Obama's legacy and the children of Aleppo.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It’s amazing that in a country like the United States the American people can mount up unicorns and ride down a yellow brick road to elect a fraudulent, incompetent, pompous jackass like Barack Obama. It’s not just amazing, it’s tragic because right now orphaned children in Aleppo, Syria’s besieged, second largest city, are begging for their lives. They beg for their lives because they have become expendable collateral damage in the fight not for independence in a Syrian civil war, but to preserve Obama’s legacy as a superior academic with a Nobel Peace Prize.

In August of 2012 Obama the Superior, drew a red line against the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime which was followed a year later by the use of chemical weapons by Assad. Obama promptly failed to do anything in response after he was unable to convince allies to bail him out. This started the whole world laughing at America’s weakness and led to Russia’s intervention to prop up Assad. Now the city of Aleppo has been bombed back to the Stone Age leaving children without parents, brothers without sisters and some without a living relative anywhere in the country. The innocent children have been reduced to releasing snippets that appear on newscasts showing them in tragic pageants like kindergarteners only instead of singing Christmas carols they beg to be saved from the bombs raining down on them.

Surely the children of Aleppo must realize that in war things must be sacrificed and they are just little lambs led to the slaughter to rescue the legacy of a great American president. Perhaps they should be made to understand that the great appeasing academic Obama really had no choice in the matter-that Nobel Peace Prize was just too precious to risk. Obama’s “Neville Chamberlain” moment was just an honest mistake and now the little children must march to the slaughterhouse to save his greatness and soothe the embarrassment of those who voted for him-twice no less.

Barack Obama is the end result of a great movement in American political thought. The fact that he is a complete fraud is secondary to the lifting greatness of the academically-inspired cognitive rationalization of superior thinking that drapes over him cloaking his fakery. If Obama had acted decisively to counter Assad he would have been a naked emperor in the eyes of academic appeasement. So the mass graves of innocent little children are the least we can expect of people in faraway places who have no concept of academic greatness. The children of Aleppo should go willingly to their graves secure in the knowledge that they were vanquished for a good cause.

Many of the Americans who voted for Obama and wanted Hillary Clinton to continue the exceptional, theoretical politics of Obama are now in high dudgeon over the fact that the Russians may have interfered in our election process. They sit astride their unicorns and cry foul. It’s a pity that their petulance has no room for the children of Aleppo and that they make no connection to the massacre of innocence and their superior thinking. There appears to be an almost mass delusional paranoia at work in America preventing about half the population from recognizing reality. Maybe someday reality will come to their doorstep and their children will beg for their lives. But for now they are satisfied with being fooled and feeling cheated.

Hopefully the new guy will take a more pragmatic and concrete approach to world affairs and maybe save some children from becoming fodder to hide the folly of frauds and crooks that get rich on the blood of the innocent.
This is going to end only one way. Russia and Assad will win. How many people will have to die before the inevitable happens?
This is going to end only one way. Russia and Assad will win. How many people will have to die before the inevitable happens?

Looks that way catlover--------sadly--another GIANT ATROCITY------culminated by more filth-------as the world yawns
The sheer pompousness of the people involved in this fiasco is appalling. Obama and John Kerry through incompetence are guilty of war crimes but they will never face justice.

Photo of Wounded Child Captures Horror of Aleppo Siege

Bana al-Abed and mother plea to Michelle Obama: 'Please help us'
How pathetic. What could the big moo do? In a perfect world, what could she do?

All these deaths are obama's fault. It is a travesty what he did in the name of his legacy.
The sheer pompousness of the people involved in this fiasco is appalling. Obama and John Kerry through incompetence are guilty of war crimes but they will never face justice.

Photo of Wounded Child Captures Horror of Aleppo Siege

Bana al-Abed and mother plea to Michelle Obama: 'Please help us'
How pathetic. What could the big moo do? In a perfect world, what could she do?

All these deaths are obama's fault. It is a travesty what he did in the name of his legacy.

it is not at all clear to me that Obama could have done something. What should
he have done------could the USA UNILATERALLY have saved Aleppo?
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It has to do with military capability and respect. The Russians read Obama as weak and were confident that he that he would not act so they moved in to back up Assad. No war is good but a war on the innocent is the sort of thing that condemns the entire human race. We sit in our living rooms and watch it on television between the commercials. The blood of children and their begging are all just part of the show. That is if we see it at all. A lot of it is buried so we can see what they want us to see-the Russians elected Trump.
Russia was never going to let Syria fall to obama backed terrorists. They have a Navy base there. Russia stands ready to do whatever it takes to keep that base protected including outright war.

The US is not willing to go to war. Russia is. The idiot obama doesn't at all mind killing off Syrians for a really stupid and hopeless legacy.
Russia was never going to let Syria fall to obama backed terrorists. They have a Navy base there. Russia stands ready to do whatever it takes to keep that base protected including outright war.

The US is not willing to go to war. Russia is. The idiot obama doesn't at all mind killing off Syrians for a really stupid and hopeless legacy.

Obama backed terrorists? How did Obama "back" them ----when did that Obama
backing begin----when mass murdering Baathist pig ASSAD toppled the government
in 1970 and began a WHOLESALE MURDER spree ---stalinisque? Anyone know some Syrians in the US----(there are lots----go for the Chaldean types) ---talk to them about the ASSADS ----if they are willing------they might STILL BE AFRAID

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