Hunter Biden began dating his brother’s widow while recovering from a week spent buying crack from a homeless encampment in Los Angeles, according to a new report.

In a candid New Yorker interview with Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden’s troubled son, the 49-year-old lawyer explained the origins of his affair with brother Beau’s widow, Hallie, and the rock-bottom drug binge that came beforehand.

Hunter — who had already moved out of his marital home with estranged wife Kathleen over his failure to stay sober — says he became close with Hallie after a 2016 trip with her to the Hamptons and began spending most nights at her house while “sharing a very specific grief” over Beau’s 2015 death.

He made plans to head to a detox center in Arizona, but got sidetracked during a stopover in Los Angeles, where he soon asked a vagrant where he could buy crack, according to the mag.

Hunter was taken to a downtown LA homeless encampment, where someone pulled a gun on him — but he nevertheless returned several more times that week to buy drugs.

He then got into a fight outside a Hollywood Boulevard nightclub, and a man nicknamed “Baby Down” took pity on him and deposited him at a Hertz car rental office.

Hunter took his rental car to Arizona, where Hertz workers called the cops after finding a crack pipe and a baggie containing a “white powdery substance,” along with a Secret Service business card, Hunter’s driver’s license and a badge from Beau’s time as Delaware attorney general inside.

Local prosecutors declined to pursue the case, citing a lack of evidence that he actually used the pipe, according to the New Yorker.

Hunter, meanwhile, finally spent a week at Grace Grove Lifestyle Center — a local “detox, rejuvenation and healing retreat” — before checking into a resort spa, where Hallie flew to meet him and they decided to become a couple.

All while serving as a Burisma board member and they didn't cut him lose. Must be nice to be a VPs son.

Or a presidents son daughter or son in law

Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.

Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.


And what have you done to pay back America? I gave 20 plus years in the US Military protecting your right to be an idiot. If it were just you, I would say I wasted every second of it. But when I see others, it makes it all worth it and more. So you keep calling everyone that has an IQ above 60 a commie while you spew the same crap that the GRU keeps coming up with because Rump believes it himself. That pretty well means you are a Putin supporter. And it sounds like it's YOU that is the commie.

Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


You elected George W Bush who was a drunk & crackhead until the age of 35.

Hunter Biden served on many boards, was a lawyer & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.

AS far as expertise on strippers, look no farther than your hero Donald Trump who has to pay them off. Who also bankrupted companies & had to have Daddy bail him out.

No one voted for Hunter Biden,. You voted for Bush & Trump so really, shut the fuck up.

Blah, blah, blah. Your deflection and whataboutism is noted. Every time Hunter got a no show job on a board, quid pro joe got it for him, including Burisma. And he's still a fuck up. BTW he got Burisma to hire a law firm of a friend to represent them, so no he didn't advise them on shit, and got paid 83K a month to not do it. Carry on commie.

Anything you posted against the law?? Trump didn't give family and friends jobs?

Taken in full context, it could very well be illegal, that's why it needs to be investigated. And no Trump didn't give family jobs in anything but his campaign. You get paid to do a job, Ivanka and Jared are volunteers, they don't get paid.

Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


You elected George W Bush who was a drunk & crackhead until the age of 35.

Hunter Biden served on many boards, was a lawyer & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.

AS far as expertise on strippers, look no farther than your hero Donald Trump who has to pay them off. Who also bankrupted companies & had to have Daddy bail him out.

No one voted for Hunter Biden,. You voted for Bush & Trump so really, shut the fuck up.

Blah, blah, blah. Your deflection and whataboutism is noted. Every time Hunter got a no show job on a board, quid pro joe got it for him, including Burisma. And he's still a fuck up. BTW he got Burisma to hire a law firm of a friend to represent them, so no he didn't advise them on shit, and got paid 83K a month to not do it. Carry on commie.

Anything you posted against the law?? Trump didn't give family and friends jobs?

Taken in full context, it could very well be illegal, that's why it needs to be investigated. And no Trump didn't give family jobs in anything but his campaign. You get paid to do a job, Ivanka and Jared are volunteers, they don't get paid.

BUT top security clearance ?? and how have they used their positions to enrich themselves?
Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.


And what have you done to pay back America? I gave 20 plus years in the US Military protecting your right to be an idiot. If it were just you, I would say I wasted every second of it. But when I see others, it makes it all worth it and more. So you keep calling everyone that has an IQ above 60 a commie while you spew the same crap that the GRU keeps coming up with because Rump believes it himself. That pretty well means you are a Putin supporter. And it sounds like it's YOU that is the commie.

