Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
There is another thread you could've made this argument on. You didn't have to create a new thread to do so.
BTW you are so full of shit. i ain't kidding.

Trump cult members are too dumb to learn something in just ONE lesson.....they need their asses kicked much more than just once.
I accept that nothing happens by accident in politics. Trump is forcing congress to send him a veto proof bill to reopen the govt. It's something that should have happened a long time ago.
It will be a bill that everyone hates. It will be timed to allow Trump a pocket veto. Of course, Trump will stick it in his pocket. Then...
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.

The Reich wing of the talk show hosts, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Ann Coulter are stating if no Wall Trump is DONE, you can stick a fork in him at that time. Meaning they're also done, because they all shoved Trump down everyone throats over the WALL.

He's done if there is no wall? He had two years off full control, but couldnt get it done.
It's not an excuse, it's a how they pay.
That’s a pretty shitty deal. Tax poor people?!

I’d think most would take Trumps message of Mexico paying for the wall as the Mexican government, not the poor. Of course I think he was full of shit when he said Mexico would pay for it

Agreed it is a shitty deal.

If Mexico wanted to be a good neighbor, they would control their side of the border, and not let millions of their people illegally cross into our country against our democratically enacted laws.

They would do that, with their own tax dollars, internally, and not say boo about it, because it is being responsible for their own actions.

That is what would be a good deal.

BUt, they are a shit hole of a country, with a shitty government, so we end up with a shitty deal.

Ok so we agree that taxing the poor is not justification for Mexico paying for the wall. So Let’s not use that line anymore.

Nothing I said, could be sanely interpreted as what you pretend I just agreed too.
Apologies, I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth. I had said that it’s a shitty deal taxing the poor and that the “Mexico will pay for it” line reasonably meant that the government would be paying for the wall, not the poor.

You replied “Agreed, it’s a shitty deal” so I took that as agreement.

So to clarify, you think Trump meant to tax poor people in Mexico and that was his plan for “Mexico paying for the wall”? And you think that’s a shitty deal? Please correct me if I’m not understanding you correctly.

I think it has long been established that campaign promises are, at best vague declarations of intent,

and that Trump, specifically, is known as a large scale user of hyperbole.

Thus, examining his statements as though they are legal documents, is not reasonable.

Trump seems to be making an good faith effort to get the Wall started, now.

By any reasonable comparison to the sub set of Presidential Campaign promises, right there, that is a Win, for US, his supporters.

If he were to get the money from Mexico, in ANY fashion, that would be gravy.

That it is "shitty" that the burden falls on Mexico's "poor" that in more on them, for being shitty neighbors, and not on US.


Get your shovel ready since you and your moronic ilk will NEVER get the House to approve funding of Trump's useless promise to his equally ignorant cult members.

Funny, I remember when you lefties Party Line was the Trump would never even try to do it.

And now your line is that you will stop him from doing it.

And yet, at no point, did any of you admit that you were wrong initially.

YOu libs are like that.
I can’t speak for other “Libs” but I always saw Trumps wall campaign as unrealistic and full of hot air. The “wall” is now evolving, like most campaign ideas do... but as far as building a new coast to coast “Great Wall of Trump” that Mexico is paying for like he advertised, not going to ever happen. Now for repairing existing fencing and adding walls/fences where neccessary like we have done for decades. Yes of course that is reasonable and will happen. Just gotta get beyond all this political squabbling nonesense

1. If the end result of Trump's Wall is the status quo, that is a failure.

2. There is no reason that we cannot have all the reasonably accessible routs into the country, walled.

3. Who pays for it, is FAR less important, than there being a radical transformation of the border resulting in a massive decrease in the illegal population in this country.
As always, the goal of the lefty is to discuss endlessly the best way to secure the border, and yet, the border is never secured.

You know, dimwit........our military has not won a war since WWII....Does THAT make our military negligent or obsolete???

We have 46.000 CBP agents and your orange clown put in another 6,000 troops.....Are they all ineffective moochers???............

Smarten up and "think" on YOUR OWN.

1. It certainly calls into question at least the way we use our military. Also, I consider the Cold War a Win.

2. The 30 million illegals living in this country, is irrefutable proof they are ineffective.
As always, the goal of the lefty is to discuss endlessly the best way to secure the border, and yet, the border is never secured.

You know, dimwit........our military has not won a war since WWII....Does THAT make our military negligent or obsolete???

We have 46.000 CBP agents and your orange clown put in another 6,000 troops.....Are they all ineffective moochers???............

Smarten up and "think" on YOUR OWN.

1. It certainly calls into question at least the way we use our military. Also, I consider the Cold War a Win.

2. The 30 million illegals living in this country, is irrefutable proof they are ineffective.
The Cold War was a win of what? Capitalism is what the right wing alleges to insist on.
As always, the goal of the lefty is to discuss endlessly the best way to secure the border, and yet, the border is never secured.

You know, dimwit........our military has not won a war since WWII....Does THAT make our military negligent or obsolete???

We have 46.000 CBP agents and your orange clown put in another 6,000 troops.....Are they all ineffective moochers???............

Smarten up and "think" on YOUR OWN.

