Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff
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It's a rigged game. Is this news to you?

In a country where money equals free speech you'll just have to deal with such things, until that is you find the balls to change them?
It's a rigged game. Is this news to you?

In a country where money equals free speech you'll just have to deal with such things, until that is you find the balls to change them?
No, but I like to see blame placed where it belongs.
Those who label Obama's crimes "socialism" as opposed to "neoliberalism" have already started their revisionism.
The Legacy of the Obama Administration: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

"The neoliberal assault on the population remains intact, though less so in the US than in Europe.

"Automation is not a major factor, and industrialization isn't ending, just being off-shored.

"Financialization has of course exploded during the neoliberal period, and the general policies, pretty much global in character, are designed to enhance private and corporate power.

"That sets off a vicious cycle in which concentration of wealth leads to concentration of political power, which in turn yields legislation and administrative practices that carry the process forward. There are countervailing forces, and they might become more powerful.

"The potential is there, as we can see from the Sanders campaign and even the Trump campaign, if the white working class to which Trump appeals can become organized to focus on their real interests instead of being in thrall to their class enemy."
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

For what crime?
It's a rigged game. Is this news to you?

In a country where money equals free speech you'll just have to deal with such things, until that is you find the balls to change them?
No, but I like to see blame placed where it belongs.
Those who label Obama's crimes "socialism" as opposed to "neoliberalism" have already started their revisionism.
The Legacy of the Obama Administration: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

"The neoliberal assault on the population remains intact, though less so in the US than in Europe.

"Automation is not a major factor, and industrialization isn't ending, just being off-shored.

"Financialization has of course exploded during the neoliberal period, and the general policies, pretty much global in character, are designed to enhance private and corporate power.

"That sets off a vicious cycle in which concentration of wealth leads to concentration of political power, which in turn yields legislation and administrative practices that carry the process forward. There are countervailing forces, and they might become more powerful.

"The potential is there, as we can see from the Sanders campaign and even the Trump campaign, if the white working class to which Trump appeals can become organized to focus on their real interests instead of being in thrall to their class enemy."
So you like to blame, anyone but yourself for allowing the rigged game to your way of life. Fine.
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

For what crime?
"After more than 200 years of operation, yesterday JPMorgan Chase became an admitted felon. That action for foreign currency rigging came less than two years after the bank was charged with two felony counts and given a deferred prosecution agreement for aiding and abetting Bernie Madoff in the largest Ponzi fraud in history. The felony counts came amid three years of non-stop charges against JPMorgan Chase for unthinkable frauds: from rigging electric markets to ripping off veterans to charging credit card customers for fictitious credit monitoring and manipulating the Libor interest rate benchmark."
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

For what crime?
"After more than 200 years of operation, yesterday JPMorgan Chase became an admitted felon. That action for foreign currency rigging came less than two years after the bank was charged with two felony counts and given a deferred prosecution agreement for aiding and abetting Bernie Madoff in the largest Ponzi fraud in history. The felony counts came amid three years of non-stop charges against JPMorgan Chase for unthinkable frauds: from rigging electric markets to ripping off veterans to charging credit card customers for fictitious credit monitoring and manipulating the Libor interest rate benchmark."
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly

That action for foreign currency rigging

How did Jamie rig them?
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

For what crime?
"After more than 200 years of operation, yesterday JPMorgan Chase became an admitted felon. That action for foreign currency rigging came less than two years after the bank was charged with two felony counts and given a deferred prosecution agreement for aiding and abetting Bernie Madoff in the largest Ponzi fraud in history. The felony counts came amid three years of non-stop charges against JPMorgan Chase for unthinkable frauds: from rigging electric markets to ripping off veterans to charging credit card customers for fictitious credit monitoring and manipulating the Libor interest rate benchmark."
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly

That action for foreign currency rigging

How did Jamie rig them?
He's a master of illusion.

"Dimon is, if nothing else, a master of the grand illusion.

"In 2012, when Dimon was asked about reports in the press that one of his London traders was making massive bets in derivatives, he called the matter a 'tempest in a teapot.'

"That tempest, dubbed the London Whale scandal, cost JPMorgan Chase at least $6.2 billion in losses, over $1 billion in fines, and a scathing 306-page report from the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

"Senator Carl Levin, Chair of the Subcommittee at the time, said JPMorgan 'piled on risk, hid losses, disregarded risk limits, manipulated risk models, dodged oversight, and misinformed the public.'”
Rhymes with rich...
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly
For an alleged socialist, Barrack Obama's Justice Department failed to indict a single major banker for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

"When Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation last September, The Daily Currant headlined: 'Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.'1 As with all good satire, it had the ring—or is that the sting—of truth. You had to read a couple of paragraphs before you realized it was a joke; and after that the laughs kept coming in almost geometric increments..." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Holder, who came from and returned to one of DC's white-shoe corporate law firms, tried to tell Americans he had no case against Chase to would stand up in court:

"The man must be having a senior moment. Holder is sitting on evidence supplied by whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann that JPMorgan Chase officers knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the quality of loans they packaged into mortgage-backed securities.

"As reported in Chapter 5 of JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America’s Biggest Bank and America’s Biggest Crook, Ms. Fleischman is a graduate of Cornell University Law School and, in 2006, after several years of practice at a large Wall Street law firm, she was hired by JPMorgan Chase as a transaction manager. In that position, she was responsible for quality control on the mortgages JPMorgan Chase packaged and sold to investors.

"In late 2006, Ms. Fleischman saw that loan officers were being pressured by their superiors to package loans that were not creditworthy and to lie to their prospective customers about the quality of these loans. Bank officers instructed the people in Ms. Fleischman’s group not to put anything in writing about the loans.

"Ms. Fleischman reported this to a managing director at JPMorgan Chase.

"When he did nothing to address her ethical concerns, in January 2007 she filed a written complaint with another managing director, who does not appear to have done anything about it either.

"She was let go by the Bank in February 2008." - See more at: Obama's Legacy: Too Rich to Jail 3/12/15 - JPMadoff

Jamie Dimon seems to be among the low-hanging fruit that any socialist worth the name would have jailed long ago:

For what crime?
"After more than 200 years of operation, yesterday JPMorgan Chase became an admitted felon. That action for foreign currency rigging came less than two years after the bank was charged with two felony counts and given a deferred prosecution agreement for aiding and abetting Bernie Madoff in the largest Ponzi fraud in history. The felony counts came amid three years of non-stop charges against JPMorgan Chase for unthinkable frauds: from rigging electric markets to ripping off veterans to charging credit card customers for fictitious credit monitoring and manipulating the Libor interest rate benchmark."
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly

That action for foreign currency rigging

How did Jamie rig them?
He's a master of illusion.

"Dimon is, if nothing else, a master of the grand illusion.

"In 2012, when Dimon was asked about reports in the press that one of his London traders was making massive bets in derivatives, he called the matter a 'tempest in a teapot.'

"That tempest, dubbed the London Whale scandal, cost JPMorgan Chase at least $6.2 billion in losses, over $1 billion in fines, and a scathing 306-page report from the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

"Senator Carl Levin, Chair of the Subcommittee at the time, said JPMorgan 'piled on risk, hid losses, disregarded risk limits, manipulated risk models, dodged oversight, and misinformed the public.'”
Rhymes with rich...
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly

So Jamie didn't rig anything. Thanks.

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