Oh, the melodrama at Fox

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Chris Wallace Challenges Ted Cruz Over Obamacare Plan (VIDEO)

Chris Wallace challenged Senator Ted Cruz over his plan to defund Obamacare on "Fox News Sunday."....

....."I'm confused," Wallace said on Sunday, asking Cruz, "Are you going to allow consideration of the bill... or are you going to block [the Senate] from even taking up a bill which you support?"

Sarah Palin To Chris Wallace: Reveal Republicans Who Are Trying To 'Trash Ted Cruz'

Sarah Palin went after Chris Wallace on Sunday after the Fox News host said he received opposition research from Republicans about Ted Cruz. ....

"This has been one of the strangest weeks I've ever had in Washington," Wallace said on "Fox News Sunday." "As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats, but from top Republicans to hammer Cruz."

Palin responded on Twitter, writing: "@FoxNewsSunday Keep it TRULY fair & balanced. Release the GOP names encouraging you to trash @SenTedCruz. No more anonymous sources."

The funniest part of this is that, every so often, Wallace acts like a journalist. $arah is, as usual, pure idiocy.

You have melodrama, meltdown, lying, just outright nastiness on PmsNbc...Don't see you posting on that..


You have melodrama, meltdown, lying, just outright nastiness on PmsNbc...Don't see you posting on that..


I'm glad you acknowledge Fox New's equivalence to MSNBC

you people so dishonest, it's just expected from you anymore
shameful you think you have the right to make up something someone supposedly said
none of you seem to care you have no honor or integrity..
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A discussion is melodrama?

Perhaps to democrats because they are all required to have exactly the same opinions. Thank goodness republicans aren't like that.

You have melodrama, meltdown, lying, just outright nastiness on PmsNbc...Don't see you posting on that..


I'm glad you acknowledge Fox New's equivalence to MSNBC

Amen! Nearly everyone knows they're both cable news outlets. And those of us not among the low information voters also know virtually no one watches the lefty bullshit on MSNBC. Hey, but you be sure to enjoy them everyday.

You have melodrama, meltdown, lying, just outright nastiness on PmsNbc...Don't see you posting on that..


I'm glad you acknowledge Fox New's equivalence to MSNBC

Amen! Nearly everyone knows they're both cable news outlets. And those of us not among the low information voters also know virtually no one watches the lefty bullshit on MSNBC. Hey, but you be sure to enjoy them everyday.

Watching Hannity makes you a high information voter? :confused:


You have melodrama, meltdown, lying, just outright nastiness on PmsNbc...Don't see you posting on that..


I'm glad you acknowledge Fox New's equivalence to MSNBC

you people so dishonest, it's just expected from you anymore
shameful you think you have the right to make up something someone supposedly said
none of you seem to care you have no honor or integrity..

It's not made up, you can check it out for yourself. Looks to me that the Republican party is having an in-house fight, and turning on each other. How do you expect to win the country if you can't even be civil to each other in your own party.

Sarah Palin's own words:
dad, if you’re watching this morning, if you’re out of moose camp already and you’re home, you are a teacher and you never told me that elephants were cannibalistic. I wish I would’ve known and then we would have a different tactic in the way we do campaigns.”
Palin demands Fox News host turn over the GOP ?cannibals? who are trying to ?trash? Cruz | The Raw Story
Melodrama sells. Nobody knows that better than Rupert Murdoch, who built his fortune selling sleazy tabloids. Fox Noise is simply the TV version. Because it sells.

As a famous media mind said, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". (H.L. Mencken)
I'm glad you acknowledge Fox New's equivalence to MSNBC

Amen! Nearly everyone knows they're both cable news outlets. And those of us not among the low information voters also know virtually no one watches the lefty bullshit on MSNBC. Hey, but you be sure to enjoy them everyday.

Watching Hannity makes you a high information voter? :confused:


Did you hear they moved Hannity to 10PM? Next stop, late night with Shawn Hannity.

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