Obama's foreign policy let the critters out of their boxes

Semantics. The war ended 62 years ago, before most Americans were even born.
It is not semantics, numb nuts. There is a big difference between a peace accord and an armistice.
I should have been more specific, and frankly don't give a fuck after 62 years. Neither does anyone else.
You SHOULD try telling the damn truth. THAT'S what you SHOULD try idiot.
I always tell the truth. It's semantics, dumbshit.
So your sorry ass excuse is "You no speeka da english?"
My excuse is no one cared then, or now. The war was six decades ago.
Well since Obama let them have nukes the story is not over yet is it stupid?
Nobody lets anyone have nukes. You don't need to ask permission to build weapons, schoolgirl.
Well HE drew a red line moron and a 3rd world dictator PISSED on him.
I don't care if he handed him a letter from fucking God Himself. What other nations build is none of your goddamned business.
YOU like the fact we have a pussy in the White House. Does Obama make you feel more manly? Or do you get that tingle up your leg?
I'll take Obama over that faggot Bush any day.
The op is absolutely correct. The Golden Negro entered office thinking that he could talk his way through anything. Unfortunately for Obama, and especially for Americans, the rest of the world does not play by the same rules as employed in black Chicago street corner politics.

The foreign service professionals at the State Department have been furious at how Obama and his hacks have been conducting foreign affairs. Obama and his crew have no background in foreign affairs. However, instead of deferring to the judgment of those who do have such experience, Team Obama insists on micro-managing things. Now, nearly 7 years after taking office Obama STILL persists with the delusion that you can apply principles of domestic politics to relations with foreign states. This is naive, stupid and ignorant. For this malfeasance alone Obams ought to be impeached and banished from the USA.

Sure bugs you people to have a Negro in the white house doesn't it?
Having a black man in the White House does not bother me. However, having a crow walking, jive talking, ignorant entitlement minded negro up there does both me.
Welcome to the trench. Pick a liberal and just start swinging!
Obama's non-existent foreign policy has done the following:

1. Made us look weak to the rest of the world because we do not do what we say we will do (remember the red line in Syria).

2. We have alienated our closest allies - UK and Israel.

3. We fueled the Muslim Brotherhood uprising in Egypt, leading to Mubarak being deposed (which was criminal; Mubarak has been our friend and ally since Sadat was murdered). The Britherhood are thugs and jihadists.

4. Obama lead to the surge of ISIS dominance in Syria and Iraq by pulling out forces without getting a commitment from Maliki on the status of forces agreement. This created a vacuum and all hell has broken loose

5. Obama says that we will kill ISIS, but nothing is being done except for a couple of meaningless air strikes here and there. Obama's word cannot be trusted.

6. Obama's weakness now has Putin testing President Negro's testicular fortitude. Putin has gone into Syria to straighten out shit, and is already having success quelling the revolution. Putin kicked up out and went in to do what he wants. Obama does nothing but put his spin doctors on the case.

7. Fuck head then attempts to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran. Instead of destroying Iran's nuclear capabilities he allows their program to continue wit no real oversight or consequences in the event of default and gives Iran billions of dollars so they can further their nuclear program. Obama and crew are clearly the worst negotiators ever.
It is not semantics, numb nuts. There is a big difference between a peace accord and an armistice.
I should have been more specific, and frankly don't give a fuck after 62 years. Neither does anyone else.
You SHOULD try telling the damn truth. THAT'S what you SHOULD try idiot.
I always tell the truth. It's semantics, dumbshit.
So your sorry ass excuse is "You no speeka da english?"
My excuse is no one cared then, or now. The war was six decades ago.
I know a couple of Marines that served in Korea, and they both certainly still care.

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