Oh the winning, the winning....Trump is succeeding for ALL of us.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Even the leftist losers.

As President Trump’s first two years in office come to a close, we’ve seen two originalist justices confirmed to the Supreme Court, 26 originalist appeals court judges confirmed, 10 more nominated , and 41 new district court judges on the bench and dozens more pending. Add to that: the repeal of the sequester on defense spending and a massive military rebuild underway; a massive tax cut of unprecedented depth and structural change; a renegotiated trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada; withdrawals from the awful Iran deal and, in effect, the absurdist Paris accord; the rollback of job-killing and bureaucrat-empowering regulations by the hundreds; an economy surging while unemployment drops to 3.7 percent ; and a new entente in the Middle East (one that arose despite U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel) that sees the United States and Israel aligned and cooperating closely with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and now a new government in Iraq against the expansionist Iranian theocrats.

"Did I mention the devastation and defeat of ISIS in its physical “caliphate”?

"That’s not even the entire list of accomplishments, but it’s enough to have silenced the #NeverTrumpers who used to mock Trump-supporting conservatives by posting a street sign carrying the name “Gorsuch” above rising floodwaters."

And it is these accomplishments that make the leftists lose their minds. They aren't concerned that Trump will harm America.

They're worried that he will make it better. They want to see the destruction of our country. That's why they hate Trump. The vision that the left has for our country is that our country be destroyed, subjugated, ridiculed, weakened. They want to see our form of government topple, they want to destroy our middle class, and elevate criminals.

That's why they hate Trump. He's working to bring us back under the rule of law and to enable us to prosper again.

Opinion | Trump may be outside our norms. But he is succeeding for all of us.
You could split the Country down the middle and the Demorats would fight to come to the Republican side ,because they are leeches and worthless pond scum. A republican would be skipping through the tulips to be away from the worthless assholes.
As a liberal I would not seek out any repuke. I would say good riddance to bad rubbish as they, the cons, are the leeches on society.
Even the leftist losers.

As President Trump’s first two years in office come to a close, we’ve seen two originalist justices confirmed to the Supreme Court, 26 originalist appeals court judges confirmed, 10 more nominated , and 41 new district court judges on the bench and dozens more pending. Add to that: the repeal of the sequester on defense spending and a massive military rebuild underway; a massive tax cut of unprecedented depth and structural change; a renegotiated trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada; withdrawals from the awful Iran deal and, in effect, the absurdist Paris accord; the rollback of job-killing and bureaucrat-empowering regulations by the hundreds; an economy surging while unemployment drops to 3.7 percent ; and a new entente in the Middle East (one that arose despite U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel) that sees the United States and Israel aligned and cooperating closely with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and now a new government in Iraq against the expansionist Iranian theocrats.

"Did I mention the devastation and defeat of ISIS in its physical “caliphate”?

"That’s not even the entire list of accomplishments, but it’s enough to have silenced the #NeverTrumpers who used to mock Trump-supporting conservatives by posting a street sign carrying the name “Gorsuch” above rising floodwaters."

And it is these accomplishments that make the leftists lose their minds. They aren't concerned that Trump will harm America.

They're worried that he will make it better. They want to see the destruction of our country. That's why they hate Trump. The vision that the left has for our country is that our country be destroyed, subjugated, ridiculed, weakened. They want to see our form of government topple, they want to destroy our middle class, and elevate criminals.

That's why they hate Trump. He's working to bring us back under the rule of law and to enable us to prosper again.

Opinion | Trump may be outside our norms. But he is succeeding for all of us.
I’ve said the same thing for years now. The left wants to see the U.S. collapse so they can blame capitalism and replace it with communism. It’s basic Cloward & Piven strategy.

And...they don’t hate President Trump so much for his success (although that certainly upsets them) as they do for the fact that he stands up to them. They are used to screaming “racism” and “homophobe” to silence opposition. They are losing their mind that President Trump stands up and puts them in their place.
Thank you, President Trump, for putting America first. After 8 years of the anti-American, globalist MaObama doing everything in his power to undermine the U.S., it has been such a gift to have a president who puts his nation and his people above the needs of foreign interests.
Honduras appeared to act quickly on Tuesday after President Donald Trump threatened to cut humanitarian aid to their country over a caravan of migrants who were travelling towards the U.S.
That’s all it takes. It really is that simple. And that’s all it would take to cause Mexico to drop to their knees.
“The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.
Amazing how quickly Honduras was able to assist us in illegal immigration (and they aren’t even remotely close to our border).
Vice President Mike Pence followed up with his own tweet to explain the actions that were being taken to encourage Honduras to prevent the migrant caravan. “Delivered strong message from [the president]: no more aid if caravan is not stopped,” he added. “Told him U.S. will not tolerate this blatant disregard for our border & sovereignty.”
Everyone is desperate for our money. If they want it, they have to do their part to stop the invasion of the United States.

Honduras takes action against migrant caravan after Trump threatens to cut aid
Liberals benefitting also even while kicking and screaming
Thank you, President Trump. You've been nothing short of a godsend.
The Trump administration has issued 65% fewer “significant” rules—with costs exceeding $100 million a year—than the Obama administration and 51% fewer than the Bush administration, in its first 22 months.
And that's just accounting for what he implemented. That doesn't even include the regulations from MaObama and Bush that he removed. The net result would be even larger. Is it any wonder we have record low unemployment and record highs in the market?

Here's How Much Red Tape Trump Has Cut
Democrats are pissed because Trump is effectively exposing them as being the inept fools they are. He’s accomplishing things democrats said were impossible.

Typical Trumpublican strategy. Get born on third base and claim you hit a triple.

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