Ocean rise and ice melt accelerating....

I am waiting for your next scientific paper to be published
Why? I am not the one disputing the accepted theories. What a bizarre response...

What accepted theory's water is wet, Fire is hot, the climate always changes?
You know, you aren't really annoying me, and you are embarrassing yourself. is it really worth it?

How so , that I go out once and awhile and know that the Mercury thermometer was invented in 1714?
I am waiting for your next scientific paper to be published
Why? I am not the one disputing the accepted theories. What a bizarre response...

What accepted theory's water is wet, Fire is hot, the climate always changes?
You know, you aren't really annoying me, and you are embarrassing yourself. is it really worth it?

How so , that I go out once and awhile and know that the Mercury thermometer was invented in 1714?
and, as we all know, that's really all you need to know to form an informed opinion on a complicated scientific topic.

Seriously man, you're embarrassing yourself.
Hurricane Harvey stalled, dumped 60 inches of rain. Nothing to do with CO2.
You could not possibly know the truth of that, which means it is you who sounds like the idiot. warmer oceans mean more energetic hurricanes. That is a fact we know. We have warmed our oceans via our emissions. That is also a fact we know. It is fair to say that climate change affects every single hurricane. Every single one.

You could not possibly know the truth of that

Feel free to post the CO2 mechanism that caused the hurricane to stall.
Easily done.

Not that you will ever bother to actually listen to what a real scientist has to say. You prefer the spew by obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.
Fact my ass
haha... and here is YOUR retort to the 'matter at hand"... yes, we all look forward to your next published scientific article, "Fact My Ass, By Dr. Bear, the uneducated slob"

I am waiting for your next scientific paper to be published, the last one was so informative

View attachment 177489
Neither he nor I am a scientist. But, unlike you, we do read what the scientists are telling us their research is telling them. Perhaps if you brought your level of scientific understanding past the third grade level you could converse on an equal level as Fort.
I am waiting for your next scientific paper to be published
Why? I am not the one disputing the accepted theories. What a bizarre response...

What accepted theory's water is wet, Fire is hot, the climate always changes?
You know, you aren't really annoying me, and you are embarrassing yourself. is it really worth it?

How so , that I go out once and awhile and know that the Mercury thermometer was invented in 1714?
Oh my, the breadth and depth of your scientific knowledge is truly astounding. LOL
Hurricane Harvey stalled, dumped 60 inches of rain. Nothing to do with CO2.
You could not possibly know the truth of that, which means it is you who sounds like the idiot. warmer oceans mean more energetic hurricanes. That is a fact we know. We have warmed our oceans via our emissions. That is also a fact we know. It is fair to say that climate change affects every single hurricane. Every single one.

You could not possibly know the truth of that

Feel free to post the CO2 mechanism that caused the hurricane to stall.
Easily done.

Not that you will ever bother to actually listen to what a real scientist has to say. You prefer the spew by obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.

Wow, nearly 2 hours to learn how CO2 caused this particular hurricane to stall?
Any hint as to when the good part starts...ends?
Wow, nearly 2 hours to learn how CO2 caused this particular hurricane to stall?
Spot on Trollster! I mean, if these scientists can't condense 25 years of work into a blurb that an uneducated slob like you can understand...why, they are just useless!
Wow, nearly 2 hours to learn how CO2 caused this particular hurricane to stall?
Spot on Trollster! I mean, if these scientists can't condense 25 years of work into a blurb that an uneducated slob like you can understand...why, they are just useless!

In these 2 hours there is proof that if only CO2 were 280 PPM, there would have been no flooding?
Or if it were 350 PPM, the rainfall would have been 30 inches instead of 50?
Help a poor uneducated slob.....please, kind sir.
In these 2 hours there is proof that if only CO2 were 280 PPM, there would have been no flooding?
Typical red herring from a di

me-a-dozen charlatan...the claim was never that there would have been "NO flooding, with lower CO2". Either you are the equivalent of a cheap used car salesman with no shame, or you are an uneducated slob who never learned the negations of universal and existential statements.
Or if it were 350 PPM, the rainfall would have been 30 inches instead of 50?

What kind of fool would arbitrarily choose numbers in this manner? Scientists don't think this way
In these 2 hours there is proof that if only CO2 were 280 PPM, there would have been no flooding?
Typical red herring from a di

me-a-dozen charlatan...the claim was never that there would have been "NO flooding, with lower CO2". Either you are the equivalent of a cheap used car salesman with no shame, or you are an uneducated slob who never learned the negations of universal and existential statements.
Or if it were 350 PPM, the rainfall would have been 30 inches instead of 50?

