Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against the walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

no matter where the kid sat, he was still not participating in the walkout. Where he sat did not change that.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

I am not the confused one here, you are. There are only two possible choices...participate or do not participate. There is no other choice no matter how many times you pretend there is.

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother repeating it again.

The school did not give them the choice of supporting or not supporting as the school was unconcerned with such matters. They were given the choice to participate or not to participate...THE ONLY TWO POSSIBLE CHOICES...THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MIDDLE OF THOSE TWO CHOICES.

some people that participated did not support the cause, they did it to get out of class or talk to their friends.
they can get in school detention instead of being suspended.

‘They can get in school detention’?
You’re a teacher telling other posters they aren’t educated enough to comment in this thread?

Some teacher's at my son's school gave every that walked out of their class after school detention as that is the consequence for an unexcused, unapproved absence from class.
No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against the walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

no matter where the kid sat, he was still not participating in the walkout. Where he sat did not change that.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

I am not the confused one here, you are. There are only two possible choices...participate or do not participate. There is no other choice no matter how many times you pretend there is.

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother repeating it again.

The school did not give them the choice of supporting or not supporting as the school was unconcerned with such matters. They were given the choice to participate or not to participate...THE ONLY TWO POSSIBLE CHOICES...THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MIDDLE OF THOSE TWO CHOICES.

some people that participated did not support the cause, they did it to get out of class or talk to their friends.
Putting the kids in a position to either take a stand or not, and then setting them up for ridicule over the situation by the other kids was dead wrong and you know it. And now to add insult to injury the kid was suspended ?? Wow.

The lawsuit ought to be a good one.

Yeah, I figured as much. You are just one more fraud on here. There are lots like you on here
The schools have a responsibility to supervise all students at all times. If something happened to this kid because he was unsupervised, you can bet your life these RWrs would be vilifying the school for not doing their job. In this country, educators cannot win no matter what they do. RWrs hate teachers and schools.
Them they should have provided a teacher to support the kids who wanted to exercise their right to remain neutral and not be herded into either group.
The study hall was supervised by a teacher or teachers. You people are really being ridiculous. Do you think schools have enough teachers to supervise every individual kid?

If they can not provide supervision for those who don’t want to labelled and forced into support/don’t support, then they shouldn’t be holding political events. It’s that simple.

They did that. They had a supervised spot for the "i do not wish to participate" folks. He choose not to go to that spot. Thus he faced the consequences of his actions. Good learning experience for him.
No, the hall they provided was not for those wanting to exercise their right to remain neutral, it was the only choice given for those not supporting the march.

If you only offer two choices, then they are perceived to be either for or against, naturally.

Many of the kids in the hall were there because they are pro second amendment and were against the protest.

The kid who was punished for not wanting to join them also said they were perceived to be unsympathetic to the kids that died, and he didn’t want to be seen in that way either.

Had the teachers wanted to be fair to all the kids, all they needed to do was provide a teacher to supervise the kids who wanted to remain neutral - the third choice. Again, it’s hardly rocket science.

The school viewed the "not going to the walkout" as the neutral choice, which it was.
No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother resting it again.
It it was that big of a deal, he could have stayed home from school. Kids will do that at the slightest provocation.
No. He shouldn’t have to miss school. If schools are going to hold political events, then they need to show equal respect for the kids who want to remain apolitical on the issue and provide equal supervision.

If that is beyond their organisational abilities, they have no right holding these events in the first place.
He did get equal respect. It was a 17 minute event. He had the opportunity to take his book and study in the study hall. You people are so ridiculous.
No, he was not treated with any respect at all.
He was punished for not wanting to be forced to align himself with the protesters or with those against the protest.

He wanted to remain apolitical and was denied that right because the teachers have so little foresight and so little respect for the kids they determined to herd them all into a for or against stance.

That is not treating the kids with equal respect.
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So then why did they not extend that freedom to this kid? All the other kids had the right to express themselves by walking out but this kid was not allowed the freedom to express himself by staying in the class.

Besides all that, they already have civics and social studies classes to teach them about our Constitutional rights. And, they had the freedom to express themselves after school hours. It was totally unnecessary to have it when and where they did.

He was given two choices, join the walkout or go to a designated room where there were school personnel. This is a reasonable choice.

It's not a reasonable choice if he did not wish to express himself that way. The fact is they did not allow him the freedom to express himself his own way as they did the other students.

Every student in the school was given two choices, that is not an unreasonable thing to do. The school has to maintain positive control over the children put in its charge during the day. That is why kids are not allowed to sit in classroom alone with no teacher any other day of the year.

Maintaining positive control would have been a moot point if they had just done it after school hours.

Do you remember the TIME of Stoneman Douglas shooting - never ignore symbolism.

Symbolism is irrelevant. Would the protest have been any less meaningful if they had done it after school hours? Would their deaths have been any less tragic?
they can get in school detention instead of being suspended.

‘They can get in school detention’?
You’re a teacher telling other posters they aren’t educated enough to comment in this thread?

Some teacher's at my son's school gave every that walked out of their class after school detention as that is the consequence for an unexcused, unapproved absence from class.
The walk out was wrong period.
Students not wishing to participate in the protest festivities were required to go to a different classroom for a study hall.

He refused to go.

I'm sure he's heart broken to be missing class......Pro'ly gonna need therapy.

Why is an educational institution for children engaging in this shit? Their parents are assholes, I'd have kept mine home, and screw those shitbag teachers that were involved in this.

Why do you think teachers were involved other than supervising the kids protesting?
Which teacher was supervising this kids protest? A name will do...
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

He should have done as he was told, instead of being a dumbass!