Oh fucking right, the GRU caused all this.
Ukraine ambassador putting out an op-ed against Trump
Ukraine MP being a source for Fusion GPS
Ukrainians putting out public statements against Trump
Ukrainian Embassy cooperating with DNC operatives
Burisma reps using Bidens name to get meetings with State
And I have more, but not going to wast my time.

And if you want to engage in humble bragging, I have 21 plus years of active military service in the US Army, 26 plus for pay, and received an ARCOM and Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. You don't like me calling you a commie, stop acting like one.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


You elected George W Bush who was a drunk & crackhead until the age of 35.

Hunter Biden served on many boards, was a lawyer & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.

AS far as expertise on strippers, look no farther than your hero Donald Trump who has to pay them off. Who also bankrupted companies & had to have Daddy bail him out.

No one voted for Hunter Biden,. You voted for Bush & Trump so really, shut the fuck up.

Blah, blah, blah. Your deflection and whataboutism is noted. Every time Hunter got a no show job on a board, quid pro joe got it for him, including Burisma. And he's still a fuck up. BTW he got Burisma to hire a law firm of a friend to represent them, so no he didn't advise them on shit, and got paid 83K a month to not do it. Carry on commie.

Anything you posted against the law?? Trump didn't give family and friends jobs?

Taken in full context, it could very well be illegal, that's why it needs to be investigated. And no Trump didn't give family jobs in anything but his campaign. You get paid to do a job, Ivanka and Jared are volunteers, they don't get paid.

BUT top security clearance ?? and how have they used their positions to enrich themselves?

Damn you're funny, clearance, so the fuck what?
Enrich themselves, they had to sell off 34 million in assets just to volunteer. I'd call that a sacrifice for the country. You need to stop watching mslsd and stop using LSD.

You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
Yavanovich was one of the better ambassadors. The only thing she did wrong was get in Trump's way. Trump had to get rid her to establish Giuliani as the primary contact between Zelensky and the president. Trump hoped to used Giuliani to work out the details of the investigation against the Bidens. There was no other reason for him to be there.

Exactly. They could have just fired her without Guilliani running around trying to bad mouthing her or without any of that BS.
I’m very surprised how amateurs are these people. Cannot even fire an ambassador properly. Cannot even hide an improper request of investigation. It has to be well announced. Too many people involved. Ineptness at highest level.
And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.


And what have you done to pay back America? I gave 20 plus years in the US Military protecting your right to be an idiot. If it were just you, I would say I wasted every second of it. But when I see others, it makes it all worth it and more. So you keep calling everyone that has an IQ above 60 a commie while you spew the same crap that the GRU keeps coming up with because Rump believes it himself. That pretty well means you are a Putin supporter. And it sounds like it's YOU that is the commie.

Oh fucking right, the GRU caused all this.
Ukraine ambassador putting out an op-ed against Trump
Ukraine MP being a source for Fusion GPS
Ukrainians putting out public statements against Trump
Ukrainian Embassy cooperating with DNC operatives
Burisma reps using Bidens name to get meetings with State
And I have more, but not going to wast my time.

And if you want to engage in humble bragging, I have 21 plus years of active military service in the US Army, 26 plus for pay, and received an ARCOM and Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. You don't like me calling you a commie, stop acting like one.


Just keep repeating the GRU misinformation. Keep it up and maybe they will send you 20 Rubles. What's that in American Dollars? About 7 cents?

Bronze from Vietnam? A Papercut gets you one of those.
You should know better.

I do know better, at least know better than you.

Let’s get these facts straight.
The word "fact" doesn't mean what you wish it to mean.

1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.
None of those activities are related to Trump campaign or Trump. They were all process crimes that Trump didn't know about, and when he find out, he fired him. That doesn't discredit Trump in any way.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

I notice you got her name wrong several times, it's Yovanovitch, by the way.

Before being US Ambassador during Trump presidency, she was Ambassador in Ukraine for President Barry, who appointed her there. I don't know where did you get that, but she was not Trump supporter. There was no smear campaign against her, those are her claims that nobody else can back up. There are several reasons she was replaced, and from what I understood it goes like this.

