Oh Boy, Thanks Obama, you F ing moron.....

Excuse me, why are we still talking about Barack Obama? You guys are the government now. I no longer care about him.
Dem rep: US needs plan to deal with potential Russian nuke
"For a long time, Russia and the United States had this sort of mutual agreement, mutually assured destruction," he said Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"If they shot their weapons at us, we'd shoot our weapons at them and therefore a nuclear war was unlikely to happen. But what Russia now says is that they will quote, 'escalate to de-escalate.' They are willing to use nuclear weapons to de-escalate a conventional attack. I think that the problem here is that we don't really have a plan to deal with that."
U.S. will reduce role of nuclear weapons, says Obama
In a wide-ranging speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, President Obama on Wednesday unveiled U.S. plans to reduce its global nuclear presence, as part of a broader effort to "move beyond Cold War nuclear postures" and "reject the nuclear weaponization" long pursued by countries like North Korea and Iran.
Just like with Jimmy Carter, the feckless, spineless, retarded 1/2 white ex president has created a fucking mess for the US, now Donald J. Trump is going to have to fix it. Lets just pray that if there is a launch, Obama will be in his million dollar rental in northwest DC when it goes off.
Some people scare easily. BOO! Gomer kept us safe except for that one little incident on 9-11.

And dozens more all over the world.

Question for the RWNJs - why do you believe the lie that our military is "depleted" and that we need to starve the elderly and cut off Sesame Street to save our country?

Please be speicific.

Why do you Radical Lefties always say that people will starve when real people starving are all over the world? Fucking moron.
Why should I pay for a propaganda machine like PBS, when all they do is spew filth of liberalism in the pursuit of indoctrination of children? Worthless fucktards. The job of the government is to protect the US, not pay for companies that cant make it on their own. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal....

Report: 1 in 5 U.S. children at risk of hunger
By Alyse Shorland and Jamie Gumbrecht, CNN
Updated 8:59 AM ET, Wed November 23, 2011
Just as a reminder, who was the President of the US in 2011? Jeopardy music plays......
Carlin , Great description of high school trumpettes. 75 % no college? 75% believe Obamas a Muslim?
No, it was not. It has been reinforced.
Alt left fake news. Was Bush charged?
Politicians don't get charged with lying in speeches to the public. If they did trump would be imprisoned under the prison for several lifetimes.
Your calling him a murderer.
How the hell do you get that out of my post? You used a period instead of a question mark. That makes you a liar in a discussion about what a liar is. How would you know what a liar is if you don't even recognize when you are telling a lie yourself?
Just info, I don't care.lies have to have intent. So if you are not a Nobel prize winner shrink and somehow know what was in ones mind .....
A person with an elementary school education knows that a period indicates a declarative statement and a question mark indicates a question. Unless I actually declared trump was a murderer, the posters statement that I lied is a lie in and of itself simply because I did not make that statement. The intent was to falsely mislead readers of the post that I had called trump a murderer.
You ain't nearly as witty or smart as you think you are. Now go tell your friend jknowgood the difference from "your" and "you're".
Dem rep: US needs plan to deal with potential Russian nuke U.S. will reduce role of nuclear weapons, says Obama Just like with Jimmy Carter, the feckless, spineless, retarded 1/2 white ex president has created a fucking mess for the US, now Donald J. Trump is going to have to fix it. Lets just pray that if there is a launch, Obama will be in his million dollar rental in northwest DC when it goes off.
The USA and Russia had a great détente during the Yeltsin Era.

Then thanks to the international incompetence of Hillary and Obama things turned sour.

