O'Donnell just as dumb as Palin when it comes to Supreme Court knowledge

she's no dumber than Nancy Pelsoi. and the PEOPLE of Delaware will decide if she is dumb or not.

Like any person is "suppose" to know all the Supreme Court cases.

gawd you people are PATHETIC

A "stephanism" for sure, as if she would not be all over a candidate she did not like for the same error.

YAWN. I don't have "time" to pick out every little dumb thing a candidate says. But it sure seems you lefties do, and lets not forget everything some radio and t.v. hosts says too.:lol:
Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.
She definitely re-established her Bubblehead-status. How comical that Republicans feel "perky" is going to cancel-out feelings (most) Americans have of Republican-congressmen laying-back....for two years....drawing a check for yelling "NO!!"

I guess we'll have to stand-bye for O'Donnell's next campaign, seeing-as-how this talentless-bimbo requires some kind o' income....and, her perpetual-campaign-gig (rather than a real-job) is pretty-much all she's developed (as a job-skill).

Maybe she'd qualify as a "greeter", at a mega-church....somewhere.​
I've heard what passes for "in the know" on this board from my comrades on the left when it comes to the judiciary... Most are either willfully ignorant or just plain ole reactionary.

Enough said.
Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.
She definitely re-established her Bubblehead-status. How comical that Republicans feel "perky" is going to cancel-out feelings (most) Americans have of Republican-congressmen laying-back....for two years....drawing a check for yelling "NO!!"

I guess we'll have to stand-bye for O'Donnell's next campaign, seeing-as-how this talentless-bimbo requires some kind o' income....and, her perpetual-campaign-gig (rather than a real-job) is pretty-much all she's developed (as a job-skill).

Maybe she'd qualify as a "greeter", at a mega-church....somewhere.​

This is what is so sad and utterly PATHETIC about the dumb broad. She spent all these years "working" on her campaign as her only source of income and can't name a single SC decision she has a problem with. WTF...does the dunce have SOUP for brains?

And these are the dumb SAPS that Neo-CON$ like the fellow $tephanie reveres and wants in office.

Toast I say....TOAST!!!


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she's no dumber than Nancy Pelsoi. and the PEOPLE of Delaware will decide if she is dumb or not.

Like any person is "suppose" to know all the Supreme Court cases.

gawd you people are PATHETIC

A "stephanism" for sure, as if she would not be all over a candidate she did not like for the same error.

YAWN. I don't have "time" to pick out every little dumb thing a candidate says. But it sure seems you lefties do, and lets not forget everything some radio and t.v. hosts says too.:lol:

The 'yawn' is on you when you post stupid stephanieisms.
57 States? Michianers? Corpse Men? I'm here in St. Louis speaking to you from Kansas City? Why can't I just eat my waffle?

Come on... Obama is no stranger to saying some incredibly stupid things.
Well, Obama didn't know how many states make up our country. Personally, I wouldn't vote for someone THAT stupid.

Of course he knows, he just got mixed up briefly, but not knowing any Supreme Court cases? O'Donnell has absolutely no knowledge about cases she disagrees with and she wants to be a Senator. It makes the Tea Baggers look bad and further exposes their movement for the farce it is.

I've been asked questions before, and have had my mind draw a blank. The first thing I always think of with the supreeme court decisions are "eminent domain" That being said, drawing a blank does not make her stupid. You are stupid for thinking so. Obie wan on the other hand wasn't asked a question, he just opened his mouth and stupid rolled out all on it's own.
Anyway, in a few weeks it won't matter.. the not-so-great Marxist experiment is being shown the door.. We've seen the mess that these psuedo-intellectuals like Obama create. Enough already, they're useless idiots.

Buh Bye!!!!
Well, Obama didn't know how many states make up our country. Personally, I wouldn't vote for someone THAT stupid.

Of course he knows, he just got mixed up briefly, but not knowing any Supreme Court cases? O'Donnell has absolutely no knowledge about cases she disagrees with and she wants to be a Senator. It makes the Tea Baggers look bad and further exposes their movement for the farce it is.

I've been asked questions before, and have had my mind draw a blank. The first thing I always think of with the supreeme court decisions are "eminent domain" That being said, drawing a blank does not make her stupid. You are stupid for thinking so. Obie wan on the other hand wasn't asked a question, he just opened his mouth and stupid rolled out all on it's own.

Exactly.. isn't it smarter to just say "I don't know" than to just blather on idiotically with some nonsensical answer? But, that is what passes as smart on the left... blah blah blah.. as long as it sounds good. Form over substance.... the left opts for that every time.. Obama is a prime example, intellectually an empty vessel, but hey, he sounds good.... kinda.
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Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.

Stupid is not realizing that the American people are tired of the Saul Alinsky playbook, the demonization of everything the left sees as a villan. Obie wan always has a "bad guy" to target. The American people are tired of your perpetual race wars, class wars, and economic wars, and most of all they are tired of your fake calls of bi partisanship and unity. We see you for the big fat fake DUmbAzzes you are. You and the Alan Grayson's of your party are shooting down any pretense at civillity. I'm glad the cat is now out of the bag. Have fun.
she's no dumber than Nancy Pelsoi. and the PEOPLE of Delaware will decide if she is dumb or not.

Like any person is "suppose" to know all the Supreme Court cases.

gawd you people are PATHETIC

Pelosi is an seasoned politician, and O'Donnell, what the fuck is her experience, witchcraft? She could ride a broom better than she can name Supreme Court cases she disagrees with.
Of course he knows, he just got mixed up briefly, but not knowing any Supreme Court cases? O'Donnell has absolutely no knowledge about cases she disagrees with and she wants to be a Senator. It makes the Tea Baggers look bad and further exposes their movement for the farce it is.

