Obama's lying divisive lying scumbag 2012 lying campaign


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Our lying scumbag POS POTUS is at it again. Not enough that the entire LMSM Called Obama a liar on his "Romney's a felon" lie, he's right back at it again.

"The latest web ad from Barack Obama's campaign goes after Mitt Romney for not releasing more tax returns than he already has. The ad, titled "Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?," at one point flashes two words onscreen, "FELONS" and "TAX RECORDS."

Obama Campaign Brings Up 'Felons' in Latest Ad | The Weekly Standard

Obama cannot run on his own record so he lies about Romney
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This is a sign of desperation...let them go on with it...the people ARE SICK of it..
Our lying scumbag POS POTUS is at it again. Not enough that the entire LMSM Called Obama a liar on his "Romney's a felon" lie, he's right back at it again.

"The latest web ad from Barack Obama's campaign goes after Mitt Romney for not releasing more tax returns than he already has. The ad, titled "Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?," at one point flashes two words onscreen, "FELONS" and "TAX RECORDS."

Obama Campaign Brings Up 'Felons' in Latest Ad | The Weekly Standard

Obama cannot run on his own record so he lies about Romney

Wow. Just when I think they can't go any lower. What kills me is that they are so freaking arrogant to think they're not going to get caught pulling this type of stunt.

ETA: wow, I have to take my comments back. I went to the link and they were blatant about it. YIKES!!!
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Maybe if he whines pitiably enough Obama will apologize this time?
Maybe if he whines pitiably enough Obama will apologize this time?

well really, what do you care if it's not true..so long as Obama can use it for his gutter politics... the people are sick of it...but he and his campainge are too stupid to see it...so they are only cutting their own throats

I hope they continue
Obama is such a fucking lowlife scumbag, this is the Obama who got the Ryan's divorce records unsealed.


Lying scumbag
Now, he's got Harry "No Budget" Reid lying for him too

Is this a major political party or what?!
Romney should put out a challenge, he will release his tax records when Obama releases his college records......
MSNBC yesterday was reporting Harry Reid's false lying attack as a fact. Democrats really are that desperate.

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