Obama "inserted poison pill


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
The claim that Obama inserted a poison pill into the SOFA negotiations is false. This thread will prove why it is a blatantly false claim.

EconChick wrote in her (post 9492265) that it "has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations." to require a Legislature to approve a Status of Forces Agreement.

But EconChick is wrong.

The former US ambassador to Iraq in 2011 tells us the facts - from the WSJ a couple of days ago:

James Franklin Jeffrey Behind the U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq - WSJ - WSJ

Note the phrase like the first in the first excerpt:

The Obama administration was willing to “roll over” the terms of the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement as long as the new agreement, like the first, was ratified by the Iraqi Parliament.

The above is a reference to the 2008 Bush/Maliki SOFA wherein it was agreed that all US troops would be out of Iraq by the end if 2011.

And here we see US Amb JAMES FRANKLIN JEFFREY explain that "In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. "

Why didn't God's gift to Iraq know that?

Could the administration have used more leverage, as many have asserted? Again, the main hurdle was immunities. The reality is that foreign troops in any land are generally unpopular and granting them immunity is complicated. In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. An agreement signed by Mr. Maliki without parliamentary approval, as he suggested, would not suffice.

EC 9492265
AND President DumbFuck inserts a POISON PILL. He Requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.
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Anyone with the name chosen by the OP cannot be trusted. The Arab Spring changed everything and should have been factored in. Now we have ISIS and obama is doing nothing about them as it conspires to bring Ebola and beheadings nto America.
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AG 10102297
The Arab Spring changed everything and should have been factored in.

The Arab Spring does not change the fact that EconChick has been caught red-handed spreading false information about the 2008 SOFA that she was supposedly in Iraq and involved in the process at that time. We need her to explain why she was apparently unaware that the 2008 Bush SOFA required Iraq's Parliament to approve it.

Don't you care when your side is proven to be so wrong?
Anyone with the name chosen by the OP cannot be trusted. The Arab Spring changed everything and should have been factored in. Now we have ISIS and obama is doing nothing about them as it conspires to bring Ebola and beheadings nto America.

Frankly, why do they need to do that.

You guys on the right have already shown a willingness to throw away all our freedoms without them having to fire so much as a shot.

Here's a crazy Idea. Let's stop sticking our dicks into the Middle East Hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
Well played. It's a shame EC doesn't have the character to be embarrassed by such a grievous error.

You must not have read the article that was linked in the OP.

The tile alone puts the lie to the premise of this thread.

Behind the U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq
Negotiations were repeatedly disrupted by Obama White House staffers’ inaccurate public statements.
"Haha! This means EconChick is wrong about everything she's ever written! I win the Internets! I'm a Liberal! Haha!"

Please stay home today OP. America needs a break from people like you.
The claim that Obama inserted a poison pill into the SOFA negotiations is false. This thread will prove why it is a blatantly false claim.

EconChick wrote in her (post 9492265) that it "has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations." to require a Legislature to approve a Status of Forces Agreement.

But EconChick is wrong.

The former US ambassador to Iraq in 2011 tells us the facts - from the WSJ a couple of days ago:

James Franklin Jeffrey Behind the U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq - WSJ - WSJ

Note the phrase like the first in the first excerpt:

The Obama administration was willing to “roll over” the terms of the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement as long as the new agreement, like the first, was ratified by the Iraqi Parliament.

The above is a reference to the 2008 Bush/Maliki SOFA wherein it was agreed that all US troops would be out of Iraq by the end if 2011.

And here we see US Amb JAMES FRANKLIN JEFFREY explain that "In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. "

Why didn't God's gift to Iraq know that?

Could the administration have used more leverage, as many have asserted? Again, the main hurdle was immunities. The reality is that foreign troops in any land are generally unpopular and granting them immunity is complicated. In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. An agreement signed by Mr. Maliki without parliamentary approval, as he suggested, would not suffice.

EC 9492265
AND President DumbFuck inserts a POISON PILL. He Requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.
Gee that OP was a fail.
Obama's own staffers say he rushed headlong out of Iraq. This has been confirmed from multiple sources. You can't put lipstick on that pig.
I hate to say this but when a Democrat says something now I just assume he is lying unless I see proof otherwise.
You just can't trust Democrats. Remember, If you like your plan you can keep your plan period?
Now Hillary Clinton is trying to convince the gullible that businesses don't create jobs. What does that mean, only
the government can create a job? That would be a communist country, Yours truly Warner Athey.
Mud 10102517
The tile alone puts the lie to the premise of this thread.

You have apparently not read beyond the title since you are not addressing the premise of this thread.

The false claim made by EconChick is not refuted by what White House staff said and whatever it was. The OP-Ed did not make further comment on that headline or what it meant.

More knockdown of EconChick's fallacies and "Hogwash"
regarding Iraq from the WSJ oped:

"But the common argument that U.S. troops could have produced different Iraqi political outcomes is hogwash"

Could a residual force have prevented ISIS’s victories? With troops we would have had better intelligence on al Qaeda in Iraq and later ISIS, a more attentive Washington, and no doubt a better-trained Iraqi army. But the common argument that U.S. troops could have produced different Iraqi political outcomes is hogwash. The Iraqi sectarian divides, which ISIS exploited, run deep and were not susceptible to permanent remedy by our troops at their height, let alone by 5,000 trainers under Iraqi restraints..
Mud 10102517
The tile alone puts the lie to the premise of this thread.

You have apparently not read beyond the title since you are not addressing the premise of this thread.

The false claim made by EconChick is not refuted by what White House staff said and whatever it was. The OP-Ed did not make further comment on that headline or what it meant.

More knockdown of EconChick's fallacies and "Hogwash"
regarding Iraq from the WSJ oped:

"But the common argument that U.S. troops could have produced different Iraqi political outcomes is hogwash"

Could a residual force have prevented ISIS’s victories? With troops we would have had better intelligence on al Qaeda in Iraq and later ISIS, a more attentive Washington, and no doubt a better-trained Iraqi army. But the common argument that U.S. troops could have produced different Iraqi political outcomes is hogwash. The Iraqi sectarian divides, which ISIS exploited, run deep and were not susceptible to permanent remedy by our troops at their height, let alone by 5,000 trainers under Iraqi restraints..

Nope. Obama poisoned the process. He didn't want to have to deal with Iraq, so he made it next to impossible to reach an agreement for an extension of the SOFA.
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It's so cute when Liberal Democrats whose dear leader has a career built on false information rants about ANYONE who may have done something similar.

But on a day when their Senate and House hopes lie in tatters, yeah, understandable they get a little loopy.
BB 10102592
Obama's own staffers say he rushed headlong out of Iraq

This Ambassador tells us that 76% of Iraqis wanted US troops out of Iraq. if you think what some staffers may have said mattered more than what Iraqis wanted then I'll use what Amb Jeffrey called what the WingNuts are claiming - and that it is hogwash.
BB 10102592
Obama's own staffers say he rushed headlong out of Iraq

This Ambassador tells us that 76% of Iraqis wanted US troops out of Iraq. if you think what some staffers may have said mattered more than what Iraqis wanted then I'll use what Amb Jeffrey called what the WingNuts are claiming - and that it is hogwash.
DOesnt matter what Iraqis wanted. And many key Iraqis understood we had to stay. All of this is written history, confirmed by Panetta and others. Your spin is laughable.
The Iraqis wanted a significant force of 20,000. obola offered 3,000. Maliki said he would have to take it to parliament. That's when obola walked out.

Econochick was wrong in the mechaics. It wasn't obola demanding that the issue go to parliament. But he did get pissy over the issue going to parliament.

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