Dumbfuck, the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions," not "trials."

Can you at least try not to be such a flaming dumbfuck??? At least fake it.

It applies in civil law also.

^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.


So far we have lots of accusers & Trump can come to the hearings & face everyone of them.

Then he can go under oath & testify.

So far you got nothing except some folks that think they heard or presumed they heard something. That's not evidence. The transcript damn sure doesn't verify a damn thing, except Trump did nothing wrong.


There is enough there. This isn't a criminal trial. It's a political trial. The criminal trial comes later after Rump leaves office. And he has to do it all on his own dime. Except, NY state is going to freeze his assets so Rump may have to use a Public Defender. Now, wouldn't that be rich?
For one, for soliciting campaign help from a foreign national.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
Fake Dave, I've already showed how you lie to make your points. You're a silly child.
You denying the quid pro quo with Biden just shows how much of a liar you are.
His son was going to be investigated by the prosecutor, and uncle Joe shut it down with
his quid pro quo/extortion/bribery. Please....run along, child. Oh...by the way...Bless your heart.
There's no quid pro quo on Biden's part unless you can show he personally got something out of it -- and you can't.
No it's a problem for the left..........3 years of I GOTCHA..........and FLOP.

And here we go again............You guys are so wrong all the time.........why should anyone listen to people who are always wrong.
Again? We haven't been going after Trump for 3 years. You're delusional.
What?????? :laughing0301:
Name how the left has been going after Trump for 3 years.....

Comey started in mid 2016 and they haven't stopped since.

The Mueller investigation was done by Republicans.

Bullshit, the only so called Republican was the senile figurehead.

Oh you could afford it alright, it's just that you didn't realize it when they forced you to pay for others healthcare by making you pay a penalty to the IRS even if you didn't need healthcare insurance yourself. It was the first shot across the bow into turning this country into a socialist country to be run by the Democrats. Hillary losing was shocking to these people for whom had it all laid out in the perfect plan.

Health Care for All is not free. I am already under something like that and I pay for it. All of us under Medicare and Tricare don't get either for free. But, trust me, if it's a life changing and potential house losing situation I am fortunate to have both. The more I make, the higher my premiums are. But they aren't anywhere near like many pay under civilian HMOs or even ACA. There are already millions of us on it and the system is not going broke. So stop this sniveling and do something that actually works.
Millions already ensnared eh ?? Stop the dependency, and do something that actually works.
Medicare is going broke. I'm certain that so is Tricare. I don't know if the later has ever broken even.
That's why we must keep a strong economy going or all hell is going to break loose in all our safety net programs for the elderly and for the poor.

What, and give up the idea of having voluntary Extermination Stations for the Old, Sick and Poor?
Good grief, and Bush and company assisted in the knocking of the two world trade centers to the ground eh ????? Go play in your conspirital world, but don't expect any other to follow you there.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
Fake Dave, I've already showed how you lie to make your points. You're a silly child.
You denying the quid pro quo with Biden just shows how much of a liar you are.
His son was going to be investigated by the prosecutor, and uncle Joe shut it down with
his quid pro quo/extortion/bribery. Please....run along, child. Oh...by the way...Bless your heart.
There's no quid pro quo on Biden's part unless you can show he personally got something out of it -- and you can't.
He got the prosecutor fired... Checkmate.
It applies in civil law also.

^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.


So far we have lots of accusers & Trump can come to the hearings & face everyone of them.

Then he can go under oath & testify.

So far you got nothing except some folks that think they heard or presumed they heard something. That's not evidence. The transcript damn sure doesn't verify a damn thing, except Trump did nothing wrong.


There is enough there. This isn't a criminal trial. It's a political trial. The criminal trial comes later after Rump leaves office. And he has to do it all on his own dime. Except, NY state is going to freeze his assets so Rump may have to use a Public Defender. Now, wouldn't that be rich?

Yeah, you keep thinking that when the Senate Judiciary committee inserts requirements in the senate impeachment rules, that the house can only present evidence that complies with Federal Criminal evidentiary procedures. Try to politic that commie. LMAO
Health Care for All is not free. I am already under something like that and I pay for it. All of us under Medicare and Tricare don't get either for free. But, trust me, if it's a life changing and potential house losing situation I am fortunate to have both. The more I make, the higher my premiums are. But they aren't anywhere near like many pay under civilian HMOs or even ACA. There are already millions of us on it and the system is not going broke. So stop this sniveling and do something that actually works.
Millions already ensnared eh ?? Stop the dependency, and do something that actually works.
Medicare is going broke. I'm certain that so is Tricare. I don't know if the later has ever broken even.
That's why we must keep a strong economy going or all hell is going to break loose in all our safety net programs for the elderly and for the poor.

