Obama's latest masterpiece mocks John McCain...

I will be willing to give John McCain basic e-mail and internet lessons! I will actually go down to his office Monday morning and offer to teach him how to turn on the computer at his office. I will actually sacrafice my pay for a day to teach the next potential commander and chief how to use his computer, because I find it disturbing, especially for 2008, not to know how to use a computer. Is anybody with me on this?:clap2:

You of course are aware he physically can not type on a keyboard for any length of time due to the damage done to his arms and shoulders by the North Vietnamese?
I will be willing to give John McCain basic e-mail and internet lessons! I will actually go down to his office Monday morning and offer to teach him how to turn on the computer at his office. I will actually sacrafice my pay for a day to teach the next potential commander and chief how to use his computer, because I find it disturbing, especially for 2008, not to know how to use a computer. Is anybody with me on this?:clap2:

Odds are, he could give you lessons:
Barack Obama's High-Tech Blunder

by Danny Glover | September 13, 2008 at 9:38 PM

I thought techies of the left were a bit self-absorbed three months ago when they proclaimed John McCain unqualified for the presidency because he doesn't use a computer regularly. Now Barack Obama is looking downright foolish for having taken his cues from them.

The right side of the blogosphere is abuzz with criticism of Obama for creating an attack ad that ridicules McCain for figuratively being stuck in 1982, the year he was first elected to Congress. "He admits he still doesn't know how to use a computer," the ad says. "He can't send an e-mail."

The ad echoed the criticism that surfaced at the Personal Democracy Forum in June. Conference organizer Micah Sifry elevated the debate over McCain's tech credentials to the status of "breaking news" with a headline that mocked a McCain staffer for saying "McCain Is Aware Of The Internet."

PDF's sister site, techPresident, followed up with a poll asking the question that only geeks would think is on the edge of every voter's tongue: "Does a connected world need a connected [president of the United States]?" The "yes" response was a predictably high 61 percent, but the high-tech outrage against McCain never made it into the mainstream.

Until Obama decided to cast his own vote against McCain's technological shortcomings, that is. Now plenty of people are talking about whether it matters that McCain uses a computer regularly -- and the tide is decidely against the netroots/Obama view.

Even the liberal blog The Plank asked, "Which voters exactly are going to be outraged by the fact that McCain doesn't know how to use a computer?"

As it turns out, there is one huge mitigating factor in McCain's favor: He was tortued in Vietnam, and the permanent injuries he sustained make it painful for McCain to do certain tasks, including using a computer. Ironically, the supposedly high-tech Obama team would have known that if it had done a simple computer search.

Plus as I noted back in June, just because he doesn't personally use a computer on a regular basis doesn't mean McCain is a Luddite, a technophobe or clueless about the role of technology in society. In fact, he has played key roles on the tech policy front for years. High-tech Democrat Joe Trippi also credited McCain with the "first bold attempt to harness the power of the Internet" in politics.

Obama's team blundered big time with this petty and uninformed attack on McCain, and James Joyner of Outside The Beltway concisely explains why:

"Team Obama criticizes McCain for being unable to use the Internet and thus gives Team McCain: 1) an opportunity to not only point out again how much he suffered putting his Country First, but to make Obama look mean-spirited and insensitive for bringing up the point; and 2) the ability to demonstrate that he's not only not a moron about technical matters but actually beta-tested a model that Obama and others have used more successfully since."

Obama hasn't actually listened to the netroots much on substantive policy matters during the presidential campaign, and his flip-flops on issues like anti-terrorism surveillance (against it before he was for it) actually have aggravated liberal bloggers. But this play came straight from the netroots playbook.

That decision may leave Obama in even worse field position for the campaign's final drive.
McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times, and is on 5 different medications.

Look for more senior moments on the campaign trail....
this is a funny ad, I got a good laugh out of it, but another terrible move strategically by the worst run campaign in years, Plouffe really needs to go

looks desperate and cheap, and it plays best to coastal elites who are already in O's column
Claiming such a handicap is offensive to those with serious injuries..

Check this cat out.. Stephen Hawking

Hardly. Check out how Dr. Hawking deals with his computer,

Professor Stephen Hawking's Homepage

Now, McCain can easily have others do his typing, he can dictate what he wishes written. Did you know Clinton sent 2 emails in his 8 years as president? Somehow everything he wanted to get sent, did. Mountain out of molehill, as well as another unforced error on Obama's part. Google would have taken care of saving the money for a different ad and not made him have to defend McCain's service. :D
Hardly. Check out how Dr. Hawking deals with his computer,

Professor Stephen Hawking's Homepage

Now, McCain can easily have others do his typing, he can dictate what he wishes written. Did you know Clinton sent 2 emails in his 8 years as president? Somehow everything he wanted to get sent, did. Mountain out of molehill, as well as another unforced error on Obama's part. Google would have taken care of saving the money for a different ad and not made him have to defend McCain's service. :D

Sorry, all the young people I know were laughing about McCain not using a computer. Of course most of McCain's supporters don't use a computer either. If they did, they would know to vote for Obama.
...for not being able to send an e-mail or use a computer.