Fascist much?
He took a stand on what he felt was right. He didnt want to side with the leftist and he didnt want to be perceived as a gun nut.
He took the middle ground in protest of politics in the classroom.
Why you'd find that offensive is beyond me.

He was given a choice. He refused both options. Play dumbass games, win dumbass prizes!
The prize being more forum traffic on this kids stance; than the bullshit, propaganda stunt from the leftists... How's that for a prize?
The school viewed the "not going to the walkout" as the neutral choice, which it was.
No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother resting it again.
It it was that big of a deal, he could have stayed home from school. Kids will do that at the slightest provocation.
No. He shouldn’t have to miss school. If schools are going to hold political events, then they need to show equal respect for the kids who want to remain apolitical on the issue and provide equal supervision.

If that is beyond their organisational abilities, they have no right holding these events in the first place.
He did get equal respect. It was a 17 minute event. He had the opportunity to take his book and study in the study hall. You people are so ridiculous.
No, he was not treated with any respect at all.
He was punished for not wanting to be forced to align himself with the protesters or with those against the protest.

He wanted to remain apolitical and was denied that right because the teachers have so little foresight and so little respect for the kids they determined to herd them all into a for or against stance.
That is not treating the kids with equal respect.

He chose to make a stand knowing there would be consequences. He told his dad what he was going to do and his dad told him it was up to him.
No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother resting it again.
It it was that big of a deal, he could have stayed home from school. Kids will do that at the slightest provocation.
No. He shouldn’t have to miss school. If schools are going to hold political events, then they need to show equal respect for the kids who want to remain apolitical on the issue and provide equal supervision.

If that is beyond their organisational abilities, they have no right holding these events in the first place.
He did get equal respect. It was a 17 minute event. He had the opportunity to take his book and study in the study hall. You people are so ridiculous.
No, he was not treated with any respect at all.
He was punished for not wanting to be forced to align himself with the protesters or with those against the protest.

He wanted to remain apolitical and was denied that right because the teachers have so little foresight and so little respect for the kids they determined to herd them all into a for or against stance.
That is not treating the kids with equal respect.

He chose to make a stand knowing there would be consequences. He told his dad what he was going to do and his dad told him it was up to him.
He should have never been placed into the situation.
He was given two choices, join the walkout or go to a designated room where there were school personnel. This is a reasonable choice.

It's not a reasonable choice if he did not wish to express himself that way. The fact is they did not allow him the freedom to express himself his own way as they did the other students.

Every student in the school was given two choices, that is not an unreasonable thing to do. The school has to maintain positive control over the children put in its charge during the day. That is why kids are not allowed to sit in classroom alone with no teacher any other day of the year.

Maintaining positive control would have been a moot point if they had just done it after school hours.

Do you remember the TIME of Stoneman Douglas shooting - never ignore symbolism.

Symbolism is irrelevant. Would the protest have been any less meaningful if they had done it after school hours? Would their deaths have been any less tragic?

No, symbolism is MEANINGFUL - Can you say that word Ghosty?

Break it down for ya - MeanIng-FULL

Get it, got it? GOOD!!
It it was that big of a deal, he could have stayed home from school. Kids will do that at the slightest provocation.
No. He shouldn’t have to miss school. If schools are going to hold political events, then they need to show equal respect for the kids who want to remain apolitical on the issue and provide equal supervision.

If that is beyond their organisational abilities, they have no right holding these events in the first place.
He did get equal respect. It was a 17 minute event. He had the opportunity to take his book and study in the study hall. You people are so ridiculous.
No, he was not treated with any respect at all.
He was punished for not wanting to be forced to align himself with the protesters or with those against the protest.

He wanted to remain apolitical and was denied that right because the teachers have so little foresight and so little respect for the kids they determined to herd them all into a for or against stance.
That is not treating the kids with equal respect.

He chose to make a stand knowing there would be consequences. He told his dad what he was going to do and his dad told him it was up to him.
He should have never been placed into the situation.

Good life lesson for him
And that option in the OP kid's case was study hall - Why is this so difficult for you?

My public schools did not have "study halls"---------but they did have libraries. I consider the suspension REALLY IDIOTIC----the kid did not want to walk out

You didn't have study halls? Really. We did it was a non-credit option to fill a period when a student had enough credits to graduate but was still taking classes.

My son has study hall for his last quarter this year as the school district is stupid and requires 5 quarters of PE and the only other 1 quarter class is health and he took that in summer school
. Study halls have never been used in the way it was being used on this issue. The students should cry fowel for being forced to appear as if they were against the supporting of the families and victims over the tragedy that had taken place, when what they were protesting actually was the anti-gun protest or second amendment protest that evolved out of the situation.
You KNOW NOTHING about schools. Study halls are very often used for this and similar purposes. You are an ignorant blowhard.
One of the things 'study halls' are used for are in school detention. When kids behave badly, they can get in school detention instead of being suspended. The detention can be a certain number of hours, during the school day or after school. It is used to keep kids from classes where they have been extremely disruptive. It is used instead of home suspension so they can still be in school and learning. The supervier of the study hall helps kids with their work; the teachers supply assignment for them to work on.

Study hall isn't what it used to be 25 or 30 years ago.

Hmmm, unsure about that E - I was a 3 sport athlete in high school (late 70s) and we got study hall one period during the season because we traveled and such and would often miss classes.

There were TWO things at the time - Study Hall and Detention .. quite different, and being a bad boy my senior year .. I got BOTH :)
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.


On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are required to participate in this kind of event. All kinds of events occur during the school day where, drills, assemblies, all kinds of things and teachers are required to accompany the class. They cannot just send the kids off unsupervised. It's very clear most of you have no idea what the environment of a school is like on a day to day basis.

See the photo. Post 526.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.

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