Ohio passes Stand Your Ground bill

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a controversial “stand your ground” bill that would eliminate Ohio’s “duty to retreat” before using force in self-defense. Senate Bill 175, fast-tracked through the Ohio General Assembly last month by DeWine’s fellow Republicans, will make Ohio the 36th state to no longer require people to retreat before they can justifiably hurt or kill someone in self-defense.

The governor had previously hinted that he would veto SB175, saying he first wanted lawmakers to pass his package of gun reforms that they sat on for more than a year. But in a release sent Monday afternoon, the governor stated that the measure removes an “ambiguity in Ohio’s self-defense law.”

Until now, under Ohio law, people have been justified in using deadly force in self-defense so long as they aren’t the aggressor, believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, and are in their home or vehicle. The new law, which takes effect in 90 days, removes the “home or vehicle” requirement, and instead states that the defendant need only be in a place where they lawfully have the right to be.

But Democrats, along with some Senate Republicans, have sharply criticized the bill, saying (among other things) that it would result in more violence and death -- particularly against minorities.

“Only cowards would pass and sign a bill that has been proven to disproportionately harm Black people,” said House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat, in a statement. “Only cowards would support a bill that allows people to shoot first and ask questions later. The blood of the lives lost from the signing and passage of this bill rest solely on those who supported it.”

My state now joins the others with common sense to pass this law which empowers the victims and weakens the criminal element. This bill has been around for several years. Before it was voted on, the Trayvon Martin incident came up, and they felt it better to put it in the drawer. But it's back stronger than ever because this also disables the attacker or their family from suing the victim when deadly force is used. We have had that protection in our homes and cars since the Republicans passed the Castle Doctrine, but not it applies just about anywhere.

As expected, the Democrats are telling us of the doom and gloom that will follow, but of course, every advancement we made to empower the victim had the same claims, yet none came true.

Outside of Cleveland.com (The Cleveland Plain Dealer) it's not being reported by our local news agencies. Gee, I wonder why.

Great.........one point to the good guys.

That’s the core issue with Liberals.... they don’t want good guys to have guns.
In other words, it would disproportionately save too many white lives.

It's okay when blacks kill other blacks, just not whites killing blacks.

Kind of like it's ok when whites kill other whites. You are only concerned when someone black kills someone white.
You are the biggest racist on this board. I class you as a black supremacist.

Concerned Racist, coming from a POS like you that might be a compliment.
So you equate American with racist, did I get that right? So now you are a commie black supremacist bigot.

No I equate you to racist, I am a disabled Vet coward. Probably sacrificed more for this country than your punk ass.
It sounds like you sucked as a
Yesterday or 100yrs ago, take your pick.

Whites are not killing blacks. If you're referring to police officers, yes they do kill blacks just like they kill whites. Those are justified shootings. It's why police carry guns.

90% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

85% of whites are killed by other whites.

You don't even know what you just posted, do you? 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks. That means the other 10% of blacks were killed by somebody from another race. 85% of whites are killed by other whites, meaning that 15% of whites are killed by people of another race. Conclusion: 50% more whites are killed by a person of a different race than blacks are. Blacks only make up 13% of the US population.
...and the 10% who were killed by another race, were mostly killed by Mexicans in turf wars.
COLUMBUS, Ohio—Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a controversial “stand your ground” bill that would eliminate Ohio’s “duty to retreat” before using force in self-defense. Senate Bill 175, fast-tracked through the Ohio General Assembly last month by DeWine’s fellow Republicans, will make Ohio the 36th state to no longer require people to retreat before they can justifiably hurt or kill someone in self-defense.

The governor had previously hinted that he would veto SB175, saying he first wanted lawmakers to pass his package of gun reforms that they sat on for more than a year. But in a release sent Monday afternoon, the governor stated that the measure removes an “ambiguity in Ohio’s self-defense law.”

Until now, under Ohio law, people have been justified in using deadly force in self-defense so long as they aren’t the aggressor, believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, and are in their home or vehicle. The new law, which takes effect in 90 days, removes the “home or vehicle” requirement, and instead states that the defendant need only be in a place where they lawfully have the right to be.

