try to link the article. But this is for real. And they are bragging on it.
Post a link.

Take your donations directly to her. That way, you know the REFUGEES are getting the help they so desperately need.

Yes, of course, I'm kidding. I'm sure that you, being a good christian and all, you'll want to do whatever you can to harm them as well as the REAL Christian who is helping them.
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clarity ... woman in America is smuggling people into Canada?
Alright, which way is it going?

A Canadian Bimbo Coyote sneaking illegals into America or a American Bimbo Coyote smuggling the illegals into Canada?

Also a little note and that is if anyone believe a government official can not be bought off to allow illegals to crossover into America has never dealt with the illegal alien issue in their entire life!

Too damn easy to get in here if you have enough money!
Post a link.

Take your donations directly to her. That way, you know the REFUGEES are getting the help they so desperately need.

Yes, of course, I'm kidding. I'm sure that you being a good christian and all, you'll want to do whatever you can to harm them as well as the REAL Christian who is helping them.

Canadian refugee system is bar none awesome. And helped made sure that way a couple of decades ago making certain that ones sexual orientation was to be a biggie.

Gays from the ME got first class treatment and I was part of the movement. Recognized it in a heartbeat.

You really need to get off my case asshole.
that does it ... Trump needs to build 2 walls.

Loretta Lynch.

....wait, as the song goes, 'Here's a quarter, call someone who cares'....and it ain't any of them.
Alright, which way is it going?

A Canadian Bimbo Coyote sneaking illegals into America or a American Bimbo Coyote smuggling the illegals into Canada?

Also a little note and that is if anyone believe a government official can not be bought off to allow illegals to crossover into America has never dealt with the illegal alien issue in their entire life!

Too damn easy to get in here if you have enough money!

I'm on dial up and hung over.

It's a real deal. Carillon3A

Emerson woman offers help to asylum seekers.

AKA she's smuggling them in.
Loretta Lynch.

....wait, as the song goes, 'Here's a quarter, call someone who cares'....and it ain't any of them.

Well I guess I'll do my duty and wonder if Dudley Do Right will show up today. For crying out loud when they are bragging about this.

Calling it an underground railroad?
Alright, which way is it going?

A Canadian Bimbo Coyote sneaking illegals into America or a American Bimbo Coyote smuggling the illegals into Canada?

Also a little note and that is if anyone believe a government official can not be bought off to allow illegals to crossover into America has never dealt with the illegal alien issue in their entire life!

Too damn easy to get in here if you have enough money!

I'm on dial up and hung over.

It's a real deal. Carillon3A

Emerson woman offers help to asylum seekers.

AKA she's smuggling them in.

Well then if she is a Coyote then the best action is to inform the local law enforcement. I doubt the area you live in is a Sanctuary City like Houston Texas, so contacting the local law enforcement would be the first option.

If no progress is done which is possible seeing I know for a fact you can buy off the local law enforcement your next course of action is to contact the state police which she is smuggling them into, and drop her name and if you know the route she uses or the different routes let them know.

Now buying off a State Trooper is harder but can be done.

Third option is INS and yes they do look into this stuff and if evidence can be shown then deliver it to them and they will go after a Coyote.

The Coyote trade is a business the INS will go after but individual crossing they're less likely to chase after until they can round up more than one or two suspects...
Post a link.

Take your donations directly to her. That way, you know the REFUGEES are getting the help they so desperately need.

Yes, of course, I'm kidding. I'm sure that you being a good christian and all, you'll want to do whatever you can to harm them as well as the REAL Christian who is helping them.

Had to hit you twice. Why would someone need to run from America?

You are missing this.

Safe haven in the US but need to run again?
Post a link.

Take your donations directly to her. That way, you know the REFUGEES are getting the help they so desperately need.

Yes, of course, I'm kidding. I'm sure that you being a good christian and all, you'll want to do whatever you can to harm them as well as the REAL Christian who is helping them.

Had to hit you twice. Why would someone need to run from America?

You are missing this.

Safe haven in the US but need to run again?

So it's in your local paper, and you feel you need to do something more?
Post a link.

Take your donations directly to her. That way, you know the REFUGEES are getting the help they so desperately need.

Yes, of course, I'm kidding. I'm sure that you being a good christian and all, you'll want to do whatever you can to harm them as well as the REAL Christian who is helping them.

Send her your address, we'll them to you and the Injun Lakota
Alright, which way is it going?

A Canadian Bimbo Coyote sneaking illegals into America or a American Bimbo Coyote smuggling the illegals into Canada?

Also a little note and that is if anyone believe a government official can not be bought off to allow illegals to crossover into America has never dealt with the illegal alien issue in their entire life!

Too damn easy to get in here if you have enough money!

I'm on dial up and hung over.

It's a real deal. Carillon3A

Emerson woman offers help to asylum seekers.

AKA she's smuggling them in.

Well then if she is a Coyote then the best action is to inform the local law enforcement. I doubt the area you live in is a Sanctuary City like Houston Texas, so contacting the local law enforcement would be the first option.

If no progress is done which is possible seeing I know for a fact you can buy off the local law enforcement your next course of action is to contact the state police which she is smuggling them into, and drop her name and if you know the route she uses or the different routes let them know.

Now buying off a State Trooper is harder but can be done.

Third option is INS and yes they do look into this stuff and if evidence can be shown then deliver it to them and they will go after a Coyote.

The Coyote trade is a business the INS will go after but individual crossing they're less likely to chase after until they can round up more than one or two suspects...

Oh shit I'm thinking the mod.


I'm really hungover had a mini meltdown over Bowie. Used to be in the business. MUSIC business best clarify.

I'm talking Canuk border just south of me. She's smuggling them in I guess with the assistance of her former compadres

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