Hopefully Trump can improve relations again so that the two Nations will at least agree to de-target each other again like under Yeltsin.
If Obama had lied thousands of u.s. soldiers to their deaths searching for wmds would you then consider him to be competent? Trump may end up being charged with treason. LOCK HIM UP !
Oh boy, still going with bush lied? Wow that was debunked years ago.
No, it was not. It has been reinforced.
Alt left fake news. Was Bush charged?
What`s fake about it? Bush wasn`t charged and neither was LBJ or Nixon. Those rules only apply to other countries. Former Prosecutor Vince Bugliosi called it murder 2 at the least and he`s successfully prosecuted 101 of 102 felonies.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia
Dem rep: US needs plan to deal with potential Russian nuke
"For a long time, Russia and the United States had this sort of mutual agreement, mutually assured destruction," he said Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"If they shot their weapons at us, we'd shoot our weapons at them and therefore a nuclear war was unlikely to happen. But what Russia now says is that they will quote, 'escalate to de-escalate.' They are willing to use nuclear weapons to de-escalate a conventional attack. I think that the problem here is that we don't really have a plan to deal with that."
U.S. will reduce role of nuclear weapons, says Obama
In a wide-ranging speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, President Obama on Wednesday unveiled U.S. plans to reduce its global nuclear presence, as part of a broader effort to "move beyond Cold War nuclear postures" and "reject the nuclear weaponization" long pursued by countries like North Korea and Iran.
Just like with Jimmy Carter, the feckless, spineless, retarded 1/2 white ex president has created a fucking mess for the US, now Donald J. Trump is going to have to fix it. Lets just pray that if there is a launch, Obama will be in his million dollar rental in northwest DC when it goes off.
Some people scare easily. BOO! Gomer kept us safe except for that one little incident on 9-11.

And dozens more all over the world.

Question for the RWNJs - why do you believe the lie that our military is "depleted" and that we need to starve the elderly and cut off Sesame Street to save our country?

Please be speicific.


Same old crap. Sesame Street isn't going anywhere and the elderly aren't going to starve.
Alt left fake news. Was Bush charged?
Politicians don't get charged with lying in speeches to the public. If they did trump would be imprisoned under the prison for several lifetimes.
Your calling him a murderer.
How the hell do you get that out of my post? You used a period instead of a question mark. That makes you a liar in a discussion about what a liar is. How would you know what a liar is if you don't even recognize when you are telling a lie yourself?
Just info, I don't care.lies have to have intent. So if you are not a Nobel prize winner shrink and somehow know what was in ones mind .....
A person with an elementary school education knows that a period indicates a declarative statement and a question mark indicates a question. Unless I actually declared trump was a murderer, the posters statement that I lied is a lie in and of itself simply because I did not make that statement. The intent was to falsely mislead readers of the post that I had called trump a murderer.
You ain't nearly as witty or smart as you think you are. Now go tell your friend jknowgood the difference from "your" and "you're".

How spelling and grammar police are educated:

Oh boy, still going with bush lied? Wow that was debunked years ago.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
The war was labeled a pre-emptive war. As Colin Powell said on Meet the Press, it couldn`t have been sold any other way. Tony Blair said it created ISIS. You can`t make up your own history. Bush murdered our troops and was rewarded with a second term. Good job!
You're a left wing shill buying post-invasion lefty propaganda.
People like you helped get people killed and spawned ISIS, getting more people killed.
You're gross, man.
The USA and Russia had a great détente during the Yeltsin Era.

Then thanks to the international incompetence of Hillary and Obama things turned sour.

Hopefully Trump can improve relations again so that the two Nations will at least agree to de-target each other again like under Yeltsin.
If Obama had lied thousands of u.s. soldiers to their deaths searching for wmds would you then consider him to be competent? Trump may end up being charged with treason. LOCK HIM UP !
Oh boy, still going with bush lied? Wow that was debunked years ago.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
No one in Congress voted to go to war. The resolution was not a declaration of war but an authorization for the president to use the military at his discretion if diplomacy failed or if Iraq was a threat. But Iraq was not a threat and diplomacy had not failed. Passing the resolution convinced Saddam Hussein to let U.N. weapons inspector back into Iraq after being withdrawn 4 years earlier. Despite not completing their inspections, Bush OPTED to have the inspectors pulled out in favor of war anyway.