What kind of fool would arbitrarily choose numbers in this manner? Scientists don't think this way

the claim was never that there would have been "NO flooding, with lower CO2"

I know. The claim was CO2 somehow caused a hurricane to stall.

What kind of fool would arbitrarily choose numbers in this manner?

The kind that would claim you can tell how much damage will be caused if we don't take dramatic steps to reduce CO2.
I know. The claim was CO2 somehow caused a hurricane to stall.
No, the claim is the contribution could cause it to stall for longer, and/or cause more rain during the stall. You can clarify with him, whenever you want to take a pause from trolling.
The kind that would claim you can tell how much damage will be caused if we don't take dramatic steps to reduce CO2.

No scientist is claiming to know EXACTLY how much damage can be prevented. Only weak sauce trolls like you talk about that stupid shit, because you have to invent low-hanging fruit for yourselves to pick. Hopefully, one day, you have an epiphany and realize that the reason you don't understand any of this is because you are lazy and ignorant (and maybe stupid, not sure), not because people aren't saying it "the right way"
I know. The claim was CO2 somehow caused a hurricane to stall.
No, the claim is the contribution could cause it to stall for longer, and/or cause more rain during the stall. You can clarify with him, whenever you want to take a pause from trolling.
The kind that would claim you can tell how much damage will be caused if we don't take dramatic steps to reduce CO2.

No scientist is claiming to know EXACTLY how much damage can be prevented. Only weak sauce trolls like you talk about that stupid shit, because you have to invent low-hanging fruit for yourselves to pick. Hopefully, one day, you have an epiphany and realize that the reason you don't understand any of this is because you are lazy and ignorant (and maybe stupid, not sure), not because people aren't saying it "the right way"

No, the claim is the contribution could cause it to stall for longer,

Of course, an unprovable, untestable claim.

and/or cause more rain during the stall.

Of course. Current levels caused 50 inches. Lower levels would have caused less. Obviously.
Of course, an unprovable, untestable claim.
No it isn't. we know the mechanisms by which these stalls happen, and we can predict, measure, and verify the effects of warmer water and air on these mechanisms. You sure are behind the times!
Of course. Current levels caused 50 inches. Lower levels would have caused less.
of course, as any child who has learned about this topic knows, it's not CO2 molecules directly causing the effects of climate change, but rather the indirect effects of higher amounts of carbon compounds in our atmosphere, which itself causes (among other things) a more intense greenhouse effect, warming our atmosphere and oceans.
It bothers me that these climate change frauds are allowed to drag down the reputations of their institutions in exchange for 30 pieces of silver.

Right next to them, as real scientists are conducting countless controlled experiments, the AGW Cult tells us if you want "proof" of climate change, just look at the Weather Channel.

It fails so badly as real science, that the real scientists need to treat these frauds like Ghostbusters and send them packing
It bothers me that these climate change frauds are allowed to drag down the reputations of their institutions in exchange for 30 pieces of silver.

Right next to them, as real scientists are conducting countless controlled experiments, the AGW Cult tells us if you want "proof" of climate change, just look at the Weather Channel.

It fails so badly as real science, that the real scientists need to treat these frauds like Ghostbusters and send them packing
Francis, you would get laughed out of a 5th grade science class. Nobody cares about your opinion on any scientific topic, ever. If you talked about science in front of a mirror, your reflection would laugh at you. If you read one of your posts about science out loud to Hellen Keller, she would laugh loudly. You make flat-Earthers blush and snicker and wonder, "Who is this goddamn moron?" Stephen Hawking is currently inventing a new wheelchair that allows him to point and laugh, just because of you.
Of course, an unprovable, untestable claim.
No it isn't. we know the mechanisms by which these stalls happen, and we can predict, measure, and verify the effects of warmer water and air on these mechanisms. You sure are behind the times!
Of course. Current levels caused 50 inches. Lower levels would have caused less.
of course, as any child who has learned about this topic knows, it's not CO2 molecules directly causing the effects of climate change, but rather the indirect effects of higher amounts of carbon compounds in our atmosphere, which itself causes (among other things) a more intense greenhouse effect, warming our atmosphere and oceans.

No it isn't.

How do you test it?
How do you test it?
By collecting data for decades, of course. You then analyze it to test the hypothesis of whether warmer air and water strengthens the mechanisms which cause storms to stall.

PRO TIP: Scientists thought of this before you did. CRAZY, huh? Crazy that a bunch of people who dedicate their lives to these fields of science thought of this before you did, eh?

Warm Oceans Can Cause Storms to Linger

Hey Toddster Do you act this way in other fields of academia, or regarding other endeavors? For example, are you under the delusion that you can beat up Floyd Mayweather, or that you can beat Garry Kasparov in chess?

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