1. It certainly calls into question at least the way we use our military. Also, I consider the Cold War a Win.

2. The 30 million illegals living in this country, is irrefutable proof they are ineffective.
The Cold War was a win of what? Capitalism is what the right wing alleges to insist on.

Western Liberal Democracies led by a primarily Capitalistic America, vs Communists Soviet Union.

It is odd that you do not know that. Was that a leading question designed to draw out details that you have some point to make about?
As always, the goal of the lefty is to discuss endlessly the best way to secure the border, and yet, the border is never secured.

You know, dimwit........our military has not won a war since WWII....Does THAT make our military negligent or obsolete???

We have 46.000 CBP agents and your orange clown put in another 6,000 troops.....Are they all ineffective moochers???............

Smarten up and "think" on YOUR OWN.

1. It certainly calls into question at least the way we use our military. Also, I consider the Cold War a Win.

2. The 30 million illegals living in this country, is irrefutable proof they are ineffective.
The Cold War was a win of what? Capitalism is what the right wing alleges to insist on.

Western Liberal Democracies led by a primarily Capitalistic America, vs Communists Soviet Union.

It is odd that you do not know that. Was that a leading question designed to draw out details that you have some point to make about?
there was no need for a socialized Cold War when a more capital Industrial Automation race would have been more cost effective. Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
Same responses from a Trump ass licker.......Obviously, instead of growing some more brain cells, the above idiot regresses to the level of a 10 year old.....

I'm simply following Lackotas lead with pity memes!
It is a shame that you ABNORMALS actually need to be raped, robbed or killed to understand our laws and need for security...or perhaps it's the fact that your local drug supplier might be affected and you go into withdrawal!....My, wouldn't that be a hoot!
One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress
Oh? We have a wall and Mexico has paid for it? H. Clinton has been locked up?.....or even investigated?

He may be thinking of the 100%-great-healthcare-coverage at a tiny fraction of the cost of O-care.
Same responses from a Trump ass licker.......Obviously, instead of growing some more brain cells, the above idiot regresses to the level of a 10 year old.....

I'm simply following Lackotas lead with pity memes!
It is a shame that you ABNORMALS actually need to be raped, robbed or killed to understand our laws and need for security...or perhaps it's the fact that your local drug supplier might be affected and you go into withdrawal!....My, wouldn't that be a hoot!

The wall just got 10 feet shorter!
But the thing that you should address, is why do the dems want open borders?

Sure, I WILL address your moronic question........

It is a Trump cult membership assertion that Dems want open borders......You and Hannity are full of shit for mindlessly repeating the same garbage.

Check out just how many more border patrol agents were hired under the Obama administration.......does THAT "confirm" that "dems are for open borders?"

Duh, hiring border patrol agents to "catch and release" illegals is basically open borders.
You did not support your answer with any credible links. Here are two that say that the new dem policy is in-fact open borders.
The new guard of the Democratic Party absolutely supports open borders
Democrats' Open Borders Immigration Policy | National Review are citing RIGHT WING OPINIONS as Gospel truth......No wonder you're so fucking dumb since you get all of your education from other idiots that share your right wing opinion......

Look, here's the bottom line: YOU ARE NOT GETTING THAT FUCKING WALL with Trump's name in flashing

I quoted credible news sources that you did not refute. Whining like a 2-year old just shows how ignorant you are. On this board its either put up proof or STFU. Thanks for give your mom her puter back...
I'll take that bet on the new wall. Just watch what happens...
Same responses from a Trump ass licker.......Obviously, instead of growing some more brain cells, the above idiot regresses to the level of a 10 year old.....

I'm simply following Lackotas lead with pity memes!
It is a shame that you ABNORMALS actually need to be raped, robbed or killed to understand our laws and need for security...or perhaps it's the fact that your local drug supplier might be affected and you go into withdrawal!....My, wouldn't that be a hoot!

Go back to bed and dream of a beautiful wall.............LMAO
The real reasons why we "need" a wall on our southern border.

so Goldilocks can save a fraction of his pride ... no more, no less.
which gun laws would have prevented the LV shooting?

.... tilt.... no law can prevent an individual shooting and dramatic events will obviously continue to occur.... but:

How Australia And Other Developed Nations Have Put A Stop To Gun Violence
How Australia And Other Developed Nations Have Put A Stop To Gun Violence

The British commonwealth and Japanese have strict laws with excellent statistical results (actually that's all you can rationally expect...). Obviously when the system is tainted by the NRA, don't expect too much positive movement on that front. Regression such as idiotic concepts like 'arm every teacher' would possibly be considered normal under such a system.

If you care about human life, statistics should guide you to the right decision. But then again you must first start to love life more than the tools that take it away. A majority in the USA would call themselves life-loving Christians, the irony is stupefying if you look at comparative statistics and the policies in effect.

those countries have seen massive increases in knife, vehicle, and blunt object violence. 99.9% of gun owners have never, and will never, commit a gun crime.

the problem is not guns, we have always had guns in this country. The problem is a sick society that ignores the basics of right and wrong, glorifies violence in movies and songs, and has lost all touch with God.

the second amendment was put in the constitution to protect the citizens from the government and criminals. Your ideas would allow only the government and criminals to have guns. that's what happened in Mao's China and Hitler's Germany. It amazes me that you liberals refuse to learn from the history of those regimes.

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