But Democrats, along with some Senate Republicans, have sharply criticized the bill, saying (among other things) that it would result in more violence and death -- particularly against minorities.

“Only cowards would pass and sign a bill that has been proven to disproportionately harm Black people,” said House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat, in a statement. “Only cowards would support a bill that allows people to shoot first and ask questions later. The blood of the lives lost from the signing and passage of this bill rest solely on those who supported it.”

My state now joins the others with common sense to pass this law which empowers the victims and weakens the criminal element. This bill has been around for several years. Before it was voted on, the Trayvon Martin incident came up, and they felt it better to put it in the drawer. But it's back stronger than ever because this also disables the attacker or their family from suing the victim when deadly force is used. We have had that protection in our homes and cars since the Republicans passed the Castle Doctrine, but not it applies just about anywhere.

As expected, the Democrats are telling us of the doom and gloom that will follow, but of course, every advancement we made to empower the victim had the same claims, yet none came true.

Outside of Cleveland.com (The Cleveland Plain Dealer) it's not being reported by our local news agencies. Gee, I wonder why.

Great.........one point to the good guys.

That’s the core issue with Liberals.... they don’t want good guys to have guns.
No, the problem is they think the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. Its fucking crazy.
No, the problem is they think the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. Its fucking crazy.

You wanna know crazy? There's this orange-haired mo fo who thinks there was fraud during the presidential election. Now that shit is crazy bro...What makes it even crazier is that his disciples/acolytes, even when shown irrefutable evidence to the contrary, believe him!!! I know, freaky, eh?
No, the problem is they think the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. Its fucking crazy.

You wanna know crazy? There's this orange-haired mo fo who thinks there was fraud during the presidential election. Now that shit is crazy bro...What makes it even crazier is that his disciples/acolytes, even when shown irrefutable evidence to the contrary, believe him!!! I know, freaky, eh?
Are you suggesting its even a possibility to have an election with 200,000,000 voters and have no fraud? Youre the fucking crazy one if you believe that weird shit.
Are you suggesting its even a possibility to have an election with 200,000,000 voters and have no fraud? Youre the fucking crazy one if you believe that weird shit.
There will be the odd case here and there. Nothing on the scale that Trump and his cronies are claiming. There has always been the odd case, every election.

Even anecdotal evidence suggests nothing untoward has happened. Apparently, according to the taped convo between Trump and Raffenberger, there were thousands of Georgians (Republicans of course, even though Trump didn't state their party affiliation), who were denied a vote because when they turned up apparently they were told that they had already voted even though they hadn't.
This is easily provable. Bring 1000 of those 1000s, or even 100, shit even 10 of those people where this happened and let's investigate. So how many of these poor disenfranchised voters have been brought forward? 100? 10? 5? I'll tell ya - zero! Nada! Zilch! None! The big fat donut! Why? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN...period..;o)
Are you suggesting its even a possibility to have an election with 200,000,000 voters and have no fraud? Youre the fucking crazy one if you believe that weird shit.
There will be the odd case here and there. Nothing on the scale that Trump and his cronies are claiming. There has always been the odd case, every election.

Even anecdotal evidence suggests nothing untoward has happened. Apparently, according to the taped convo between Trump and Raffenberger, there were thousands of Georgians (Republicans of course, even though Trump didn't state their party affiliation), who were denied a vote because when they turned up apparently they were told that they had already voted even though they hadn't.
This is easily provable. Bring 1000 of those 1000s, or even 100, shit even 10 of those people where this happened and let's investigate. So how many of these poor disenfranchised voters have been brought forward? 100? 10? 5? I'll tell ya - zero! Nada! Zilch! None! The big fat donut! Why? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN...period..;o)
There are THOUSANDS of fraudulent votes out there and it needs to be investigated. Not because they are going to find enough votes for Trump to win, but because there shouldnt be ANY fraudulent votes EVER!!!!! People need to go to prison.

