

Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's where we post our reflection of what it was like to be a classmate of either Barry or Shelly Obama.

I was at University of Chicago when our regular Constitutional Law Professor took ill. We had a substitute teacher, Barry somethingorother, Obama, yeah that was him. Instead of teaching he had the AV department set up a projector and we watched "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", "Cheech and Chong", etc. It was obvious that when the lights were out in the room someone was smoking pot. When the lights came back on, Obama would say, "Man am I hungry! Let's continue the lecture int eh cafeteria"
While at Harvard, just before we were to take our final exam Obama claimed that he was sick and rushed out of the classroom. When I was finished taking my exam I excused myself and entered the men's room. I heard some groaning in one of the stalls and recognized the voice as that of Obama. I thought he might need some help so I opened the stall door. I was shocked and disgusted to find him masturbating. He quickly pulled up his pants and rushed out of the men's room but not before dropping something. It was a pamphlet. It turned out to be a copy of the Communist Manifesto with the pages all glued together.
At Harvard Law, I was in Obama's dorm waiting for him to show up with the new batch of pakololo shipped from his Hawaiian Choom Gang friends . She didn't notice me, but Elaine Kagan came in, apparently she had her own key, and dropped off a manila envelope. After she left I had to have a peek. It was a pile of papers that were all "by Barack Obama". Clearly, Kagan was doing Obama's homework for him at Harvard. We always wondered how a clueless stoner like Obama even got in there in the first place

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