Obscene Apologies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Take a gander at Michael Walsh's response to the savages who killed the UN workers, and see if you agree with him:

1. Noel Coward penned a little ditty called "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans."
It was, he explained, "a satire directed against a small minority of excessive humanitarians, who, in my opinion, were taking a rather too tolerant view of our enemies."

2. Over in Afghanistan, a mob of howling savages, whipped up by our "ally," kleptocratic President Hamid Karzai, has been rioting for nearly a week over the burning of a Koran by an obscure pastor in Florida. More than 20 have died, including two US soldiers...

3. In a series of disgraceful statements, Sens. Harry Reid and Lindsey Graham, along with Gen. David Petraeus, have laid the blame for the unrest where it doesn't belong: at the feet of the US Constitution.

4. This is jaw-dropping in its ignorance and stupidity. Graham is arguing against freedom of speech -- why else should an American citizen exercising his First Amendment rights, however offensive to some, be "held accountable" for the reactions of superstitious goatherds half a world away?

5. But the prize for disappointment goes to Petraeus and NATO Ambassador Mark Sedwill, whose statement read in part: "In view of the events of recent days, we feel it is important . . . to reiterate our condemnation of any disrespect to the Holy Koran and the Muslim faith. We condemn, in particular, the action of an individual in the United States who recently burned the Holy Koran.

"We further hope the Afghan people understand that the actions of a small number of individuals, who have been extremely disrespectful to the Holy Koran, are not representative of any of the countries of the international community who are in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people."

6. ...we are instead apologizing to the very people who are killing American soldiers, and treating their holy book better than we do any other.

7. World War II ended with the destruction of German cities, the death of Hitler, the hanging of the top surviving Nazis at Nuremberg. In Japan, Gen. Douglas MacArthur forced Emperor Hirohito to publicly renounce the myth of his own divinity and the Japanese doctrine of racial superiority.

But don't let's be beastly to the Islamists. After all, restricting the rights of our own citizens in order to appease people still living in the 7th century isn't much of a price to pay for peace, is it?

Let's be meek to them

And turn the other cheek to them

And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.

Let's give them full air parity

And treat the rats with charity,

But don't let's be beastly to the Hun.

Politicians appease Islamists--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com
I think he is right on the mark. The ONLY bummer about the whole thing is the threat to soldiers and innocent civilians. But....and I say this reluctantly...isnt that what terrorism is? Fear to upset exremist wackos so nobody gets killed over their insanity?
Take a gander at Michael Walsh's response to the savages who killed the UN workers, and see if you agree with him:

1. Noel Coward penned a little ditty called "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans."
It was, he explained, "a satire directed against a small minority of excessive humanitarians, who, in my opinion, were taking a rather too tolerant view of our enemies."

2. Over in Afghanistan, a mob of howling savages, whipped up by our "ally," kleptocratic President Hamid Karzai, has been rioting for nearly a week over the burning of a Koran by an obscure pastor in Florida. More than 20 have died, including two US soldiers...

3. In a series of disgraceful statements, Sens. Harry Reid and Lindsey Graham, along with Gen. David Petraeus, have laid the blame for the unrest where it doesn't belong: at the feet of the US Constitution.

4. This is jaw-dropping in its ignorance and stupidity. Graham is arguing against freedom of speech -- why else should an American citizen exercising his First Amendment rights, however offensive to some, be "held accountable" for the reactions of superstitious goatherds half a world away?

5. But the prize for disappointment goes to Petraeus and NATO Ambassador Mark Sedwill, whose statement read in part: "In view of the events of recent days, we feel it is important . . . to reiterate our condemnation of any disrespect to the Holy Koran and the Muslim faith. We condemn, in particular, the action of an individual in the United States who recently burned the Holy Koran.

"We further hope the Afghan people understand that the actions of a small number of individuals, who have been extremely disrespectful to the Holy Koran, are not representative of any of the countries of the international community who are in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people."

6. ...we are instead apologizing to the very people who are killing American soldiers, and treating their holy book better than we do any other.

7. World War II ended with the destruction of German cities, the death of Hitler, the hanging of the top surviving Nazis at Nuremberg. In Japan, Gen. Douglas MacArthur forced Emperor Hirohito to publicly renounce the myth of his own divinity and the Japanese doctrine of racial superiority.

But don't let's be beastly to the Islamists. After all, restricting the rights of our own citizens in order to appease people still living in the 7th century isn't much of a price to pay for peace, is it?

Let's be meek to them

And turn the other cheek to them

And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.

Let's give them full air parity

And treat the rats with charity,

But don't let's be beastly to the Hun.

Politicians appease Islamists--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com

well, of course, we should have no respect at all for the koran, a book we should all be burning, or for muslims, all of whom are guilty by association!

but remember, only a braindead liberal would be stupid enough to burn our precious bible and blame ALL christians for the acts of a few extremist christians
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.
If wer living in a time where we are scared to offend radical Muslims, we might as well bring the troops home because they already won.
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.

