Obama's Popularity Continues to Sink- Poll: Obama's favorable rating hits new low


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Seems more and more of the LIV's that voted for Odumbo are coming to the conclusion they were yes..... as the Congressman stated, 'You lie'. The voters who 'took the chance' and applied affirmative action to elect an unqualified candidate are dismayed. Indeed there was/is a historic period in America where the painted canvas is starting to show us that we failed. We failed collectively to choose what was best for America. And again, as the polls continue to show, hindsight is indeed 20/20.

I take it we're to late for a mulligan?


Poll: Obama's favorable rating hits new low :clap2:

As Democrats head into a challenging Election Day, the party's leader has hit new lows in a popularity poll.

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll says that favorable views of President Obama and "the sense that he understands the problems of average Americans" have hit career lows.

Only 44% of respondents now see Obama favorably, compared to 49% in late January and 60% at the start of his second term in January of 2013.

ABC News also reported that "a career-low 46% say Obama understands the problems of people like them, with similar numbers on the strength of his leadership (rated positively by 46%), managerial skills (45%) and the extent to which he can be trusted in a crisis (49%).

Some Democrats fear the president's unpopularity will drag down their candidates during Tuesday's elections, as the party tries to maintain control of the U.S. Senate.

From ABC News:

"Obama's lack of popularity has cast a shadow over his party as it tries to hang on to its majority in the Senate. His job approval rating hit a career-low 40% in an ABC/Post poll in mid-October, and was 43% last week. Historically, presidential approval correlates highly with midterm losses for an incumbent president's party.

"It could be worse for the president in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. While his favorability rating has slipped by five points this year, the number who see him unfavorably has held steady, at 50%. More instead are undecided or have no opinion."

Poll Obama s favorable rating hits new low
Just insignificant Congressional members...

But back to the topic. Go ahead and start a Congress thread and I will participate

Where was I?

Oh yea

Seems now the Dems are saying the numbers are a lie.. LMAO



The big lie about the big lie of Obama’s job approval rating

As if on cue over the weekend, Democrats came up with a new talking point in an election that many consider a referendum on the Obama presidency.

The media has been telling a lie, they said, about Obama’s alleged plummeting job approval rating.

It was started on Friday, apparently, by Eric Boehlert at Media Matters.

The news media reminders arrive almost daily now: President Obama’s approval rating is low and going lower. McClatchy Newspapers highlighted the “dropping approval ratings,” while the Washington Post declared “President Obama’s approval ratings have plunged to record lows.” The Christian Science Monitor noted the numbers have “plummeted.” The Washington Examiner stressed the president’s approvals were “sinking to historic lows,” while an Atlantic headlined announced, “”Obama’s Sinking Approval Could Drag Democrats Down With Him.”

The portrait being painted by an array of media artists is unmistakable: Obama’s approval ratings are not only weak but they’re going down, down, down.

But it’s not true.

The big lie about the big lie of Obama 8217 s job approval rating NewsCut Minnesota Public Radio News
Seems more and more of the LIV's that voted for Odumbo are coming to the conclusion they were yes..... as the Congressman stated, 'You lie'. The voters who 'took the chance' and applied affirmative action to elect an unqualified candidate are dismayed. Indeed there was/is a historic period in America where the painted canvas is starting to show us that we failed. We failed collectively to choose what was best for America. And again, as the polls continue to show, hindsight is indeed 20/20.

I take it we're to late for a mulligan?


Poll: Obama's favorable rating hits new low :clap2:

As Democrats head into a challenging Election Day, the party's leader has hit new lows in a popularity poll.

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll says that favorable views of President Obama and "the sense that he understands the problems of average Americans" have hit career lows.

Only 44% of respondents now see Obama favorably, compared to 49% in late January and 60% at the start of his second term in January of 2013.

ABC News also reported that "a career-low 46% say Obama understands the problems of people like them, with similar numbers on the strength of his leadership (rated positively by 46%), managerial skills (45%) and the extent to which he can be trusted in a crisis (49%).

Some Democrats fear the president's unpopularity will drag down their candidates during Tuesday's elections, as the party tries to maintain control of the U.S. Senate.

From ABC News:

"Obama's lack of popularity has cast a shadow over his party as it tries to hang on to its majority in the Senate. His job approval rating hit a career-low 40% in an ABC/Post poll in mid-October, and was 43% last week. Historically, presidential approval correlates highly with midterm losses for an incumbent president's party.

"It could be worse for the president in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. While his favorability rating has slipped by five points this year, the number who see him unfavorably has held steady, at 50%. More instead are undecided or have no opinion."

Poll Obama s favorable rating hits new low

I found this rather odd: "While his favorability rating has slipped by five points this year, the number who see him unfavorably has held steady, at 50%. More instead are undecided or have no opinion."

Does that mean more than 50% are undecided or have no opinion? If 50% is one half, I would be interested to find out if there is more than 100%

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