What, and give up the idea of having voluntary Extermination Stations for the Old, Sick and Poor?
Good grief, and Bush and company assisted in the knocking of the two world trade centers to the ground eh ????? Go play in your conspirital world, but don't expect any other to follow you there.

Did you miss the sarcasm here? Are all you Rumpsters devoid of a sense of humor? Of did I accidentally stumble on a well kept secret you have been harboring from the rest of us.
Millions already ensnared eh ?? Stop the dependency, and do something that actually works.
Medicare is going broke. I'm certain that so is Tricare. I don't know if the later has ever broken even.
That's why we must keep a strong economy going or all hell is going to break loose in all our safety net programs for the elderly and for the poor.

What, and give up the idea of having voluntary Extermination Stations for the Old, Sick and Poor?
Good grief, and Bush and company assisted in the knocking of the two world trade centers to the ground eh ????? Go play in your conspirital world, but don't expect any other to follow you there.

Did you miss the sarcasm here? Are all you Rumpsters devoid of a sense of humor? Of did I accidentally stumble on a well kept secret you have been harboring from the rest of us.
Ohhhh it was sarcasm eh ?? Yeah right.
Dumbfuck, the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions," not "trials."

Can you at least try not to be such a flaming dumbfuck??? At least fake it.

It applies in civil law also.

^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.

Prove it, given the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions" ...

If you could read you'd know that Federal Civil Procedure almost perfectly mirrors Federal Criminal Procedure. Compliant, discovery, jury selection, trial and verdict.

civil procedure

If you could read, you never would have posted that link which also calls you an imbecile....

The judicial system is essentially divided into two types of cases: civil and criminal. Thus, a study of Civil Procedure is basically a study of the procedures that apply in cases that are not criminal.

More to the point that you're a dumbfuck....

Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
Fake Dave, I've already showed how you lie to make your points. You're a silly child.
You denying the quid pro quo with Biden just shows how much of a liar you are.
His son was going to be investigated by the prosecutor, and uncle Joe shut it down with
his quid pro quo/extortion/bribery. Please....run along, child. Oh...by the way...Bless your heart.
There's no quid pro quo on Biden's part unless you can show he personally got something out of it -- and you can't.
He got the prosecutor fired... Checkmate.

You just mated yourself, ya moron. You failed to show how Biden gained personally from that. :eusa_doh:
Dumbfuck, the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions," not "trials."

Can you at least try not to be such a flaming dumbfuck??? At least fake it.

It applies in civil law also.

^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.

Prove it, given the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions" ...

If you could read you'd know that Federal Civil Procedure almost perfectly mirrors Federal Criminal Procedure. Compliant, discovery, jury selection, trial and verdict.

civil procedure
They think they can hotwire the rules to get the outcome they want, when the outcome they desire requires a very broad consensus, which will not occur with complete confidence that the process has been above reproach.
It applies in civil law also.

^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.

Prove it, given the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions" ...

If you could read you'd know that Federal Civil Procedure almost perfectly mirrors Federal Criminal Procedure. Compliant, discovery, jury selection, trial and verdict.

civil procedure
They think they can hotwire the rules to get the outcome they want, when the outcome they desire requires a very broad consensus, which will not occur with complete confidence that the process has been above reproach.
Dumbfuck, there's nothing you can say that will redeem your fellow dumbfuck. The 6th Amendment applies to criminal cases, not civil cases. If fucking says so....

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
What I don't get blues is Dems have the smartest most well informed people in the media and as ambassadors and in our reps in congress ,and repubs have nothing better than to call them non trumpers and liars ?? Can't you see what trump and the few loyal to him are doing to America?? And it ain't good

Dem's only appear smart in comparison to nitwits like AOC and Pelosi. Hence your confusion when a guy like George Bush whoops your ass twice. The man could barely complete a sentence. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
What I don't get blues is Dems have the smartest most well informed people in the media and as ambassadors and in our reps in congress ,and repubs have nothing better than to call them non trumpers and liars ?? Can't you see what trump and the few loyal to him are doing to America?? And it ain't good

Dem's only appear smart in comparison to nitwits like AOC and Pelosi. Hence your confusion when a guy like George Bush whoops your ass twice. The man could barely complete a sentence. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.

