Obama's latest masterpiece mocks John McCain...

one seems to be missing the point....mccain is out of touch with all the issues of today as well as daily events....my 78 yr old mother can do email and computers. merely points out...just like when bush sr. was so amazed at scanners....how out of touch they are with the reality ranch.

McCain is 72 years old and on 5 different medications. He's not out of touch.

How many houses does he own?
Good grief. This is the lamest thread. I regret wasting time to read it, I should have known better.
If he can't work a computer we won't have to worry about him wasting precious time shipping on line, surfing porn or try to beat his all time cyber pinball high game. I really think the Presidency can be handle without using a computer. Isn't Palin going to sorta be like a secretary anyway ? We REALLY should be asking if she can take shorthand . :lol:

I love the internet, cell phones and all the technological fun, but I do believe the internet and SMS has affected our interpersonal communication skills in a negative way. Just an observation.

I would really hate for World War III to get kicked off because Putin misinterpreted a sarcastic txt message from McCain because he failed to use proper smileys for humorous effect. :tongue:
You are right.

Go back to watching FoxNews.

I wish. Unfortunatley, I'm limited to CNN and ABC. Thank goodness for the internet...and Anderson Cooper who isn't energetic enough to make stuff up....or I wouldn't know the truth about anything at all.
Personally I think it is a mistake for the Dems to attack McCain on this front.

One of the most loyal voting bases consists of seniors and this ad may have the effect of turning them off.

My mother, for instance, does not use a computer and may feel that she is being chastised by the dems for not doing so and she still considers herself to be an intelligent woman even without computer usage (which I happen to agree with.)

While I understand the point being made, I think it could have been executed better.

Just my .02
Obama should have just used this instead. Much more succinct:


  • $7124be7340f684c97b6738fc54581605.jpg
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Obama should have just used this instead. Much more succinct:

Which would be a perfect segway to this video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Vl96GNSZ4]YouTube - Barack's Message for the Disabled Veterans Convention[/ame]

I hope Obama keeps attacking old people and veterans like this. He does realize that all of the baby boomers don't utilize the internet... correct...I'm sure that makes all old folks(and POWS) ignorant and feeble. He then of course wouldn't want one of the biggest voting blocks on his side at all. He is such an asshole not to mention not too bright with all his lauded book smarts :lol:

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