October 'Noreaster!

Leave it to the left to claim that unusual cold temps are a a sign that the earth is warming. They will hire about a dozen crooked "scientists" to make a hundred skewed graphs and proclaim that cold is really warm and then punish Americans for their decades of cheap energy.


Last time it snowed in October in New York City??????????????


Im laughing..........98% of regular New Yorkers dont come within light years of being on an internet forum like this one. As the snow falls tonight, one thing is certain. The only people who will be freaked out and angst about snow in October being due to global warming will be the goofballs down in tents at that park by Wall Street. Maybe 37 people in the rest of NYC will be saying to others, "Shit....better get out in front of this global warming problem soon!!!":funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::coffee:

Indeed........a huge majority of people dont embrace making themselves look like complete meatheads.
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That was back when they were predicting a decent into an ice age.

Can you post anything without lying, Walleyes? Or do you get your science from Newsweek and Time?

It is you who is dishonest rocks.

Science magazine (Dec. 10, 1976) warned of "extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation."

Science Digest (February 1973) reported that "the world's climatologists are agreed" that we must "prepare for the next ice age."

The news mags of the day, newsweek, the christian science monitor, the new york times, etc were only reporting what the climatologists of the day were stating just as is happening today.

The Christian Science Monitor ("Warning: Earth's Climate is Changing Faster Than Even Experts Expect," Aug. 27, 1974) reported that glaciers "have begun to advance," "growing seasons in England and Scandinavia are getting shorter" and "the North Atlantic is cooling down about as fast as an ocean can cool

Newsweek agreed ("The Cooling World," April 28, 1975) that meteorologists "are almost unanimous" that catastrophic famines might result from the global cooling that the New York Times (Sept. 14, 1975) said "may mark the return to another ice age.

The Times (May 21, 1975) also said "a major cooling of the climate is widely considered inevitable" now that it is "well established" that the Northern Hemisphere's climate "has been getting cooler since about 1950."

Like it or not rocks, the scientific community were predicting an ice age in the early 70's. The fact that the news reported what the "experts" said doesn't alter the fact.

From 1965 to 1979 62% of the scientific paper predicted warming, 28% had no stance, only 10% predicted cooling. Typical 'Conservative' to claim 10% is a consensus.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming.

In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings suggested that there was a cooling trend. As a result some scientists suggested that the current inter-glacial period could rapidly draw to a close, which might result in the Earth plunging into a new ice age over the next few centuries. This idea could have been reinforced by the knowledge that the smog that climatologists call ‘aerosols’ – emitted by human activities into the atmosphere – also caused cooling. In fact, as temperature recording has improved in coverage, it’s become apparent that the cooling trend was most pronounced in northern land areas and that global temperature trends were in fact relatively steady during the period prior to 1970.

At the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a greater number published contradicting studies. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gasses that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would a much greater influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.

By 1980 the predictions about ice ages had ceased, due to the overwhelming evidence contained in an increasing number of reports that warned of global warming. Unfortunately, the small number of predictions of an ice age appeared to be much more interesting than those of global warming, so it was those sensational 'Ice Age' stories in the press that so many people tend to remember.

Poor rocks. You just keep grasping those straws. When it starts getting really cold, maybe you will have enough to start yourself a fire to keep warm.

Here is what some of your high priests had to say about the fact that it hasn't been warming even though atmospheric CO2 continues to rise:

“It’s really subtle,” he said. “It’s hard to track how much is going into the oceans, because the oceans are soaking up some of the heat. And in a lot of places the measurements just aren’t accurate enough. We do have satellites that can measure the energy budget, but there’s still assumptions there. There’s assumptions about the oceans, because we don’t have a whole lot of measurements in the ocean.” John Barnes

"The hiatus [in warming] was not unexpected. Variability in the climate can suppress rising temperatures temporarily, though before this decade scientists were uncertain how long such pauses could last. In any case, one decade is not long enough to say anything about human effects on climate; as one forthcoming paper lays out, 17 years is required." Kevin Trenberth

On a personal note, I would like to see where trenberth ever predicted that warming would stop for a decade or more.