In March 2019, while she was still US Ambassador in Ukraine, she delivered speech where she openly called for firing of then current Ukrainian prosecutor general, and that would be Yuriy Lutsenko. Although Lutsenko was corrupt, and deserve firing, it's not up to her to call for his firing, since as US Ambassador she has to follow rules of Vienna Convention that regulate conduct of foreign diplomats in host countries. She violated the international rule that foreign diplomats avoid becoming involved in the internal affairs and elections of their host country.

Vienna Convention Chapter III

Second, she is US Ambassador and serve at the pleasure of the president. Not former president, but the current president. According to the letter written in May 2018 (notice the date that is way before Giuliani got involved, and way before the elections in Ukraine) by House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions to Secretary Pompeo, about Ambassador Yovanovitch was making anti-Trump comments and he suggested she should be recalled. That has nothing to do with Giuliani or anybody else, it's just her disliking the president she was serving.

I'm sure you can find the letter yourself if you tried. If you have SCRIBD account, you can read the letter HERE.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

Unlike you, I don't speculate, i support what I write with links to documents and articles. During this impeachment inquiry, several witnesses testified that Ukraine did not get lethal military help from Barry's administration. Even Ambassador Yovanovitch testified so. I don't have to think what Barry send to Ukraine, all I have to do is listen to people that were involved.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.

As for lying, compare what I wrote to your own writings. As I said above, unlike you I don't speculate. I provide documents that are actually facts you mentioned at the top of your post. Speculations are not facts. All you have so far are just that... speculations.

I strongly accused you of LYING twice 1 and 2 but you ignored it.

Manafort . Are you saying that Trump just silly willy hired people without verifications? Are you saying he doesn’t know him beforehand? Bullshit.

Military aid to Ukraine. I worked with active military and veterans on regular basis. So I know far more than you. And I gave a you a straight facts. Did the Russian separatist advance against those blankets and first aid? The answer is NO?

Yavanovitch. All of that you posted against her are totally FALSE. You don’t have any proof or record of that... Getting Guilliani involved alone is way off. Maybe you have not watched the hearing. She even said.... She doesn’t know why Guilliani is bad mouthing her. Most or all of the witnesses despised Guilliani. Most or all of the GOPs grilling at the hearing admired her service and dedications. Except fuck up Trump.

If she wasn’t a Trump supporter for 3 years and doing a bad job they should/could have fired her a long time ago. Don’t you think? Not when they are getting her involved with Trump corruption.

From a leftist source, the LA Times.

Obama approves $75 million in nonlethal aid to Ukraine
Here is another one charwin can peruse, and then come back and deny again. What do you bet? Lol
US ships 300,000 MREs to Ukraine military

No intiendo.

Obama sent these and that aid. What are you trying to say.
Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.


And what have you done to pay back America? I gave 20 plus years in the US Military protecting your right to be an idiot. If it were just you, I would say I wasted every second of it. But when I see others, it makes it all worth it and more. So you keep calling everyone that has an IQ above 60 a commie while you spew the same crap that the GRU keeps coming up with because Rump believes it himself. That pretty well means you are a Putin supporter. And it sounds like it's YOU that is the commie.

Oh fucking right, the GRU caused all this.
Ukraine ambassador putting out an op-ed against Trump
Ukraine MP being a source for Fusion GPS
Ukrainians putting out public statements against Trump
Ukrainian Embassy cooperating with DNC operatives
Burisma reps using Bidens name to get meetings with State
And I have more, but not going to wast my time.

And if you want to engage in humble bragging, I have 21 plus years of active military service in the US Army, 26 plus for pay, and received an ARCOM and Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. You don't like me calling you a commie, stop acting like one.


Just keep repeating the GRU misinformation. Keep it up and maybe they will send you 20 Rubles. What's that in American Dollars? About 7 cents?

Bronze from Vietnam? A Papercut gets you one of those.

GFY, you and your ilk are the best tools Putin has in the US. We had an election, you lost, deal with it.

Admitted by who?
In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Here's the interview. Portions relevant to this article start around the 5:50 mark.
He had every right to hold up aid if the reason was to investigate or find out if Ukraine interfered in the 2016 elections, and if the Bidens were involved in that corruption over time as well. Not doing these things if have suspicion's of, would constitute a dereliction of duty.
We already know this Ukraine election meddling has been debunked.

But Putin thanks you for it.

Debunked? LOL

Ukraine placed bet on Hillary, and worked against Trump.

Here is Financial Times article from 2016. They proclaimed that Trump is "pro-Russian" without anything to support it and supported Hillary who was "pro-Ukrainian", because Barry send them blankets and MREs.