Our elections should never be in question, and the fact that you people on the left are fighting against a full nationwide investigation is hurting us. You won you stupid moron, now have some god damn common sense and secure the reputation of our elections by giving your full support for investigations. Whats so friggin hard to understand?
There are THOUSANDS of fraudulent votes out there and it needs to be investigated. Not because they are going to find enough votes for Trump to win, but because there shouldnt be ANY fraudulent votes EVER!!!!! People need to go to prison.

Our elections should never be in question, and the fact that you people on the left are fighting against a full nationwide investigation is hurting us. You won you stupid moron, now have some god damn common sense and secure the reputation of our elections by giving your full support for investigations. Whats so friggin hard to understand?

You do make a fair point, but if I was on the left, my argument would be 'there is no more or less fraud than any other election cycle, why make it an issue this time around?" The biggest issue of course is the scale that Trump is saying it has happened at where that is blatantly untrue. Sure, investigate after the election. These types of investigations could take a couple of years. What? Keep Trump in power until it is over? I don't think so. Should there be an investigation? Sure....but not one that stops the election itself.
You do make a fair point, but if I was on the left, my argument would be 'there is no more or less fraud than any other election cycle, why make it an issue this time around?" The biggest issue of course is the scale that Trump is saying it has happened at where that is blatantly untrue. Sure, investigate after the election. These types of investigations could take a couple of years. What? Keep Trump in power until it is over? I don't think so. Should there be an investigation? Sure....but not one that stops the election itself.

Biden is the most boring candidate since Republicans ran Bob Dole. He campaigned very little, his son is under an FBI investigation which he is associated with, many Americans believe he has dementia, his platform is absolutely devastating for the US, he chose a VP based on skin color instead of ability, his rallies couldn't draw flies, his caravans were even more pathetic, and people just expect us to believe he was not only fairly voted in, but voted in with a new US record of votes? Do you see why we are having problems with this?

Dominion voting machines (and Smartmatic software) were designed to be manipulated. Several tech experts testified to not only very suspicious voting patterns, but mathematically impossible. All they really asked is that they be allowed to do an analysis on the machines and actual ballots, but were never offered any accommodations to their requests.

Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed believe this election is a fraud. Unless it's proven to be legitimate, there will never be any trust in our election system again.
A person has a right to protect themselves. It will be interesting though when someone like Andre Hill has a gun and uses it to protect himself and then uses this law as a defense.
Bullshit, there was so many holes in his story that if he was on a lake he would have sunk like the Titanic. Only a coward would see a 28yr old, 205+ grown man chase and murder a 17yr old, 160lb teenager as self defense.

He didn't chase anybody. He was following Martin while he was on the phone to keep an eye on him until police arrived, and even then, it was less than 30 seconds. He stayed on the phone with dispatch for another minute before he hung up, and that's when Martin attacked him.

Bullshit the dispatch told that coward he didn't need him to follow Trayvon, so you are telling a lie.

There are no holes in the story.

There are plenty of holes in his story.

The official autopsy released revealed that Martin had no marks on him other than two scraped knuckles consistent with him hitting somebody or something.

Another lie he had no abrasions or marks on his knuckles. He only had a scratch on his ring finger.

Investigations revealed that the back of Zimmerman's jacket was wet, and so were the knees on the pants Martin was wearing. The story totally matches up what Zimmerman reported to police and detectives.

Bullshit, I just showed the jacket and pants he was wearing.

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Who the fuck cares what some random dispatcher thinks he should do?

Folks who don't give a damn about Justice for black folks.

Furthermore, he stopped looking for him at that point anyway.

That's the lie that was told.

The only reason Trayvon is dead is because, according to his fat girlfriend on the witness stand, after getting to his house, he decided to go back out and hunt down Zimmerman and attack him.

The reason he is dead is because a coward with a gun murdered him.

As for his jacket, are you under the impression that the sidewalk was covered in mud or something? :laugh:

He said he squirmed off the concrete into the grass, they were in the grass when Trayvon was murdered genius.
No wonder he didn't want to help Trump. He's in bed with the chinese right next to Pedo Joe.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning.

Desperation? Where there is a phone call for him thanking the fucking chinks for his election?

