Obama's Organizing for America Missive November 3, 2010


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Friends --

I'm standing up as I right to you because it feels like I was ass raped yesterday. But not any ordinary raping, this was like a scene out of "OZ". Fuuuuuck! That hurt!!

Compared to our defeat yesterday, Waterloo was Napoleons greatest victory.

This was not a repudiation of my agenda, this was a defeat for Democrats, Progressives and Hopey Changers everywhere. This was because you slacked off. You dropped the ball. You screwed the pooch. I trusted you and you let me down.

Frankly, I question if the American people are smart enough to know how truly great my policies are for them.

The Stimulus is starting to take hold, in 6 or 8 more years we should have unemployment back down to 8%. How is that a bad thing? When did the American people get so greedy and impatient? It's because that fat fuck Limbaugh and that **** Sarah Palin (Rahm is going to proofread this before it's posted, right? I'm just venting and don't want this posted. -- BHO).

I promise to redouble my efforts over these next 2 years to work with the new leadership in Congress...ahh, who the fuck am I kidding, I'm going to Disneyland!

See you in 2012,

Barack Hussein Obama
You missed out the part where he blamed 'typical white people who cling to their guns and religion'.
I sure hope he's booked a LOT of buses for 3rd. There's gonna be a lot of people to throw under and I don't thing one is enough. He may have to take over Greyhound.
Second Draft

Friends --

I'm standing up as I right to you because it feels like I was ass raped yesterday. But not any ordinary raping, this was like a scene out of "OZ".

Look at what I've accomplished in 2 short years: US auto industry --mine! You want a student loan or a mortgage? Come see me! We own it all! We "reformed" health care LOL! Yeah, reformed it suckas! Right in your face!! We "reformed" the banks... (Ask Michelle if am I gloating too much?)

That's what I did...what did you do? This happened because you slacked off. You dropped the ball. You screwed the pooch. By deserting me, you teamed up with those bitter, frustrated white people who can't stand to see a black man in the White House and I hope you're happy

Frankly, I question if the American people are smart enough to know how truly great my policies are for them, I know Biden is an idiot but I had better hopes for you.

The Stimulus is starting to take hold. Paul Krugman tells me that if we increase the Stimulus to $6 Trillion, then by the year 2034, we might get unemployment back under 9%. He's got a Noble Prize, I got a Noble Prize, who are you to argue?

I promise to redouble my efforts over these next 2 years to work with the new leadership in Congress...ahh, who the fuck am I kidding, there's no way I'm working with Republicans, those ignorant Tea Party cracker redneck peckerwoods can drink their homemade moonshine, pray to Jesus fuck their dog and pet their wives. No more Mister NiceGuy!

Reelect me 2012, Bring it!!

Barack Hussein Obama

P.S. I am focused like a high powered laser on jobs and the economy. Seriously

(where do I mention that I kicked the oil spills ass? --BHO)
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