Obama's Final Grade on National Security: F-


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Positives: Ordered the raid in Pakistan to kill Bin Laden. Despite promises made and pressure by his side of the aisle, has kept Gitmo operational (appears to understand it is a necessity and not a source of entertainment by GOP leadership). Early on in his presidency, hosted a nuclear security summit pressuring all nations with this weapon in their arsenal to secure all of the nuclear materials and secrets. Assisted Israel with creating cyber weapons to disrupt Iranian nuclear program.

Negatives: Has leaked endless national security information and invited Hollywood in to learn about the Bin Lade raid - all in an attempt to look "strong" on national security. Announced it was Seal Team 6 who got Bin Laden - this put all of their families at tremendous risk as Al Qaeda has the resources to seek retribution on the family members of those operators. Negotiated massive cuts to defense that he KNEW would occur when he loaded the congressional debt committee with tax and spend ideologues so that he could gut defense as deep as possible while deflecting the blame. Has allowed Iran to continue it's programs with minimal effort to put an end to it (the cyber weapons, while certainly effective and efficient, only temporarily delayed efforts). "Delay" is simply not acceptable when a rogue terrorist state is working on a nuclear WMD. Stopped the missile defense systems previous administration had promised Poland and other nations in Europe. Signed the "New S.T.A.R.T" treaty with Russia - a treaty that caved to Russia's every demand so severely, it prompted Russian*chairman of the State Duma's International Affairs Committee, Konstantin Kosachev, to gloat in front of the entire world stating “everything else laid out in the agreement in fact represents very substantial progress, I would say in ours and not in the Americans' favor” and went on to say “this is, to emphasize once again, a breakthrough, not a compromise”. *Did you read that – not a compromise. *A treaty is supposed to be an equal compromise on both sides. *Instead, Obama caved to every Russian demand on the treaty. Was caught on mic whispering to former Russian president Demetri Medvedev that he would give current Russian president Vladamir Putin "everything he wanted" if Putin would just give him room until AFTER his last election.

Kill Bin Laden +5
Keeping Gitmo +5
Nuclear Summit +3
Cyber Weapons +5

Leaking National Security -4
Leaking Seal Team 6 -4
Cutting defense -5
Iran Nuclear Program -5
Stopped missile defense -3
Signing New S.T.A.R.T -3
Caught caving to Russia -5

Totals: +18 positives, -29 negatives, -11 total

Final: F-

* Grading scale is typical K-12 grading scale with 1 = F, 2 = D, 3 = C, 4 = B, 5 = A

For positives, 5 is best possible scenario down to 1 being ok
For negatives, -5 is worst possible scenario down to -1 being bad
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So since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, he gets a Z-?
So since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, he gets a Z-?

Actually, 9/11 happened on Bill Clinton's "watch". It was Bill Clinton who gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. It was Bill Clinton who allowed Al Qaeda to fund, recruit, train, and plan 9/11 (Al Qaeda terrorists admitted it was a plan that took 8 years to execute) utilizing terrorist training camps that were in plain site. And it was Bill Clinton who signed the final (defense gutted) budget for 2001 (the outgoing president submits the budget in December and it is finalized in early January before the incoming president is sworn into office).

Four years later, and none of you want to discuss the current president. All you want to discuss is Bush, Bush, and more Bush. Obviously, there is nothing about the current president that your side of the aisle is proud of and willing to talk about... :lol:
Rottie gets a Z for yet another partisan hack thread that means diddly shit....

Awww... is the 'lil Aussie who hates his own life and hates his own country a little cranky tonight? Do you want me to send someone over with warm milk in a baby bottle for you? Would you like a lullaby to soothe your frayed little nerves?
Rottie gets a Z for yet another partisan hack thread that means diddly shit....

Awww... is the 'lil Aussie who hates his own life and hates his own country a little cranky tonight? Do you want me to send someone over with warm milk in a baby bottle for you? Would you like a lullaby to soothe your frayed little nerves?

Mate, I dunno what you see when you read my posts...but to fill you in, this is what I'm doing when I'm reading yours...

Let's look at Rotties list.

Leaking National Security -4
Leaking Seal Team 6 -4 - The media would have found those things out anyway.

Cutting defense -5

Defense spending is going up despite winding down the Iraq War. Argument fail.

Iran Nuclear Program -5

Iran will get a nuke, and we need to learn how to deal.

Stopped missile defense -3

You mean he stopped an expensive boondoggle of technology that doesn't work?

Signing New S.T.A.R.T -3
Caught caving to Russia -5

Get Real. We need Russia. It's realy all that stands between the Angry-Stans and Europe.

So this is really the best you have?
So since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, he gets a Z-?

Actually, 9/11 happened on Bill Clinton's "watch". It was Bill Clinton who gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. It was Bill Clinton who allowed Al Qaeda to fund, recruit, train, and plan 9/11 (Al Qaeda terrorists admitted it was a plan that took 8 years to execute) utilizing terrorist training camps that were in plain site. And it was Bill Clinton who signed the final (defense gutted) budget for 2001 (the outgoing president submits the budget in December and it is finalized in early January before the incoming president is sworn into office).