That is not what Sondland admitted at the hearing.
He did when one of the Republican ranking members told him to quote what the President told him. And after his memory had been refreshed by Jim Jordan, he parrotted the reading from the phone call replayed. The President said effectively, "I want nothing. I want nothing. No quid pro quo." You'd know that if you ever bothered to listen to the phone call that was also recorded and replayed on a conservative news program whihc your fellow democrats constantly diss, even when it is obvious the tape is authentic. Sondland parrotted exactly what the president said, and he remembered it well, but not until a Republican House member questioned him. That changed the entire morning arranged quotations by Democrats trying to conceal what the President Donald Trump actually said by avoiding it entirely and making certain it was not placed in Sondland's 22 pages of opening testimony papers, for which the Republicans jumped on this tangled web weaver like ugly on an ape, which Sondland a lot more than deserved for concealing the actual words of President Trump all morning long. But Jim Jordan wasn't worried. he had the actual tape, and he reminded everyone what the president said in a way they couldn't ignore it.

It doesn’t matter what Jordan, Nunes or you said. It doesn’t matter.

What matter is he admitted there is quid pro quo.

You people are bunch of LIARS.

No, we're well-informed. You missed the afternoon questioning of Sonland. He admitted that President Trump told him directly NO QUID PRO QUO. Earlier in the morning, he gave a presumption dreampt up in his pointy head, and he had zero evidence of quid pro quo, and in fact, he obfuscated Trump's telling him NO QUID PRO QUO!!!!! IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS.

You're too lazy to find out the facts, it's not my fault if you make yourself and the Democrat Party look even worse by taking the arrogant path of refusal to review the evidence brought forth, and instead preferr unfounded presumptions that are phonier than a 3 dollar bill.


It doesn’t matter what Jordan and Nunes are bullshiting.

What matter is..... the chairman of the committee Schiff are saying.
Yes there is a quid pro quo.

No there isn't. Schiff said long ago when President Trump took office he would be Hillary's insurance policy, but you wouldn't want to be him when the truth about him is revealed. Oh, wait. The truth about him has already been revealed, but the leftist Press ignores the truth to please Soros investments in getting rid of an American President to appease the Hillary humongous ego in scorch the earth revenge activities instead of Schiff trying to lift so much as a finger to help the American people who are being neglected by the Democrat Congress fucking the entire world out of the truth. meh.
^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.


So far we have lots of accusers & Trump can come to the hearings & face everyone of them.

Then he can go under oath & testify.

So far you got nothing except some folks that think they heard or presumed they heard something. That's not evidence. The transcript damn sure doesn't verify a damn thing, except Trump did nothing wrong.


There is enough there. This isn't a criminal trial. It's a political trial. The criminal trial comes later after Rump leaves office. And he has to do it all on his own dime. Except, NY state is going to freeze his assets so Rump may have to use a Public Defender. Now, wouldn't that be rich?

Yeah, you keep thinking that when the Senate Judiciary committee inserts requirements in the senate impeachment rules, that the house can only present evidence that complies with Federal Criminal evidentiary procedures. Try to politic that commie. LMAO

Then NOTHING Lying Schitt fabricated could be presented? :eek:
What I don't get blues is Dems have the smartest most well informed people in the media and as ambassadors and in our reps in congress ,and repubs have nothing better than to call them non trumpers and liars ?? Can't you see what trump and the few loyal to him are doing to America?? And it ain't good

Dem's only appear smart in comparison to nitwits like AOC and Pelosi. Hence your confusion when a guy like George Bush whoops your ass twice. The man could barely complete a sentence. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs

Tell me eddie, do you think the Soviet Star Chamber and the Stalinist Show Trial HELPED you Communists? Do you think your chances of retaining the 18 seats needed for your majority are better now than they were before Lying Schitt started?
Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.


So far we have lots of accusers & Trump can come to the hearings & face everyone of them.

Then he can go under oath & testify.

So far you got nothing except some folks that think they heard or presumed they heard something. That's not evidence. The transcript damn sure doesn't verify a damn thing, except Trump did nothing wrong.


There is enough there. This isn't a criminal trial. It's a political trial. The criminal trial comes later after Rump leaves office. And he has to do it all on his own dime. Except, NY state is going to freeze his assets so Rump may have to use a Public Defender. Now, wouldn't that be rich?

Yeah, you keep thinking that when the Senate Judiciary committee inserts requirements in the senate impeachment rules, that the house can only present evidence that complies with Federal Criminal evidentiary procedures. Try to politic that commie. LMAO

Then NOTHING Lying Schitt fabricated could be presented? :eek:

And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.
Dem's only appear smart in comparison to nitwits like AOC and Pelosi. Hence your confusion when a guy like George Bush whoops your ass twice. The man could barely complete a sentence. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs

Tell me eddie, do you think the Soviet Star Chamber and the Stalinist Show Trial HELPED you Communists? Do you think your chances of retaining the 18 seats needed for your majority are better now than they were before Lying Schitt started?
I think that one went outta the park. Home run!

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