Obamas speech

Yet, they hold 90% of the wealth in this country.

This statement suggests you believe that if a fat man is standing next to a skinny man, the fat man necessarily consumed the food that belonged to the skinny man. That is a false assumption.

Regardless of the wealth held by an individual, or an arbitrarily defined group of individuals, it does not mean another person must hold less wealth. Wealth is not a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. It can be created or destroyed.

I realize this fact does not support your collectivist ideas.
Then please demonstrate how the budget can be balanced and the debt paid down with spending cuts alone.

The Mack Penny Plan.

The Mack Penny Plan would balance the federal budget in eight years by cutting one penny out of every federal dollar spent for six years and capping spending at 18% of GDP beginning in the seventh year. If Congress fails to make the necessary cuts, the plan triggers automatic, across-the-board cuts to meet the yearly caps.

Penny Plan
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

When everyone that earns a wage or other income pays something, then we can discuss what is a fair share. Now we have the top 10% paying 70% of income taxes, the top 50% is paying 97% of income taxes. It take a really twisted mind to think this is any where close to FAIR, and your dear leader wants more, give me a freaking break. BTW why won't your dear leader tell us what real spending cuts he wants to make? He talked about Romney not being specific, yet he is refusing to do the same. Can we see just a little intellectual honesty here?
Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country.

You do realize that we already have THE MOST PROGRESSIVE tax structure in the world, right? Every other country asks their rich to pay less of the tax burden than we do. Lastly, we have nearly half paying no federal income tax. How is that fair?
I wonder ho wmany of these rich people will move out of country over obamacare and 4% tax increase? Im sure that will help the economy as well. People dont like to be picked on. Especially when it comes to money. Poor successfull people :(
WTF are you talking about LOL. The rich pay 17%, corporations 12%, EFFECTIVE tax rates. Lowest anywhere.

You miss the point. Whatever the effective rate paid, we have the world's most progressive tax structure because our rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden than any other country. Big picture, the top 20% pay for everyone else.

This is well document and irrefutable. Look it up.
I wonder ho wmany of these rich people will move out of country over obamacare and 4% tax increase? Im sure that will help the economy as well. People dont like to be picked on. Especially when it comes to money. Poor successfull people :(

Raising the taxes on the rich didn't work out so well for the UK. Not only did wealthy people leave the country, tax revenues FELL. Looks like the Laffer Curve was right:

Two-thirds of millionaires left Britain to avoid 50p tax rate - Telegraph

From the article:
Far from raising funds, it actually cost the UK £7 billion in lost tax revenue.
Share the wealth just is not a good idea. But hey!!!!! the dems are always right! Look at how good barry has been so far!
WTF are you talking about LOL. The rich pay 17%, corporations 12%, EFFECTIVE tax rates. Lowest anywhere.

You miss the point. Whatever the effective rate paid, we have the world's most progressive tax structure because our rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden than any other country. Big picture, the top 20% pay for everyone else.

This is well document and irrefutable. Look it up.

Unless you count ALL taxes and fees- then the poorest pay more than corporations and Mitt, and middle class pays more than the rich %wise. But thanks for the Pubcrappe. Payroll taxes are more than income taxes now.
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

now why would i guess that anything you wrote about the president was from inside the bubble?

WTF are you talking about LOL. The rich pay 17%, corporations 12%, EFFECTIVE tax rates. Lowest anywhere.

You miss the point. Whatever the effective rate paid, we have the world's most progressive tax structure because our rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden than any other country. Big picture, the top 20% pay for everyone else.

This is well document and irrefutable. Look it up.

Unless you count ALL taxes and fees- then the poorest pay more than corporations and Mitt, and middle class pays more than the rich %wise. But thanks for the Pubcrappe. Payroll taxes are more than income taxes now.

You still don't get what "most progressive" means. Regardless of what percentage of income any one individual pays in taxes, our rich pay the largest portion of the overall tax burden than in any other country. In other words, we have the most progressive tax structure. This is true when you consider any or all federal income taxes.
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?

What 'skin'?

I lost over 50K from my 401K and my job of 13.5 years due to the financial meltdown. And I had to spend an additional 40K from my retirement fund during my search for a job. I had to take a job in a different state making 15K less then my former job and purchase a car for 17K to travel to it..because there's no public transportation that easily gets here. Even with a car I can look forward to a 1.5 - 2 hour commute each way.

Did any of the "Captains of Industry" pay for their fuckups? I mean with the notable exception of Bernie Madoff..who, in reality, ripped off other rich folks (Funny, he's one of maybe 2 peeps in jail for the meltdown). You see Dick Fuld go? You see Lloyd Blankfein go? You see John Thane go? You see Bobby Willumstad go?