The Iraq war, and everything that has resulted since, including Abu Ghraib, the use of White Phosphorus in Fallujah, ISI/ISIS, etc.... are all on the shoulders of George Walker Bush.
The inspections were only a part of the reasoning. Lefty propagandists pushed the WMD story after the fact as a sleazy political opportunity.
You're admitting you're a dishonest left wing dupe.
Oh boy, still going with bush lied? Wow that was debunked years ago.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
Bullshit. WMD were the main reason for why Bush invaded Iraq. Sorry, but you don't get to change the narrative because the main reason for the invasion turned out to be bullshit.
Wrong. You are parroting left wing bullshit.
Saddam violated no-fly zones and deflected and feigned WMD concessions for over ten years. His use of gas weapons on Kurds in the 1980's was the precedent that couldn't be ignored.
You're a left wing dupe.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
Bullshit. WMD were the main reason for why Bush invaded Iraq. Sorry, but you don't get to change the narrative because the main reason for the invasion turned out to be bullshit.
Wrong. You are parroting left wing bullshit.
Saddam violated no-fly zones and deflected and feigned WMD concessions for over ten years. His use of gas weapons on Kurds in the 1980's was the precedent that couldn't be ignored.
You're a left wing dupe.
Lol. At the time saddam gassed the kurds and iranians, saddam was an ally of the usa. Decades later the victims are used by scumbags like you to justify the iraq invasion. No one is buying your shit.
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
Bullshit. WMD were the main reason for why Bush invaded Iraq. Sorry, but you don't get to change the narrative because the main reason for the invasion turned out to be bullshit.
Wrong. You are parroting left wing bullshit.
Saddam violated no-fly zones and deflected and feigned WMD concessions for over ten years. His use of gas weapons on Kurds in the 1980's was the precedent that couldn't be ignored.
You're a left wing dupe.
Lol. At the time saddam gassed the kurds and iranians, saddam was an ally of the usa. Decades later the victims are used by scumbags like you to justify the iraq invasion. No one is buying your shit.
My enemy's enemy is my friend, moron.
Look up Stalin.
Dem rep: US needs plan to deal with potential Russian nuke
"For a long time, Russia and the United States had this sort of mutual agreement, mutually assured destruction," he said Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"If they shot their weapons at us, we'd shoot our weapons at them and therefore a nuclear war was unlikely to happen. But what Russia now says is that they will quote, 'escalate to de-escalate.' They are willing to use nuclear weapons to de-escalate a conventional attack. I think that the problem here is that we don't really have a plan to deal with that."
U.S. will reduce role of nuclear weapons, says Obama
In a wide-ranging speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, President Obama on Wednesday unveiled U.S. plans to reduce its global nuclear presence, as part of a broader effort to "move beyond Cold War nuclear postures" and "reject the nuclear weaponization" long pursued by countries like North Korea and Iran.
Just like with Jimmy Carter, the feckless, spineless, retarded 1/2 white ex president has created a fucking mess for the US, now Donald J. Trump is going to have to fix it. Lets just pray that if there is a launch, Obama will be in his million dollar rental in northwest DC when it goes off.
In other words, they are saying that they would use a nuke on their own soil against an invading force. That would not amount to a nuclear attack on us. And, should they launch an over the pole attack that landed troops on Alaskan soil, we would probably do the same.
Gee. The voice of reason. Are you sure you're on the right message board?
Question for the RWNJs - why do you believe the lie that our military is "depleted" and that we need to starve the elderly and cut off Sesame Street to save our country?