No, desperation is recording POTUS saying that GA needs to do a valid recount because he knows he didn't lose the election. THAT'S DESPIRATION.
Is what he did illegal in any sense of the matter? There were three recounts in Georgia..
Was OJ arrested? A racist tried to plant evidence on OJ, that is the only reason he isn't in prison.

Right, because somebody else with no motive decided to kill two people for no reason, and they never found him.

So a Court of Law acquitted Zimmerman and that was acceptable, but a Court of Law acquitted OJ and that is unacceptable.
Zimmerman was attacked by a violent racist stranger who refused to stop smashing his head into the pavement. That was obviously justified.

Don't forget, the kid was a homophobe too........surprised the LGBTWZDESGFVESTB community didn't side with Zimmerman...

Zimmerman was a coward with a gun and became the HERO of right wing, racist because he got away with murdering a young black male.

Pound someones head into the ground and you might end up with a cap in yo ass.

Or if you roll up on someone at night, you might end up with a cap in yours.

I have no reason to be walking around at night getting the ingredients for lean and being a fucking pothead. I have a job and a life.

So now in America it is against the law for a teenager to walk to the corner store.
COLUMBUS, Ohio—Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a controversial “stand your ground” bill that would eliminate Ohio’s “duty to retreat” before using force in self-defense. Senate Bill 175, fast-tracked through the Ohio General Assembly last month by DeWine’s fellow Republicans, will make Ohio the 36th state to no longer require people to retreat before they can justifiably hurt or kill someone in self-defense.

The governor had previously hinted that he would veto SB175, saying he first wanted lawmakers to pass his package of gun reforms that they sat on for more than a year. But in a release sent Monday afternoon, the governor stated that the measure removes an “ambiguity in Ohio’s self-defense law.”

Until now, under Ohio law, people have been justified in using deadly force in self-defense so long as they aren’t the aggressor, believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, and are in their home or vehicle. The new law, which takes effect in 90 days, removes the “home or vehicle” requirement, and instead states that the defendant need only be in a place where they lawfully have the right to be.

But Democrats, along with some Senate Republicans, have sharply criticized the bill, saying (among other things) that it would result in more violence and death -- particularly against minorities.

“Only cowards would pass and sign a bill that has been proven to disproportionately harm Black people,” said House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat, in a statement. “Only cowards would support a bill that allows people to shoot first and ask questions later. The blood of the lives lost from the signing and passage of this bill rest solely on those who supported it.”

My state now joins the others with common sense to pass this law which empowers the victims and weakens the criminal element. This bill has been around for several years. Before it was voted on, the Trayvon Martin incident came up, and they felt it better to put it in the drawer. But it's back stronger than ever because this also disables the attacker or their family from suing the victim when deadly force is used. We have had that protection in our homes and cars since the Republicans passed the Castle Doctrine, but not it applies just about anywhere.

As expected, the Democrats are telling us of the doom and gloom that will follow, but of course, every advancement we made to empower the victim had the same claims, yet none came true.

Outside of Cleveland.com (The Cleveland Plain Dealer) it's not being reported by our local news agencies. Gee, I wonder why.

Great.........one point to the good guys.

That’s the core issue with Liberals.... they don’t want good guys to have guns.
No, the problem is they think the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. Its fucking crazy.

They are insane..........their brains just do not work normally...
No wonder he didn't want to help Trump. He's in bed with the chinese right next to Pedo Joe.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning.

Desperation? Where there is a phone call for him thanking the fucking chinks for his election?

No, desperation is recording POTUS saying that GA needs to do a valid recount because he knows he didn't lose the election. THAT'S DESPIRATION.
Is what he did illegal in any sense of the matter? There were three recounts in Georgia..
Was OJ arrested? A racist tried to plant evidence on OJ, that is the only reason he isn't in prison.

Right, because somebody else with no motive decided to kill two people for no reason, and they never found him.

So a Court of Law acquitted Zimmerman and that was acceptable, but a Court of Law acquitted OJ and that is unacceptable.
Zimmerman was attacked by a violent racist stranger who refused to stop smashing his head into the pavement. That was obviously justified.

Don't forget, the kid was a homophobe too........surprised the LGBTWZDESGFVESTB community didn't side with Zimmerman...