Four years later, and none of you want to discuss the current president. All you want to discuss is Bush, Bush, and more Bush. Obviously, there is nothing about the current president that your side of the aisle is proud of and willing to talk about... :lol:

You a real stupid Rotty aren't you?

What was the name of the POTUS on 9/11.

You just to stupid to figure ANYTHING out. You want to blame Obama for every single bad thing that has happened to the economy. As if Bush didn't make any decisions while in office.

But some how Bill Clinton is repsonsible for 9/11.

When are you ignorant Rethugs going to own up to your decisions? Will you ignorant Repubs EVER man up to the stupidity you Rethugs thrive on?
As Carafano put it, "A belligerently aggressive Iran...an anti-democratic Russia...an expansive China...a wet-behind-the-ears 'Dear Leader' in North Korea...enduring threats from narco-terrorists and Islamist terrorists...there is every sign that, when Obama's four years are up, the world will be a potentially far more dangerous place than it was when he first took office."

Morning Bell: Defending America Is Not an Obama Priority
George Bush gave up the worst terrorist attack in history and botched two wars

What grade does he get?
So since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, he gets a Z-?

Actually, 9/11 happened on Bill Clinton's "watch". It was Bill Clinton who gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. It was Bill Clinton who allowed Al Qaeda to fund, recruit, train, and plan 9/11 (Al Qaeda terrorists admitted it was a plan that took 8 years to execute) utilizing terrorist training camps that were in plain site. And it was Bill Clinton who signed the final (defense gutted) budget for 2001 (the outgoing president submits the budget in December and it is finalized in early January before the incoming president is sworn into office).

Four years later, and none of you want to discuss the current president. All you want to discuss is Bush, Bush, and more Bush. Obviously, there is nothing about the current president that your side of the aisle is proud of and willing to talk about... :lol:

And so you try to pin Bush's failures on Clinton.Here it is 13 years later and all you can do is Clinton, Clinton, Clinton, it's all his fault what happened to Boosh!
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[You a real stupid Rotty aren't you?

What was the name of the POTUS on 9/11.

You just to stupid to figure ANYTHING out. You want to blame Obama for every single bad thing that has happened to the economy. As if Bush didn't make any decisions while in office.

But some how Bill Clinton is repsonsible for 9/11.

When are you ignorant Rethugs going to own up to your decisions? Will you ignorant Repubs EVER man up to the stupidity you Rethugs thrive on?

You want to talk about "stupid" - you're so profoundly stupid, you don't even see the irony of your own post. You claim I "want to blame Obama" for everything, and in the next sentence you blame Bush (again)!!!!!

You want to blame Bush for every single bad thing that has happened to the world. As if Clinton didn't make any decisions while in office, gut defense, ignore Al Qaeda, or neglect his national security duties.
As Carafano put it, "A belligerently aggressive Iran...an anti-democratic Russia...an expansive China...a wet-behind-the-ears 'Dear Leader' in North Korea...enduring threats from narco-terrorists and Islamist terrorists...there is every sign that, when Obama's four years are up, the world will be a potentially far more dangerous place than it was when he first took office."

Morning Bell: Defending America Is Not an Obama Priority

The world will always be a dangerous place.I bet Mitt won't change a thing.
George Bush gave up the worst terrorist attack in history and botched two wars

What grade does he get?

The first terrorist attack happened in 1993 when Bill Clinton was president.

hmmm. A Democrat President didn't take care of business and nip the problem in the bud, so it's now George Bush's fault when they came back 8 months into his Presidency.

What a lovely case of selective memory. And Clinton ordered his employees to leave the White House computers so buggered up it'd take weeks to straighten that out. Cheesy little pranks that cost America a lot of important time and hassle in the White House, engineered to hurt the new president by the impeached and disbarred disgraceful Satyr.

Has Obama made the world a safer place by leaving the Muslim Brotherhood (al Qaeda's associates) to rule in Egypt? Leaving Iraq and Afghanistan before stable and peaceable governments were established and monitored for 50 years?

I think the world is a lot less safe since Obama started pulling his punches all over the map assisted by dowager Hillary (900 FBI Files) Clinton.
So since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on his watch, he gets a Z-?

Actually, 9/11 happened on Bill Clinton's "watch". It was Bill Clinton who gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. It was Bill Clinton who allowed Al Qaeda to fund, recruit, train, and plan 9/11 (Al Qaeda terrorists admitted it was a plan that took 8 years to execute) utilizing terrorist training camps that were in plain site. And it was Bill Clinton who signed the final (defense gutted) budget for 2001 (the outgoing president submits the budget in December and it is finalized in early January before the incoming president is sworn into office).

Four years later, and none of you want to discuss the current president. All you want to discuss is Bush, Bush, and more Bush. Obviously, there is nothing about the current president that your side of the aisle is proud of and willing to talk about... :lol:


Is there nothing you guys don't fucking lie about?

It happened on Bush watch. It was done by a man that was supported by Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. It was done by a man..who's FAMILY the Bushes were doing business with.

Those are the facts.

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