Ukraine’s leaders campaign against ‘pro-Putin’ Trump

Mr Leshchenko and Ukraine’s anti-corruption bureau published a secret ledger this month that authorities claim show millions of dollars of off-the-book cash payments to Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s campaign director, while he was advising Mr Yanukovich’s Regions party from 2005.
No support for their claim that Trump was pro-Russia?

Okay, Never mind his statement that he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting the sanctions against Russia if he were elected. :290968001256257790-final:

It's all moot now anyway. Trump is clearly all the way up inside Putin's Russian ass.
Matters not if the majority living in Crimea wanted Crimea to be Russian territory again eh ?? Thought you people were for democracy in action, but if someone chooses in their own part of the world, then you got something to say about it eh ? Do you want to rule the world cratzie ????
You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
Yavanovich was one of the better ambassadors. The only thing she did wrong was get in Trump's way. Trump had to get rid her to establish Giuliani as the primary contact between Zelensky and the president. Trump hoped to used Giuliani to work out the details of the investigation against the Bidens. There was no other reason for him to be there.

Exactly. They could have just fired her without Guilliani running around trying to bad mouthing her or without any of that BS.
I’m very surprised how amateurs are these people. Cannot even fire an ambassador properly. Cannot even hide an improper request of investigation. It has to be well announced. Too many people involved. Ineptness at highest level.
Replaced and given choice of new assignment is now FIRED.....

hmmm.............She wasn't fired.
You should know better.

I do know better, at least know better than you.

Let’s get these facts straight.
The word "fact" doesn't mean what you wish it to mean.

1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.
None of those activities are related to Trump campaign or Trump. They were all process crimes that Trump didn't know about, and when he find out, he fired him. That doesn't discredit Trump in any way.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

I notice you got her name wrong several times, it's Yovanovitch, by the way.

Before being US Ambassador during Trump presidency, she was Ambassador in Ukraine for President Barry, who appointed her there. I don't know where did you get that, but she was not Trump supporter. There was no smear campaign against her, those are her claims that nobody else can back up. There are several reasons she was replaced, and from what I understood it goes like this.

In March 2019, while she was still US Ambassador in Ukraine, she delivered speech where she openly called for firing of then current Ukrainian prosecutor general, and that would be Yuriy Lutsenko. Although Lutsenko was corrupt, and deserve firing, it's not up to her to call for his firing, since as US Ambassador she has to follow rules of Vienna Convention that regulate conduct of foreign diplomats in host countries. She violated the international rule that foreign diplomats avoid becoming involved in the internal affairs and elections of their host country.

Vienna Convention Chapter III

Second, she is US Ambassador and serve at the pleasure of the president. Not former president, but the current president. According to the letter written in May 2018 (notice the date that is way before Giuliani got involved, and way before the elections in Ukraine) by House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions to Secretary Pompeo, about Ambassador Yovanovitch was making anti-Trump comments and he suggested she should be recalled. That has nothing to do with Giuliani or anybody else, it's just her disliking the president she was serving.

I'm sure you can find the letter yourself if you tried. If you have SCRIBD account, you can read the letter HERE.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

Unlike you, I don't speculate, i support what I write with links to documents and articles. During this impeachment inquiry, several witnesses testified that Ukraine did not get lethal military help from Barry's administration. Even Ambassador Yovanovitch testified so. I don't have to think what Barry send to Ukraine, all I have to do is listen to people that were involved.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.

As for lying, compare what I wrote to your own writings. As I said above, unlike you I don't speculate. I provide documents that are actually facts you mentioned at the top of your post. Speculations are not facts. All you have so far are just that... speculations.

I strongly accused you of LYING twice 1 and 2 but you ignored it.

Manafort . Are you saying that Trump just silly willy hired people without verifications? Are you saying he doesn’t know him beforehand? Bullshit.

Military aid to Ukraine. I worked with active military and veterans on regular basis. So I know far more than you. And I gave a you a straight facts. Did the Russian separatist advance against those blankets and first aid? The answer is NO?

Yavanovitch. All of that you posted against her are totally FALSE. You don’t have any proof or record of that... Getting Guilliani involved alone is way off. Maybe you have not watched the hearing. She even said.... She doesn’t know why Guilliani is bad mouthing her. Most or all of the witnesses despised Guilliani. Most or all of the GOPs grilling at the hearing admired her service and dedications. Except fuck up Trump.

