Of Trump or Obama WHO has created more jobs???

Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president

One of the most ignorant and stupid "against" Keystone pipeline argument that Obama agreed to was the environmental issue.
So I ask all those "environmentalists" a simple question...
Which would you prefer:
A) 1 million barrels of oil traveling one mile in an area known for "winter hurricanes" as described by David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL

B) Or 700 barrels traveling one mile through the Keystone pipeline that joins more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
The Keystone with 16 monitors per mile of the 1,179 mile route.. OR one monitor every 100 yards and Keystone XL will use satellite technology to monitor 20,000 data points on the pipeline’s operating conditions.
This and the attached below shows the major differences between Trump's practicality and Obama's economic naïveté.
Note how Obama wanted the USA to be dependent on foreign oil for another dumb example!
View attachment 274933

Exactly, liberals are the most stupidest fuckers I have ever met
Obama was a do nothing frightened clown...he was never qualified to be the leader of the free world....he did nothing to rid us of the recession....Trump made a few tax cuts and regulation cuts...got government off the neck of banks and boom.....all of a sudden people are working again...saving money and are looking brightly on their retirement possibilities again....he has Made America Great Again....
Nice to see you back Nat.

Thank you......I gave up on this forum for a while.....It was getting a bit too nasty and....of course......the powers that be on this forum were not very nice to my somewhat leftist opinions.

I sincerely thank you for the welcoming thought.

I really don’t agree with you much, and give you a bad time, but I respect your opinion, no matter how wrong you are. :21:

That "thank you" I just gave you was....well, half heart-ed...lol.
Lol, so now you admit tRump has created less jobs but you have an excuse for why?

Pathetic dude, weak.

Admit what needle dick, you can't prove to me the magic negro did anything to create private sector jobs..

Lol, you don't admit it but you're still making excuses for it?

Damn dude, just damn.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible, you'll feel much better.

Wait your trying to say the magic negro did anything?
Wait, "you're" trying to say Cheeto Jesus did anything?

"Magic negro" is racest as fuck dude.

How the fuck is is magic Negro more racist then you calling me a dumb Pollack?

And when will you ever tell us how the magic negro anti bussiness sissy president produced private sector jobs?
When have I ever called you a dumb Pollack?

Is everyone here still.drunk from last night or what?
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
you are just one more government worshiper....giving the government all the credit for what the private sector does.

That is the cold, hard truth.

Sooooo, you would readily agree that giving HUGE subsidies to the energy and farm sectors is a fucked up policy by the orange cult leader????...............Yes or No?
Admit what needle dick, you can't prove to me the magic negro did anything to create private sector jobs..

Lol, you don't admit it but you're still making excuses for it?

Damn dude, just damn.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible, you'll feel much better.

Wait your trying to say the magic negro did anything?
Wait, "you're" trying to say Cheeto Jesus did anything?

"Magic negro" is racest as fuck dude.

How the fuck is is magic Negro more racist then you calling me a dumb Pollack?

And when will you ever tell us how the magic negro anti bussiness sissy president produced private sector jobs?
When have I ever called you a dumb Pollack?

Is everyone here still.drunk from last night or what?

It's obvious to all of us you and Nat are sucking each other's dick over Obama..

Now can one of you tell us how Obama created private sector jobs?

Lol, you don't admit it but you're still making excuses for it?

Damn dude, just damn.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible, you'll feel much better.

Wait your trying to say the magic negro did anything?
Wait, "you're" trying to say Cheeto Jesus did anything?

"Magic negro" is racest as fuck dude.

How the fuck is is magic Negro more racist then you calling me a dumb Pollack?

And when will you ever tell us how the magic negro anti bussiness sissy president produced private sector jobs?
When have I ever called you a dumb Pollack?

Is everyone here still.drunk from last night or what?

It's obvious to all of us you and Nat are sucking each other's dick over Obama..

Now can one of you tell us how Obama created private sector jobs?

Where have I even mentioned President Obama? This is about tRump and his lack of job creation.
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Oh, sorry, forgot -- it's only liberals who are entitled to their own facts.
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Oh, sorry, forgot -- it's only liberals who are entitled to their own facts.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Oh, sorry, forgot -- it's only liberals who are entitled to their own facts.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.
You're asking for an awful lot
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Oh, sorry, forgot -- it's only liberals who are entitled to their own facts.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.
I just have to be less stupid than you. And really, that bar's set pretty low.
Obama did create a job once.

That job was for president Donald J. Trump, and so far he has handled it excellently.
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
...only if you count the jobs in foreign nations that Obama created.
Numbers don't lie kid.

You idiots are entitled to.your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Oh, sorry, forgot -- it's only liberals who are entitled to their own facts.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.
You're asking for an awful lot

So tell us Lesh how did the magic Negro create $17 dollar an hour jobs in the blue states at Walmart, like red State governors did during the Obama administration?

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