Obama's "Forward" and Mao's "Great Leap Forward" similarities??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Great Leap Forward

Central Planning .. by very few elitists committee management
In 1958 Mao inaugurated the Great Leap Forward, a disastrous attempt to rapidly industrialize, collectivize agriculture on an enormous scale and develop China though the construction of massive earthworks and irrigation projects

One of Mao's goals during the Great Leap Forward was for China to surpass Britain in steel production in less than five years.

During the Great Leap Forward, farmers were encouraged to make steel instead of grow crops, peasants were forced onto unproductive communes and grain was exported at the time people were starving.

Millions of pots and pans and tools was turned into useless slag. Entire mountainsides were denuded to provide wood for the smelters.
Villager stripped remaining forests for food and ate most of China’s birds.
People went hungry because they had melted down their agricultural tools and spent time in the backyard smelters rather than in the fields tending their crops.
Crop yields also declined because Mao ordered farmers to grow crops using the dubious practices of close planting and deep plowing.

"At least 45 million people died unnecessarily between 1958 and 1962. The term 'famine', or even 'Great Famine', is often used to describe these four to five years of the Maoist era, but the term fails to capture the many ways in which people died under radical collectivization.

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50 years later - 2012 after 45 million dead "progress"???

..is simply a synopsis of the progressive understanding of the State. The State has always been seen by the left as the engine of history. When Obama says he's about going Forward, he's also saying that he thinks the government is the thing that moves us all forward, that the State is the source of Progress.
What Barack Obama's 'Forward' Slogan Really Means - Scott Galupo (usnews.com)
It worked. Mao's Great Leap Forward was a government engineered famine that ended with a compliant and very communist country. obama is looking at the end result and seeing a winner.
During the Great Leap Forward, farmers were encouraged to make steel instead of grow crops, peasants were forced onto unproductive communes and grain was exported at the time people were starving.

How does a farmer grow steel?
No question of the similarity. Wonder what it means? Must be some connection. I think we're on to something here, hope someone can clear this mystery up. Scary. Almost like when they called president Jackson, King Jackson. Of course Jackson pretended it was nothing but a lot of real Americans knew better.
When Obama says he's about going Forward, he's also saying that he thinks the government is the thing that moves us all forward, that the State is the source of Progress.

So when does Obama order the farmers to melt their tractors and tools?
When has the farmers ever been collectivisted?
When are the mass murders going to happen?
I don't see any simlarities or communistic ideals being implemented.

maybe you should try flexing your muscles and stay fit, instead of trying to stretch the truth.
So Obama's expansion of the food stamp program, to help feed low income Americans, and,

the GOP's opposition to that...

...now which one of those would be closer to Mao's depriving the people of grain??

Hmmmmm....put your thinking caps on...
During the Great Leap Forward, farmers were encouraged to make steel instead of grow crops, peasants were forced onto unproductive communes and grain was exported at the time people were starving.

How does a farmer grow steel?

Watching porn? Oh, that would be wood.

I guess the writer has a hard time passing college level English class.
A mass die off of tens of millions of US citizens would dramatically lower our carbon footprint
The Dems have also named their convention, and I'm not kidding, "The People's Convention".

Mao would be proud!!! At least they're finally dropping any pretense as to who they really are.
So Obama's expansion of the food stamp program, to help feed low income Americans, and,

the GOP's opposition to that...

...now which one of those would be closer to Mao's depriving the people of grain??

Hmmmmm....put your thinking caps on...

All the while his policies create more needy Americans.


Way to go Obamahole.
A mass die off of tens of millions of US citizens would dramatically lower our carbon footprint

I sometimes wonder if that isn't exactly what the eco-loons are after. They already think a tree is more relevant than a fetus, and their insistence that food be used to make fuels is killing off countless people in Third World Nations who can no longer afford the foods which have had their prices inflated due to a heavy percentage of them being diverted to fuel production. But isn't the Liberal Utopian dream ever so grand.
The Dems have also named their convention, and I'm not kidding, "The People's Convention".

Mao would be proud!!! At least they're finally dropping any pretense as to who they really are.

Of course the one's doing the speaking have no intentions of sharing their own wealth with their fellow comrades.
People's convention, Corporate convention? Have we become such a frightened fearful people that we are afraid to use words that communists have used? Have we let the communists take over parts of our very language because we are fearful? I say we can use any words we want, including the word people, and any other word we want to use. We should not let the communists, the McCarthyites, the Republicans frighten us into using only their approved language. If the word people fits, use the damn word.
If this were a Democratic convention coming up, one or more of the posts would be about a higher power showing displeasure of the convention and political party by having a storm of some significance. And worse, some would believe it.
If this were a Democratic convention coming up, one or more of the posts would be about a higher power showing displeasure of the convention and political party by having a storm of some significance. And worse, some would believe it.

To a Democrat, the federal government is the one and only higher power

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