Zimmerman was a coward with a gun and became the HERO of right wing, racist because he got away with murdering a young black male.

Pound someones head into the ground and you might end up with a cap in yo ass.

Or if you roll up on someone at night, you might end up with a cap in yours.

I have no reason to be walking around at night getting the ingredients for lean and being a fucking pothead. I have a job and a life.

So now in America it is against the law for a teenager to walk to the corner store.

No...it is against the law for a teenager to brutally assault a stranger.
A person has a right to protect themselves. It will be interesting though when someone like Andre Hill has a gun and uses it to protect himself and then uses this law as a defense.

Blacks have benefited the most from Stand Your Ground Laws..........
You do make a fair point, but if I was on the left, my argument would be 'there is no more or less fraud than any other election cycle, why make it an issue this time around?" The biggest issue of course is the scale that Trump is saying it has happened at where that is blatantly untrue. Sure, investigate after the election. These types of investigations could take a couple of years. What? Keep Trump in power until it is over? I don't think so. Should there be an investigation? Sure....but not one that stops the election itself.

Biden is the most boring candidate since Republicans ran Bob Dole. He campaigned very little, his son is under an FBI investigation which he is associated with, many Americans believe he has dementia, his platform is absolutely devastating for the US, he chose a VP based on skin color instead of ability, his rallies couldn't draw flies, his caravans were even more pathetic, and people just expect us to believe he was not only fairly voted in, but voted in with a new US record of votes? Do you see why we are having problems with this?

Dominion voting machines (and Smartmatic software) were designed to be manipulated. Several tech experts testified to not only very suspicious voting patterns, but mathematically impossible. All they really asked is that they be allowed to do an analysis on the machines and actual ballots, but were never offered any accommodations to their requests.

Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed believe this election is a fraud. Unless it's proven to be legitimate, there will never be any trust in our election system again.

The last free and fair election was in 2016.......the democrats know they can get away with stealing elections, and now have the power to make it the law.....
COLUMBUS, Ohio—Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a controversial “stand your ground” bill that would eliminate Ohio’s “duty to retreat” before using force in self-defense. Senate Bill 175, fast-tracked through the Ohio General Assembly last month by DeWine’s fellow Republicans, will make Ohio the 36th state to no longer require people to retreat before they can justifiably hurt or kill someone in self-defense.

The governor had previously hinted that he would veto SB175, saying he first wanted lawmakers to pass his package of gun reforms that they sat on for more than a year. But in a release sent Monday afternoon, the governor stated that the measure removes an “ambiguity in Ohio’s self-defense law.”

Until now, under Ohio law, people have been justified in using deadly force in self-defense so long as they aren’t the aggressor, believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, and are in their home or vehicle. The new law, which takes effect in 90 days, removes the “home or vehicle” requirement, and instead states that the defendant need only be in a place where they lawfully have the right to be.

But Democrats, along with some Senate Republicans, have sharply criticized the bill, saying (among other things) that it would result in more violence and death -- particularly against minorities.

“Only cowards would pass and sign a bill that has been proven to disproportionately harm Black people,” said House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat, in a statement. “Only cowards would support a bill that allows people to shoot first and ask questions later. The blood of the lives lost from the signing and passage of this bill rest solely on those who supported it.”

My state now joins the others with common sense to pass this law which empowers the victims and weakens the criminal element. This bill has been around for several years. Before it was voted on, the Trayvon Martin incident came up, and they felt it better to put it in the drawer. But it's back stronger than ever because this also disables the attacker or their family from suing the victim when deadly force is used. We have had that protection in our homes and cars since the Republicans passed the Castle Doctrine, but not it applies just about anywhere.

As expected, the Democrats are telling us of the doom and gloom that will follow, but of course, every advancement we made to empower the victim had the same claims, yet none came true.

Outside of Cleveland.com (The Cleveland Plain Dealer) it's not being reported by our local news agencies. Gee, I wonder why.

Great.........one point to the good guys.