When you break through to the rank of Brig. General and above, politics become part of your job.
The sickening part, High_Gravity is they were looking for AMERICANS...couldnt find any....so decided those people would have to make do.
If wer living in a time where we are scared to offend radical Muslims, we might as well bring the troops home because they already won.

THANK YOU. Thats what Ive been saying since this subject came up. They are winning just by dividing us. "Attact from within" sorta thing.
The sickening part, High_Gravity is they were looking for AMERICANS...couldnt find any....so decided those people would have to make do.

Actually Imeuru, there are plenty of American bases in Afghanistan, especially in the bigger cities. They targeted the UN on purpose because they know the UN can't shoot back, even when attacked. I was trained on force protection when I was in the Military and thankfully I never had to use it but I can tell you this, if these protestors tried this with a US or NATO base they would have got lit the fuck up, protestors have tried many times to sieze US Bases in Iraq and Afghanistan and they come up short everytime. They went to the UN because they know the UN are a bunch of paper tiger pussies.:evil:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

If we can allow US citizens to burn and disrespect our own flag and all it stands for then where the hell is this coming from? Appeasement led to WWII. Sometimes it is necessary to stand on principle and this is one time we must stand for free speech and damn the consequences!
If wer living in a time where we are scared to offend radical Muslims, we might as well bring the troops home because they already won.

THANK YOU. Thats what Ive been saying since this subject came up. They are winning just by dividing us. "Attact from within" sorta thing.

First its "oh don't burn a Quran we don't make the Muslims angry", than it will be "oh maybe we should stop drinking beer, it makes the Muslims angry", than it will be "you know, our women dress too provactively and it offends the Muslims, lets throw them in Burqas" and then before you know it, BOOM, Shariah Law.:eusa_pray:
If wer living in a time where we are scared to offend radical Muslims, we might as well bring the troops home because they already won.

THANK YOU. Thats what Ive been saying since this subject came up. They are winning just by dividing us. "Attact from within" sorta thing.

First its "oh don't burn a Quran we don't make the Muslims angry", than it will be "oh maybe we should stop drinking beer, it makes the Muslims angry", than it will be "you know, our women dress too provactively and it offends the Muslims, lets throw them in Burqas" and then before you know it, BOOM, Shariah Law.:eusa_pray:

Sharia Law over my dead body. Ill go down shootin' and wont mind a bit.
But I fear youre right. We are already heading in that direction.
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.

When you break through to the rank of Brig. General and above, politics become part of your job.

I know.... but it should be. The 'art of war' should not be political.

We have to accept... although we often forget... that our way of life is not the way of life of others in other countries. What we define as freedom of speech (although I'm not quite convinced that burning anything is 'speech') is not acceptable to other people. We do not live in a vacuum, we live in a world where actions have consequences.

To me... burning a book... any book is offensive. Burning a book that other people consider to be holy is not just offensive, it is provocative. I'm not condoning the slaughter of UN workers, but I sure as hell am not gonna defend the fucking little bastard who burned a Koran.
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I think he is right on the mark. The ONLY bummer about the whole thing is the threat to soldiers and innocent civilians. But....and I say this reluctantly...isnt that what terrorism is? Fear to upset exremist wackos so nobody gets killed over their insanity?

In all fairness to the General, his first responsibility is to keep his men alive. If a bit of public diplomacy achieves that goal, then I'm all for it as long as he has people hunting down and killing the bastards responsible for killing these 20 people.
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.

When you break through to the rank of Brig. General and above, politics become part of your job.

I know.... but it should me. The 'art of war' should not be political.

We have to accept... although we often forget... that our way of life is not the way of life of others in other countries. What we define as freedom of speech (although I'm not quite convinced that burning anything is 'speech') is not acceptable to other people. We do not live in a vacuum, we live in a world where actions have consequences.

To me... burning a book... any book is offensive. Burning a book that other people consider to be holy is not just offensive, it is provocative. I'm not condoning the slaughter of UN workers, but I sure as hell am not gonna defend the fucking little bastard who burned a Koran.

The guy who burned the Quran was a fucking mongrel retard, I don't think anyone is defending him specifically but there is no excuse to form a mob and go on a killing rage because someone burned a book thousands of miles away, this is ridiculous, the guy who burned it was retarded but the blame for the deaths of these people falls on the feet of the Afghans who did it.
Maybe we should "borrow" a passage in the quran that says lying is ok to protect oneself from an enemy.
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.

Grav is 100% in post #7...

...all high level officers have advance degrees, and got them at universities.
How could we not expect many to be influenced as so many others are in our colleges and univesities.
The ignorant asshole who burned a holy book is publicity seeking attention whore. You burn a book, that is your right. I also have the right to call you an ignorant attention seeking publicity whore for doing so.

I would prefer Petraeus focus on his job, and not on political issues... sadly, soldiers get dragged into politics.

I, too, would prefer that Petraeus focus on his job, but my thought when I read that information about him in the OP was that that was exactly what he was doing. One part of his job is to defend the lives of every American soldier. My feelings are that this is what he was trying to accomplish by making those statements.

I don't believe he will accomplish a damned thing by appeasing them, but I think that was what he was trying to do.

Edit: acknowledgments to Ernie S. for basically stating this first.

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