Obama's Press Conference


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Mine: He certainly tried to address the issues his polling numbers are falling in. He used, "condemn" referring to Iran. Interestingly enough, Khameni came out immediately and said they would 5 more days for contesting the elections. Gee, who would have thought?

He tried to address the health care issue, once again saying, 'Nothing to fear...' He actually was called out by the press about what happens when employers dump, then he started stuttering. Then he got a bit hot.

Stimulus, well walking back from any more. Those numbers are now 90-10 against.
THe first question was what line would he be unwilling to cross to talk to Iran....

More mumbling and references to a "pathway" to Iran, and how important it is to respect their customs and their religion.

Well their customs include rigging elections, murderous coups and firing on their own people when they protest. Yay for the customs of Iran.

Obama's a piece of shit. I'd hoped he'd pull through, but he's not going to, all he's doing is making us the laughing stock of the world, and screwing over people who should be able to count on our support.

Mine: He certainly tried to address the issues his polling numbers are falling in. He used, "condemn" referring to Iran. Interestingly enough, Khameni came out immediately and said they would 5 more days for contesting the elections. Gee, who would have thought?

He tried to address the health care issue, once again saying, 'Nothing to fear...' He actually was called out by the press about what happens when employers dump, then he started stuttering. Then he got a bit hot.

Stimulus, well walking back from any more. Those numbers are now 90-10 against.

I continue to be amused at how easily Obama gets flustered and then angry - he puts off this attitude of, "I don't really have to explain myself to you..."

The press corp was marginally more demanding of Obama today - hopefully more demand will come in the not too distant future.

It is obvious Obama was caving to the Republicans demands of a tougher stance - demands that were also being mirrored in recent polling. That being said, hopefully word will get to the Iranians that the American President is finally voicing support for them and they continue to fight to overthrow that oppressive regime.

And so, we have a president not acting on principle - but rather simple politics.

More of the same...
Obama and his" Wait to see how it plays out" is a show of being naive. Once it's played out, then it's too late. What the F--k? There is more to not stepping up and at least say that he is hearing the people of Iran and he stands behind them for their objective of a recount. I think he is looking at the poll numbers, and the chance to deal with Ackmadinajad on a "road to peace". Seems he needs to calculate everything for his popularity, not what's right. I still say he isn't ready for primetime....but right now the left are on board with him...so what in the hell do I know?
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President Obama answered, to a question about a public plan choice for healthcare, "Why would it drive private insurance out of business?" he asked rhetorically, pointing out that the industry repeatedly argues that private insurance is the best and the government can't run anything.
He said the administration's position is a "public plan makes sense."
President Obama answered, to a question about a public plan choice for healthcare, "Why would it drive private insurance out of business?" he asked rhetorically, pointing out that the industry repeatedly argues that private insurance is the best and the government can't run anything.
He said the administration's position is a "public plan makes sense."

Why should businesses still pay for healthcare if the government is going to pay for it? The businesses will just drop it completely, leaving the employee with no alternative but universal healthcare. Then there is no competition, and you get what you get from the government.
THe first question was what line would he be unwilling to cross to talk to Iran....

More mumbling and references to a "pathway" to Iran, and how important it is to respect their customs and their religion.

Well their customs include rigging elections, murderous coups and firing on their own people when they protest. Yay for the customs of Iran.

Obama's a piece of shit. I'd hoped he'd pull through, but he's not going to, all he's doing is making us the laughing stock of the world, and screwing over people who should be able to count on our support.

You're going to have a miserable 8 years...

Educate yourself on OUR customs towards countries whose resources we covet, like Iran...can you say ignore their customs and religion, threaten, subversion and murder?
THe first question was what line would he be unwilling to cross to talk to Iran....

More mumbling and references to a "pathway" to Iran, and how important it is to respect their customs and their religion.

Well their customs include rigging elections, murderous coups and firing on their own people when they protest. Yay for the customs of Iran.

Obama's a piece of shit. I'd hoped he'd pull through, but he's not going to, all he's doing is making us the laughing stock of the world, and screwing over people who should be able to count on our support.

You're going to have a miserable 8 years...

Educate yourself on OUR customs towards countries whose resources we covet, like Iran...can you say ignore their customs and religion, threaten, subversion and murder?
That quote by John Kenneth Gallbraith is one of my favorites .. still true.
THe first question was what line would he be unwilling to cross to talk to Iran....

