Obama's xmas message

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Barack Obama Christmas Message Urges Americans To Thank Troops (VIDEO)

As millions of Americans celebrate Christmas this year, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are asking them to keep service members and veterans in their minds.

"So this week let’s give thanks for our veterans and their families," the president said in this week's weekly address with his wife at his side. "And let’s say a prayer for all our troops -- especially those in Afghanistan -- who are spending this holiday overseas, risking their lives to defend the freedoms we hold dear."

Michelle Obama also urged Americans to think of military families.

"Across this country, military spouses have been raising their families all alone during those long deployments," she said. "And let’s not forget about our military kids, moving from base to base -- and school to school -- every few years, and stepping up to help out at home when mom or dad is away."

And, please check out the Wounded Warrior Project link in my sig.
Yeah he's so concerned about our military that he constantly sends them to get maimed and killed to protect us from some country that presents zero threat to us and did nothing to us to begin with...
Liberals for more and more and more and expanded and more wars!

Obama is the best war President the US has ever seen! I mean what is Obama not good at?
While I am impressed with Obama's use of drones to prosecute the war effort, he is good for little to nothing else. He's never been anything more than a mouthpiece for Liberal/Marxist policy and he is slowly but surely driving our Nation to divisive anarchy.

Fuck that measely little S.O.B.
"And let’s say a prayer for all our troops -- especially those in Afghanistan -- who are spending this holiday overseas, risking their lives to defend the freedoms we hold dear."
Could someone tell me what "Freedoms" they're defending over in Afghanistan?

You wanna' support the troops? Don't make them fight in the Military Industrial Complex War of Empire.
If he wanted to thank the troops he places in harm's way, he should have spent Christmas with them in Afghanistan instead of golfing in Hawaii.
Can someone tell me why we're still in Afghanistan?? What purpose is American treasure and lives serving in that God forsaken country??

Edit to add: The country itself and those who use terrorism to harm others..Not the good and peaceful Muslim community who simply want to raise their kids and live their lives.
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The idea was intended to be to destroy organized terrorism so that it cannot be exported to other countries like it was to us on 9/11/01, to nightclubs in Germany, Hotels in Bali and Mumbai, embassies in Africa and out ships at sea. Obviously the terrorists birthed in Afghanistan DID pose much more than a threat. The threat has been fulfilled more than once. The plan was to wrest control of the country from organized terrorists and return to to a free and secure Afghanistan. Prosecuting the war has not turned out very well because obama was never interested in victory. He never uses the word. The tide of the war has turned against us.

John Kerry articulated the democrat view, that terrorism was merely a nuisance. In October of 2004 he compared acts of terror to crimes like gambling and prosititution. It is something best investigated by the police and terrorists arrested. Kerry, who really does believe in the obama method will be Secretary of State. obama uses drone strikes to specifically target individual terrorists. We know this method works because obama says so. If you believe obama, you believe that this method is successful.

Democrat voters are tired of fighting. Just surrender already. If radical muslims have demands, just meet them, end the fighting, end the war.
Obama's xmas message below

Work longer for less pay and pay more taxes,and thanks America for taking care of my retirement fund you fucks,and fuck your children and grandchildren future assholes

Darnit, I can no longer neg luddly.

I can only point out, repeatedly, what garbage he is.
I'm so tired of war and our husbands, son's, daughter's dying in far away lands for people who don't give the first darn about them.. who see them as invaders and not freedom fighters. ENOUGH ALREADY. Bring our troops home where they belong.
Can someone tell me why we're still in Afghanistan?? What purpose is American treasure and lives serving in that God forsaken country??

$100 Billion a year to the Military Industrial Complex...that's why.

Can you please explain that to me? I don't get what you're saying? Spell it out.

Really? You don't get that "war" is very profitable for some people...and those people have lobbyists that are paying our legislators bills? Can't spell it out any more plainly than that.
$100 Billion a year to the Military Industrial Complex...that's why.

Can you please explain that to me? I don't get what you're saying? Spell it out.

Really? You don't get that "war" is very profitable for some people...and those people have lobbyists that are paying our legislators bills? Can't spell it out any more plainly than that.

Don't be a smartbutt.. I was sincere and no, I don't get the entire "Military Industrial Complex" comment as it encompasses more than lobbyists, etc.. so yes, I did need you to spell out PRECISELY what you meant. I happen to agree with you. We also have a Command In Chief who can do something about those campaign promises he made were his own base to ACTUALLY hold him to account for something. But I won't hold my breath on that one.
Profit is bad. No one in business should make a profit. The government should take over the military industrial complex and make only enough of the weapons it needs to keep the people in check. No one would profit because the government is only supplying its own needs. It will control the material and the personnel.

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