I've been asked questions before, and have had my mind draw a blank. The first thing I always think of with the supreeme court decisions are "eminent domain" That being said, drawing a blank does not make her stupid. You are stupid for thinking so. Obie wan on the other hand wasn't asked a question, he just opened his mouth and stupid rolled out all on it's own.

Exactly.. isn't it smarter to just say "I don't know" than to just blather on idiotically with some nonsensical answer? But, that is what passes as smart on the left... blah blah blah.. as long as it sounds good. Form over substance.... the left opts for that every time.. Obama is a prime example, intellectually an empty vessel, but hey, he sounds good.... kinda.

It's the way they play the game. Every female Republican is an idiot in their mind. Well, what a tiny little mind they have.
Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.

Stupid is not realizing that the American people are tired of the Saul Alinsky playbook, the demonization of everything the left sees as a villan. Obie wan always has a "bad guy" to target. The American people are tired of your perpetual race wars, class wars, and economic wars, and most of all they are tired of your fake calls of bi partisanship and unity. We see you for the big fat fake DUmbAzzes you are. You and the Alan Grayson's of your party are shooting down any pretense at civillity. I'm glad the cat is now out of the bag. Have fun.

What fuck does your retarded ass incoherent post have to do the OP? You're willing to rade your hate for Obama for the stupudity of a dumb chick with absoluetly no knowledge of the issues she's supposed to be against or for other that dipshit Tea Bastard slogans and bullshittery? Go right the fuck on ahead and vote for incompetent trash like O'Donnell, most people in Delaware will not.
I've been asked questions before, and have had my mind draw a blank. The first thing I always think of with the supreeme court decisions are "eminent domain" That being said, drawing a blank does not make her stupid. You are stupid for thinking so. Obie wan on the other hand wasn't asked a question, he just opened his mouth and stupid rolled out all on it's own.

Exactly.. isn't it smarter to just say "I don't know" than to just blather on idiotically with some nonsensical answer? But, that is what passes as smart on the left... blah blah blah.. as long as it sounds good. Form over substance.... the left opts for that every time.. Obama is a prime example, intellectually an empty vessel, but hey, he sounds good.... kinda.

It's the way they play the game. Every female Republican is an idiot in their mind. Well, what a tiny little mind they have.

no kidding, the people aren't buying the crap they are selling anymore. They saw what the left with the help of Lamestream media tried to do with Palin, smearing her from the first day.
It won't matter in a few weeks anyway..
Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.

Stupid is not realizing that the American people are tired of the Saul Alinsky playbook, the demonization of everything the left sees as a villan. Obie wan always has a "bad guy" to target. The American people are tired of your perpetual race wars, class wars, and economic wars, and most of all they are tired of your fake calls of bi partisanship and unity. We see you for the big fat fake DUmbAzzes you are. You and the Alan Grayson's of your party are shooting down any pretense at civillity. I'm glad the cat is now out of the bag. Have fun.

What fuck does your retarded ass incoherent post have to do the OP? You're willing to rade your hate for Obama for the stupudity of a dumb chick with absoluetly no knowledge of the issues she's supposed to be against or for other that dipshit Tea Bastard slogans and bullshittery? Go right the fuck on ahead and vote for incompetent trash like O'Donnell, most people in Delaware will not.

Yes, well, we can all see how your so called "intelligent" decisions worked out can't we? Kerry On
Christine O'Donnell Can't Name Recent Supreme Court Decision She Disagrees With - Video - The Daily Beast

And the idiots in this forum still believes she's well qualified because anything is better than a Democrat, in their minds that is. Pathetic.
She definitely re-established her Bubblehead-status. How comical that Republicans feel "perky" is going to cancel-out feelings (most) Americans have of Republican-congressmen laying-back....for two years....drawing a check for yelling "NO!!"

I guess we'll have to stand-bye for O'Donnell's next campaign, seeing-as-how this talentless-bimbo requires some kind o' income....and, her perpetual-campaign-gig (rather than a real-job) is pretty-much all she's developed (as a job-skill).

Maybe she'd qualify as a "greeter", at a mega-church....somewhere.​

This is what is so sad and utterly PATHETIC about the dumb broad. She spent all these years "working" on her campaign as her only source of income and can't name a single SC decision she has a problem with. WTF...does the dunce have SOUP for brains?

And these are the dumb SAPS that Neo-CON$ like the fellow $tephanie reveres and wants in office.

Toast I say....TOAST!!!


This country was toast the minute the idiot socialist in office was elected. At least she probaly loves her country unlike the dumbasses in the white house.
Exactly.. isn't it smarter to just say "I don't know" than to just blather on idiotically with some nonsensical answer? But, that is what passes as smart on the left... blah blah blah.. as long as it sounds good. Form over substance.... the left opts for that every time.. Obama is a prime example, intellectually an empty vessel, but hey, he sounds good.... kinda.

It's the way they play the game. Every female Republican is an idiot in their mind. Well, what a tiny little mind they have.

no kidding, the people aren't buying the crap they are selling anymore. They saw what the left with the help of Lamestream media tried to do with Palin, smearing her from the first day.
It won't matter in a few weeks anyway..

Palin, Brewer, Whitman, Angel, Bauchman, you name her, and they have Saul Alinskied her.

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