More mumbling and references to a "pathway" to Iran, and how important it is to respect their customs and their religion.

Well their customs include rigging elections, murderous coups and firing on their own people when they protest. Yay for the customs of Iran.

Obama's a piece of shit. I'd hoped he'd pull through, but he's not going to, all he's doing is making us the laughing stock of the world, and screwing over people who should be able to count on our support.

You're going to have a miserable 8 years...

Educate yourself on OUR customs towards countries whose resources we covet, like Iran...can you say ignore their customs and religion, threaten, subversion and murder?
That quote by John Kenneth Gallbraith is one of my favorites .. still true.

So's this by Milton Friedman:

"The heart of the liberal philosophy
is a belief in the dignity of the individual,
in his freedom to make the most of his capacities
and opportunities according to his own lights...
This implies a belief in the equality of man in one sense;
in their inequality in another."
That is real liberalism.
Well this is harsh. Undeserved? Lots of links...

Jules Crittenden » Disgust-Blogging The Press Conference

Disgust-Blogging The Press Conference

The president of the United States just kicked off his press conference with a stalwart speech that almost made it sound like he stands with the people of Iran. For all the words of bravery and historical right, though, he stopped short of even saying he stands in awe of them. He’s been trying to avoid making that speech. He was forced into making it. (YouTube’s a bitch.) But he made it clear that, admirable though he may have implied the brave people of Iran are in their struggle, he doesn’t stand with them.

It isn’t his problem, he’s steering clear of it, and he wants the world to know that. And the Iranian people sorting their problems out on their own, without U.S. interference, would be fine, except that he most definitely means he won’t be doing a damned thing for them. Based on the president’s response to the first question, he apparently still thinks against 30 years and the last week’s worth of evidence that the terrorism-exporting regime now violently oppressing the Iranian people is one with which the United States can do business. And he is still planning on doing that. Good luck, Iranian people!

That’s when I stopped listening. Let me know if I missed something. I’m looking forward to all the news reports that will tell me how he took a strong tone with his strongest words yet, etc. I hope the people of Iran, if they manage to free themselves of their violent, oppressive religious extremist rule, will forgive him his timid naivety, or shortsighted obtuseness, whatever it is....
You're going to have a miserable 8 years...

Educate yourself on OUR customs towards countries whose resources we covet, like Iran...can you say ignore their customs and religion, threaten, subversion and murder?
That quote by John Kenneth Gallbraith is one of my favorites .. still true.

So's this by Milton Friedman:

"The heart of the liberal philosophy
is a belief in the dignity of the individual,
in his freedom to make the most of his capacities
and opportunities according to his own lights...
This implies a belief in the equality of man in one sense;
in their inequality in another."
That is real liberalism.

BUT, you pea brains want Obama to intervene in Iran according to YOUR own lights...

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde
You're going to have a miserable 8 years...

Educate yourself on OUR customs towards countries whose resources we covet, like Iran...can you say ignore their customs and religion, threaten, subversion and murder?
That quote by John Kenneth Gallbraith is one of my favorites .. still true.

So's this by Milton Friedman:

"The heart of the liberal philosophy
is a belief in the dignity of the individual,
in his freedom to make the most of his capacities
and opportunities according to his own lights...
This implies a belief in the equality of man in one sense;
in their inequality in another."
That is real liberalism.

And you don't find that true?
That quote by John Kenneth Gallbraith is one of my favorites .. still true.

So's this by Milton Friedman:

"The heart of the liberal philosophy
is a belief in the dignity of the individual,
in his freedom to make the most of his capacities
and opportunities according to his own lights...
This implies a belief in the equality of man in one sense;
in their inequality in another."
That is real liberalism.

BUT, you pea brains want Obama to intervene in Iran according to YOUR own lights...

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde
You could at least try for relevancy. :doubt:
Well this is harsh. Undeserved? Lots of links...

Jules Crittenden » Disgust-Blogging The Press Conference

Disgust-Blogging The Press Conference

The president of the United States just kicked off his press conference with a stalwart speech that almost made it sound like he stands with the people of Iran. For all the words of bravery and historical right, though, he stopped short of even saying he stands in awe of them. He’s been trying to avoid making that speech. He was forced into making it. (YouTube’s a bitch.) But he made it clear that, admirable though he may have implied the brave people of Iran are in their struggle, he doesn’t stand with them.