That’s the core issue with Liberals.... they don’t want good guys to have guns.
Every liberal I know has a gun..
You do make a fair point, but if I was on the left, my argument would be 'there is no more or less fraud than any other election cycle, why make it an issue this time around?" The biggest issue of course is the scale that Trump is saying it has happened at where that is blatantly untrue. Sure, investigate after the election. These types of investigations could take a couple of years. What? Keep Trump in power until it is over? I don't think so. Should there be an investigation? Sure....but not one that stops the election itself.

Biden is the most boring candidate since Republicans ran Bob Dole. He campaigned very little, his son is under an FBI investigation which he is associated with, many Americans believe he has dementia, his platform is absolutely devastating for the US, he chose a VP based on skin color instead of ability, his rallies couldn't draw flies, his caravans were even more pathetic, and people just expect us to believe he was not only fairly voted in, but voted in with a new US record of votes? Do you see why we are having problems with this?

Dominion voting machines (and Smartmatic software) were designed to be manipulated. Several tech experts testified to not only very suspicious voting patterns, but mathematically impossible. All they really asked is that they be allowed to do an analysis on the machines and actual ballots, but were never offered any accommodations to their requests.

Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed believe this election is a fraud. Unless it's proven to be legitimate, there will never be any trust in our election system again.

The last free and fair election was in 2016.......the democrats know they can get away with stealing elections, and now have the power to make it the law.....
More bullshit from a sore loser that can't realize that people get elected because of popularity not because of their minions demanding they win.
Bullshit the dispatch told that coward he didn't need him to follow Trayvon, so you are telling a lie.

And he stopped following him at that point.

No he didn't that is a lie.

There are plenty of holes in his story.

I'm waiting for you to post them.

No need to, all you are going to do is lie about it as you have been doing.

Another lie he had no abrasions or marks on his knuckles. He only had a scratch on his ring finger.

No, he had one on his knuckle. It was the only mark on him which means he attacked Zimmerman, not the other way around.

That is a lie. Martin’s autopsy report shows that he had a small abrasion on his left ring finger, which might support Zimmerman’s account that Martin was punching him or the idea that Martin was fighting for his life.
Trayvon Martin documents reveal new details in case - The Washington Post

The lies continue.

Bullshit, I just showed the jacket and pants he was wearing.

The investigation took a few hours to complete. Then he went to the police station for questioning. The jacket dried by then.

Wow the jacket dried.
No wonder he didn't want to help Trump. He's in bed with the chinese right next to Pedo Joe.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning.

Desperation? Where there is a phone call for him thanking the fucking chinks for his election?

No, desperation is recording POTUS saying that GA needs to do a valid recount because he knows he didn't lose the election. THAT'S DESPIRATION.
Is what he did illegal in any sense of the matter? There were three recounts in Georgia..
Was OJ arrested? A racist tried to plant evidence on OJ, that is the only reason he isn't in prison.

Right, because somebody else with no motive decided to kill two people for no reason, and they never found him.

So a Court of Law acquitted Zimmerman and that was acceptable, but a Court of Law acquitted OJ and that is unacceptable.
Zimmerman was attacked by a violent racist stranger who refused to stop smashing his head into the pavement. That was obviously justified.

Don't forget, the kid was a homophobe too........surprised the LGBTWZDESGFVESTB community didn't side with Zimmerman...

Zimmerman was a coward with a gun and became the HERO of right wing, racist because he got away with murdering a young black male.

Pound someones head into the ground and you might end up with a cap in yo ass.

Or if you roll up on someone at night, you might end up with a cap in yours.

I have no reason to be walking around at night getting the ingredients for lean and being a fucking pothead. I have a job and a life.

So now in America it is against the law for a teenager to walk to the corner store.

No...it is against the law for a teenager to brutally assault a stranger.

......but it's ok for a coward to murder a black teenager.
No he didn't that is a lie.

And you base that on what? I base it on the recording of the phone call he had with dispatch. The dispatcher asked if he was chasing Martin because you can clearly hear Zimmerman breathing heavy, the phone scraping his chin. Zimmerman responded that he was following Martin. The dispatcher told him that was unnecessary. Within seconds, the phone stopped scraping, his breathing began to slow down, he eventually returned to his normal quiet tone of voice. There was no possible way Zimmerman could have been running and continued the phone call with the police.

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