If she wasn’t a Trump supporter for 3 years and doing a bad job they should/could have fired her a long time ago. Don’t you think? Not when they are getting her involved with Trump corruption.

From a leftist source, the LA Times.

Obama approves $75 million in nonlethal aid to Ukraine
Here is another one charwin can peruse, and then come back and deny again. What do you bet? Lol
US ships 300,000 MREs to Ukraine military

No intiendo.

Obama sent these and that aid. What are you trying to say.

During that time, Ukraine was on the Corruption list and would not receive funds for offensive weapons. It wasn't until 2017 they they were taken off the corruption list for Military Offensive Weapons Aid. Not long after that, Congress awarded the 400 mil package that Rump held up. There was NO reason other than corruption by Rump that explains why the delay.
You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.

You ignorant hillbilly, I've provided proof of everything I've said. You're the one that keeps spewing commie propaganda. Carry on commie.


And what have you done to pay back America? I gave 20 plus years in the US Military protecting your right to be an idiot. If it were just you, I would say I wasted every second of it. But when I see others, it makes it all worth it and more. So you keep calling everyone that has an IQ above 60 a commie while you spew the same crap that the GRU keeps coming up with because Rump believes it himself. That pretty well means you are a Putin supporter. And it sounds like it's YOU that is the commie.

Oh fucking right, the GRU caused all this.
Ukraine ambassador putting out an op-ed against Trump
Ukraine MP being a source for Fusion GPS
Ukrainians putting out public statements against Trump
Ukrainian Embassy cooperating with DNC operatives
Burisma reps using Bidens name to get meetings with State
And I have more, but not going to wast my time.

And if you want to engage in humble bragging, I have 21 plus years of active military service in the US Army, 26 plus for pay, and received an ARCOM and Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. You don't like me calling you a commie, stop acting like one.


Just keep repeating the GRU misinformation. Keep it up and maybe they will send you 20 Rubles. What's that in American Dollars? About 7 cents?

Bronze from Vietnam? A Papercut gets you one of those.

GFY, you and your ilk are the best tools Putin has in the US. We had an election, you lost, deal with it.


Just pointing out the corruption that Rump does for his buddy Putin and the misinformation that you repeat from the GRU trying to cover that up.
You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
Yavanovich was one of the better ambassadors. The only thing she did wrong was get in Trump's way. Trump had to get rid her to establish Giuliani as the primary contact between Zelensky and the president. Trump hoped to used Giuliani to work out the details of the investigation against the Bidens. There was no other reason for him to be there.

Exactly. They could have just fired her without Guilliani running around trying to bad mouthing her or without any of that BS.
I’m very surprised how amateurs are these people. Cannot even fire an ambassador properly. Cannot even hide an improper request of investigation. It has to be well announced. Too many people involved. Ineptness at highest level.

There is no proper or improper way to fire an ambassador. That's why Hussein fired them all before he even entered the White House after he won his first election.
You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
Yavanovich was one of the better ambassadors. The only thing she did wrong was get in Trump's way. Trump had to get rid her to establish Giuliani as the primary contact between Zelensky and the president. Trump hoped to used Giuliani to work out the details of the investigation against the Bidens. There was no other reason for him to be there.

Exactly. They could have just fired her without Guilliani running around trying to bad mouthing her or without any of that BS.
I’m very surprised how amateurs are these people. Cannot even fire an ambassador properly. Cannot even hide an improper request of investigation. It has to be well announced. Too many people involved. Ineptness at highest level.

There is no proper or improper way to fire an ambassador. That's why Hussein fired them all before he even entered the White House after he won his first election.

Most weren't fired. They were shuffled. Did your Handler tell you to say that, comrade?
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
Yavanovich was one of the better ambassadors. The only thing she did wrong was get in Trump's way. Trump had to get rid her to establish Giuliani as the primary contact between Zelensky and the president. Trump hoped to used Giuliani to work out the details of the investigation against the Bidens. There was no other reason for him to be there.

Exactly. They could have just fired her without Guilliani running around trying to bad mouthing her or without any of that BS.
I’m very surprised how amateurs are these people. Cannot even fire an ambassador properly. Cannot even hide an improper request of investigation. It has to be well announced. Too many people involved. Ineptness at highest level.

There is no proper or improper way to fire an ambassador. That's why Hussein fired them all before he even entered the White House after he won his first election.

Most weren't fired. They were shuffled. Did your Handler tell you to say that, comrade?

Actually no, the Washington Post did.


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