How about their "skin"? You hear these guys whining about their big losses?


Because it never fucking happened.
You miss the point. Whatever the effective rate paid, we have the world's most progressive tax structure because our rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden than any other country. Big picture, the top 20% pay for everyone else.

This is well document and irrefutable. Look it up.

Unless you count ALL taxes and fees- then the poorest pay more than corporations and Mitt, and middle class pays more than the rich %wise. But thanks for the Pubcrappe. Payroll taxes are more than income taxes now.

You still don't get what "most progressive" means. Regardless of what percentage of income any one individual pays in taxes, our rich pay the largest portion of the overall tax burden than in any other country. In other words, we have the most progressive tax structure. This is true when you consider any or all federal income taxes.

It goes along with them owning a bigger percentage of the wealth in this country then the wealthy in other countries.

We top the world in billionaires.
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

It is nothing more than deception, to placate the middle-class.
Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?

What 'skin'?

I lost over 50K from my 401K and my job of 13.5 years due to the financial meltdown. And I had to spend an additional 40K from my retirement fund during my search for a job. I had to take a job in a different state making 15K less then my former job and purchase a car for 17K to travel to it..because there's no public transportation that easily gets here. Even with a car I can look forward to a 1.5 - 2 hour commute each way.

Did any of the "Captains of Industry" pay for their fuckups? I mean with the notable exception of Bernie Madoff..who, in reality, ripped off other rich folks (Funny, he's one of maybe 2 peeps in jail for the meltdown). You see Dick Fuld go? You see Lloyd Blankfein go? You see John Thane go? You see Bobby Willumstad go?

How about their "skin"? You hear these guys whining about their big losses?


Because it never fucking happened.

As tragically sad as your situation was, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that more people need to help pay for the government they want. It is ridiculous that only half of the people in this country pay federal taxes. People who don't pay taxes aren't at all concerned with the government raising them.
Class warfare?
Over thirty years of flat wages in Real Dollars for the working class has led to this:


  • $8164859879_0d4480731a_z.jpg
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  • $EPI-wealth-gap-chart.jpg
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Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?

What 'skin'?

I lost over 50K from my 401K and my job of 13.5 years due to the financial meltdown. And I had to spend an additional 40K from my retirement fund during my search for a job. I had to take a job in a different state making 15K less then my former job and purchase a car for 17K to travel to it..because there's no public transportation that easily gets here. Even with a car I can look forward to a 1.5 - 2 hour commute each way.

Did any of the "Captains of Industry" pay for their fuckups? I mean with the notable exception of Bernie Madoff..who, in reality, ripped off other rich folks (Funny, he's one of maybe 2 peeps in jail for the meltdown). You see Dick Fuld go? You see Lloyd Blankfein go? You see John Thane go? You see Bobby Willumstad go?

How about their "skin"? You hear these guys whining about their big losses?


Because it never fucking happened.

As tragically sad as your situation was, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that more people need to help pay for the government they want. It is ridiculous that only half of the people in this country pay federal taxes. People who don't pay taxes aren't at all concerned with the government raising them.

Oh bullshit.

The very same people I mentioned and more like them, while getting huge tax cuts thanks to Bush...gave themselves huge raises and bonuses.

They also offshored a good many jobs.

The people you say "don't pay federal taxes" haven't seen the sort of raises, EVEN IN PROPORTION TO WHAT THEY MAKE, that the boys who were destroying the economy got.

This was a systematic fleecing of people that work for a living.

Done from the top down.
Unless you count ALL taxes and fees- then the poorest pay more than corporations and Mitt, and middle class pays more than the rich %wise. But thanks for the Pubcrappe. Payroll taxes are more than income taxes now.

You still don't get what "most progressive" means. Regardless of what percentage of income any one individual pays in taxes, our rich pay the largest portion of the overall tax burden than in any other country. In other words, we have the most progressive tax structure. This is true when you consider any or all federal income taxes.

It goes along with them owning a bigger percentage of the wealth in this country then the wealthy in other countries.

We top the world in billionaires.

If that's the mark to go by, then we must consider that we have fewer billionaires in America today than we did 10 years ago. Therefore, by your own reasoning, our tax structure should be less progressive than it was 10 year ago.

It goes along...
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Meanwhile SS is bankrupt and the debt keeps going up. You do know Trump is planning a massive stimulis/spending plan on infrastructure, right? Not to mention all the money he's going to spend on the military.

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