Obama's New Ad Strikes A New Low


Ho ho,funny eh?

Except when you find out that the reason McCain doesn't do these things is because the war time injuries he suffered in the service of his country stop him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes

So...what do we have to say about a presidential candidate who approved something like this? What does it tell us about his humanity, and more importantly, his judgment?

If this is what the Obama campaign means by more forceful attacks, I say bring it on. America is getting to know the Chosen One better with every day that passes.

from Joshuapundit

Computers do have disability features....you realize this?
Typing requires having your arms oustretched for a period of time, which McCain can't do. He can't lift his arms past his shoulders AT ALL. He can stretch them out, but holding them out long enough to even write is painful. Typing is pretty much impossible for him.

nice try :cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rpamTKMlKw]YouTube - McCain - I'm an illiterate who has to rely on my wife[/ame]

McCain isn't INCAPABLE of using a computer... he's ignorant as to how to do it...much like many in his generation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zovJfeHj-Uc&feature=related]YouTube - McCain Learns To Use Internet[/ame]

I think this ad is fine. It's based on what McCain himself said....he's ILLITERATE on use of the computer! He never said he CAN'T physically use the computer and trust me, IF he could claim that, as much as he uses his POW stories to shut people down when they criticize him, he would've said so.

Also add in the fact that there are computers and software available to people with physical limitations

Products for the disabled - blindness, low vision, reading disabilities, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, blind, cataracts, vision impairment, visually impaired, vision, vision disability, vision disabilitie

McCain is plenty rich enough that he could have a computer modified to accomodate whatever physical limitation he might have.

oh and by the by...I'm sitting here typing right now and my elbows are resting at my side and my hands are resting on the keyboard...not much range of motion is being used and I type 70 words a minute... so don't give me that shit that because he can't lift his arms past his shoulders that he can't type.

this is more whining from the right...

this ad is a lot better than the "disrespectful" and "sex education one" at least this one is based in REALITY...

kudos to Obama's campaign for hitting back with the facts instead of making shit up.
Computers do have disability features....you realize this?

Really? Do they have the ability to remove the pain of holding ones arms up and out for extended periods to type? What next? Is Obama can find a blind guy and complain he can't see the writing on the wall? Maybe a Deaf guy so he can claim he can't hear the argument?

Didn't his compassionate VP pick tell a cripple to stand up?
Really? Do they have the ability to remove the pain of holding ones arms up and out for extended periods to type? What next? Is Obama can find a blind guy and complain he can't see the writing on the wall? Maybe a Deaf guy so he can claim he can't hear the argument?

Didn't his compassionate VP pick tell a cripple to stand up?
Why would one hold their arms up and out to type on a keyboard? Are you some kind of zombie, RGS? btw, there are all kinds of applications to help the handicapped use the computer. Case in point--you, even with all your mental deficiencies, actually seem capable of posting random thoughts.
Looks like Republicans are lying again. Surprise!

Old man McCain himself says he's capable of using a computer, and he's trying to become more computer literate:

"I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself," McCain told the New York Times in an interview that appeared Sunday. "I don't expect to be a great communicator, I don’t expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I need."

Even so, McCain bluntly admits, "I don't e-mail. I've never felt the particular need to e-mail."
What a bunch of bullshit. The only part you look at is the computer part and you ignore the rest of the add. It's interesting that when I saw it without your comment, I didn't see disabled at all. I saw an out of touch older person who hasn't kept up with technology and now wants to be president of the the USA in the age of technology.

I know disabled people who use a computer. There are computer voice programs. Hell, even Bush can send emails.

What about the rest of the add. You ignore all this. More of your pig in the poke crap with lipstick on.:cuckoo:

No, this crap from Ninja won't play in Peoria, except in the right wing section of town.
Really? Do they have the ability to remove the pain of holding ones arms up and out for extended periods to type? What next? Is Obama can find a blind guy and complain he can't see the writing on the wall? Maybe a Deaf guy so he can claim he can't hear the argument?

Didn't his compassionate VP pick tell a cripple to stand up?

how the fuck do you type RGS, like Frankenstein? who the hell holds their arms out straight when they are typing?

they even have these new aroganomic keyboards which are kind of handy

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxH7Uith0tQ]YouTube - Touch type of Kinesis Advantage USB contoured keyboard[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDW5zyjhCbc&NR=1]YouTube - Touch type of FingerWorks TouchStream LP[/ame]

so once again...nice try....

technology has made it impossible for McCain OR the right to use his injuries as an excuse...

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