It isn’t his problem, he’s steering clear of it, and he wants the world to know that. And the Iranian people sorting their problems out on their own, without U.S. interference, would be fine, except that he most definitely means he won’t be doing a damned thing for them. Based on the president’s response to the first question, he apparently still thinks against 30 years and the last week’s worth of evidence that the terrorism-exporting regime now violently oppressing the Iranian people is one with which the United States can do business. And he is still planning on doing that. Good luck, Iranian people!

That’s when I stopped listening. Let me know if I missed something. I’m looking forward to all the news reports that will tell me how he took a strong tone with his strongest words yet, etc. I hope the people of Iran, if they manage to free themselves of their violent, oppressive religious extremist rule, will forgive him his timid naivety, or shortsighted obtuseness, whatever it is....

And just what is it he should "do" for them? It really wouldn't have mattered who won the election, in reality, because the President of Iran doesn't make the rules. Iran isn't Iraq, where just taking out the President will make things all hunky-dory.
I continue to be amused at how easily Obama gets flustered and then angry - he puts off this attitude of, "I don't really have to explain myself to you..."

Inexperienced (no experience) ... lack of teleprompter ... its a dead give away he doesn't have a clue unless he can choose the questions and prepare the answers.
are you for real? What the f are you responding to regarding my posts? Do you not get them? Are you retarded? Seriously.
I continue to be amused at how easily Obama gets flustered and then angry - he puts off this attitude of, "I don't really have to explain myself to you..."

Inexperienced (no experience) ... lack of teleprompter ... its a dead give away he doesn't have a clue unless he can choose the questions and prepare the answers.
One would think no other president ever used a teleprompter. Bush couldn't deal with index cards and a teleprompter ... he still sounded like a fool.
I continue to be amused at how easily Obama gets flustered and then angry - he puts off this attitude of, "I don't really have to explain myself to you..."

Inexperienced (no experience) ... lack of teleprompter ... its a dead give away he doesn't have a clue unless he can choose the questions and prepare the answers.
One would think no other president ever used a teleprompter. Bush couldn't deal with index cards and a teleprompter ... he still sounded like a fool.

I disagree. He sounded the same with or without a teleprompter, in either case he never explained what he hoped to accomplish. Obama is better at that, even though he lies. Bush didn't lie, he just failed to tell the American people what he hoped to accomplish.
Inexperienced (no experience) ... lack of teleprompter ... its a dead give away he doesn't have a clue unless he can choose the questions and prepare the answers.
One would think no other president ever used a teleprompter. Bush couldn't deal with index cards and a teleprompter ... he still sounded like a fool.

I disagree. He sounded the same with or without a teleprompter, in either case he never explained what he hoped to accomplish. Obama is better at that, even though he lies. Bush didn't lie, he just failed to tell the American people what he hoped to accomplish.

Bush was nothing BUT a liar...even his first Treasury Secretary concurs...

"During the campaign, candidate Bush had criticized the Clinton-Gore Administration for being too interventionist: "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road. And I'm going to prevent that."

"The thing that's most surprising, I think, is how emphatically, from the very first, the administration had said 'X' during the campaign, but from the first day was often doing 'Y,' Not just saying 'Y,' but actively moving toward the opposite of what they had said during the election."
One would think no other president ever used a teleprompter. Bush couldn't deal with index cards and a teleprompter ... he still sounded like a fool.

I disagree. He sounded the same with or without a teleprompter, in either case he never explained what he hoped to accomplish. Obama is better at that, even though he lies. Bush didn't lie, he just failed to tell the American people what he hoped to accomplish.

Bush was nothing BUT a liar...even his first Treasury Secretary concurs...

"During the campaign, candidate Bush had criticized the Clinton-Gore Administration for being too interventionist: "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road. And I'm going to prevent that."

"The thing that's most surprising, I think, is how emphatically, from the very first, the administration had said 'X' during the campaign, but from the first day was often doing 'Y,' Not just saying 'Y,' but actively moving toward the opposite of what they had said during the election."

You sir are a piece of work:

Your link: Jan. 11, 2004

Linking back to the Rather problem:

A year ago, Paul O'Neill was fired from his job as George Bush's Treasury Secretary for disagreeing too many times with the president's policy on tax cuts....

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