To answer your LWNJ question, we are already starving the elderly by borrowing the Social Security Fund so it has no actual growth or growth potential other than current pay ins. As far as Sesame Street goes, what makes you think the government should be involved in entertainment? Just another ignorant liberal spouting party dogma thoughtlessly.
What a moron.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
The war was labeled a pre-emptive war. As Colin Powell said on Meet the Press, it couldn`t have been sold any other way. Tony Blair said it created ISIS. You can`t make up your own history. Bush murdered our troops and was rewarded with a second term. Good job!
You're a left wing shill buying post-invasion lefty propaganda.
People like you helped get people killed and spawned ISIS, getting more people killed.
You're gross, man.
Show me the debunking. 935 lies and everyone one of them on video tape. Him and his goons didn`t say what we watched them say? WTF is wrong with you?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Get over it, phony.
Dems voted to invade Iraq with Hillary leading the charge based on her experience being elected First Bitch.
Then Obama wasted the sacrifice by pulling troops out in order to appease you backwards ass Dems trying to relive the Glory days of Vietnam.
Then the Iraq void was filled by terrorists who gave us San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, etc.
Was the vote taken before or after the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds? See the difference genius?
The WMD factor was only a part of the initial reasoning for invasion. Not finding it became the big left wing lie opportunity after the invasion, you dishonest hack.
Bullshit. WMD were the main reason for why Bush invaded Iraq. Sorry, but you don't get to change the narrative because the main reason for the invasion turned out to be bullshit.
Wrong. You are parroting left wing bullshit.
Saddam violated no-fly zones and deflected and feigned WMD concessions for over ten years. His use of gas weapons on Kurds in the 1980's was the precedent that couldn't be ignored.
You're a left wing dupe.
We had to invade in 2003 because of what Saddam did 2 decades prior? You really should quit this thread while you`re behind. BTW, Tony Blair has already taken credit for ISIS.
Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online
Dem rep: US needs plan to deal with potential Russian nuke
"For a long time, Russia and the United States had this sort of mutual agreement, mutually assured destruction," he said Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"If they shot their weapons at us, we'd shoot our weapons at them and therefore a nuclear war was unlikely to happen. But what Russia now says is that they will quote, 'escalate to de-escalate.' They are willing to use nuclear weapons to de-escalate a conventional attack. I think that the problem here is that we don't really have a plan to deal with that."
U.S. will reduce role of nuclear weapons, says Obama
In a wide-ranging speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, President Obama on Wednesday unveiled U.S. plans to reduce its global nuclear presence, as part of a broader effort to "move beyond Cold War nuclear postures" and "reject the nuclear weaponization" long pursued by countries like North Korea and Iran.
Just like with Jimmy Carter, the feckless, spineless, retarded 1/2 white ex president has created a fucking mess for the US, now Donald J. Trump is going to have to fix it. Lets just pray that if there is a launch, Obama will be in his million dollar rental in northwest DC when it goes off.
Listen, mf.....back in the 80's when that other clown Reagan out spent Gorbochox and won the cold war, he gave us the highest deficit in US history. Remember the 400 hammers and 600 toilet seats? But Reagan had one thing in his favor....no MUSLIM WARS GOING ON. As I type, you shit for brains white good for nothing bitch, we are 17 years dug in 3 wars with the middle east, countless lives...gone, both home and abroad, quad trillions of dollars in debt because of this war and you and that bad white orange motherfucker want to take on not only Russia, but North Korea too....while the Trump boys remain out of uniform, your fuckin white ass, out of uniform...JUST WHO IN THE FUCK IS GONNA DO THE FIGHTING, BITCH??????
Now you take your sorry, good for nothing white ass back to the basement, open up a can of cold hooch...AND SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KISS OBAMA'S BLACK ASS, AFTER KISSIN MINE!!
Question for the RWNJs - why do you believe the lie that our military is "depleted" and that we need to starve the elderly and cut off Sesame Street to save our country?

To answer your LWNJ question, we are already starving the elderly by borrowing the Social Security Fund so it has no actual growth or growth potential other than current pay ins. As far as Sesame Street goes, what makes you think the government should be involved in entertainment? Just another ignorant liberal spouting party dogma thoughtlessly.

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