“What’s really been exciting to me about this last 10-year period is that it has made people think about decadal variability much more carefully than they probably have before,” said Susan Solomon, an atmospheric chemist and former lead author of the United Nations’ climate change report, during a recent visit to MIT. “And that’s all good. There is no silver bullet. In this case, it’s four pieces or five pieces of silver buckshot.” Susan Solomon

These revelations are prompting the science’s biggest names to change their views. Jim Hansen

We make a mistake, anytime the temperature goes up, you imply this is due to global warming,” he said. “If you make a big deal about every time it goes up, it seems like you should make a big deal about every time it goes down.” John Daniel

This no-warming-since-1998 discussion has prompted people to think about the why and try to understand the why,” Santer said. “But it’s also prompted people to correct these incorrect claims.” Ben Santer

Climate models failed to reflect the sun’s cyclical influence on the climate and “that has led to a sense that the sun isn’t a player,” Lean said. “And that they have to absolutely prove that it’s not a player.” Judith Lean

“….many of the scientists sorting out the warming hiatus disagree with one another – in a chummy, scholarly way. Judith Lean, the solar scientist, finds Kaufmann’s work unpersuasive and unnecessarily critical of China. Kaufmann finds Solomon’s stratosphere studies lacking in evidence. Hansen and Trenberth can’t agree on a budget.

Warming has stopped? Bent, you are lying as usual. 2010 tied with 1998 as the warmest year on record. The last decade has been the warmest on record. But you say warming has stopped. Lordy, lordy, not only lying, but doing so stupidly.
LMAO..........this is what is hitting the NCY Metro area right now!!! This shot from my brothers porch about 45 minutes from Manhattan in Connecticut!!!


So......the question becomes.........how many people are going to be out shoveling snow in October n NYC tomorrow morning giving a rats ass about global warming?? About 14? The k00ks dont get it.............big snowstorms in October just make the green energy efforts in our country a bigger ePiC fAiL. What? Think people in this area are going to be calling into their representatives tomorrow demanding more regulations on greenhouse gasses?:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::slap:
From 1965 to 1979 62% of the scientific paper predicted warming, 28% had no stance, only 10% predicted cooling. Typical 'Conservative' to claim 10% is a consensus.

Well rocks, you have effectively proven that changing data has been the habit of climate science for a very long time.
Warming has stopped? Bent, you are lying as usual. 2010 tied with 1998 as the warmest year on record. The last decade has been the warmest on record. But you say warming has stopped. Lordy, lordy, not only lying, but doing so stupidly.

It is your guys who are stating there that the warming has stopped rocks. So which lie are they telling? Has it stopped or does it continue to warm. Your guys are saying both.
Old Rocks, YOU ROCK!

Great post.

Well, he is about as smart as a bag of rocks. The fact that you think he rocks says a great deal about the amount of intellectual wattage coursing between your ears as well.
Snow in October and you kooks said Global Waming was a crock!!! What say you now that Al's been proven right?!?!


Ummmmm cold is not warm or does that escape your pointy little head? Amazing how these frauds can convince you people so easily that cold is actually really hot. What a sad state of affairs for our country and its public education system. The dumbing down is working.
Snow in October and you kooks said Global Waming was a crock!!! What say you now that Al's been proven right?!?!


Ummmmm cold is not warm or does that escape your pointy little head? Amazing how these frauds can convince you people so easily that cold is actually really hot. What a sad state of affairs for our country and its public education system. The dumbing down is working.
I'm wondering when was Al Gore proven right.
Snow in October and you kooks said Global Waming was a crock!!! What say you now that Al's been proven right?!?!


Ummmmm cold is not warm or does that escape your pointy little head? Amazing how these frauds can convince you people so easily that cold is actually really hot. What a sad state of affairs for our country and its public education system. The dumbing down is working.
I'm wondering when was Al Gore proven right.

In a Perfect World, Al Gore would be sharing a Cell Block with Bernard, Madoff, with a Life Sentence for His Carbon Credit Ponzi Scheme. Nobody is touching on the damage and cost to the poor and the quality of Life, issues this utter Bullshit will create. They seem to want us as hostages.
Snow in October and you kooks said Global Waming was a crock!!! What say you now that Al's been proven right?!?!


Another ilustration of how the nutters dont get it.............

Its like 22 degrees here in NYC this am.........in fcukking October. We're all real sure people are waking up this morning, going outside and saying to themselves, "Gee.......Al was right......this bitter cold in October.........I best call my representative tomorrow and blast him about carbon emmissions to get this warming under control!!!"

Gray blustery wet snowy kinda day here in Maine.

Unusual for late October, but not all that unusual.

Given how mild this fall has been thus far?

No complaints.

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