Obama’s Divisive Course on Immigration


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Most, on both sides of the aisle, agree that we need to address the immigration system. Instead of handling the problems that could easily be fixed, Obama is insisting that sweeping amnesty come first, then maybe talking about other problems, such as the porous borders. It makes no sense to grant amnesty first knowing that it will drastically increase the problem of illegal immigration.

Common sense should tell us that we need to get a handle on things before we do anything else. Why won't Obama work with congress to fix some of the basic problems before throwing down more welcome mats to encourage more illegal aliens to pour through the border? Why does he want millions more coming in? What is his endgame? Does he plan to use his pen to grant amnesty and allow them to vote in the next election? Is this just a plan to help Dems in the next few elections? Why put the interest of a few groups ahead of the American people?

Obama knows that by stubbornly demanding that amnesty come first, congress won't go along. He is deliberately doing this. The problem could be under control by now if Obama wanted it to be. He must have something else in mind. Does he want the problem to get so big that we can't deal with it? That is what is happening. It's like he doesn't want to talk about secure borders because he doesn't want borders at all.

Even though it’s a simple legislative fix, it’s stalled. Like other common-sense measures — any legislation that advances visa reforms and improves the lawful migration system and sensible border security — it’s backed up like bottlenecked traffic. And all because no measure can move till the president delivers amnesty.

Obama has increasingly been pushing his amnesty agenda without Congress. He started by loosening up enforcement of immigration laws. Then, in 2012, he initiated his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which implemented an administrative amnesty for minors. Now it’s widely reported that Obama is planning a broader administrative amnesty that could include millions.

The president’s "solution" adds to the problem. It doesn’t solve it. Amnesty only encourages more to seek to enter the U.S. illegally. It does nothing to enhance border security or visa or immigration reforms.

Further undercutting the president’s legitimacy are reports of a series of meetings with pro-amnesty and business groups as a run-up to his proposed amnesty. To many, that smacks of cronyism, buying off or placating special interests. It paints an image of a president intent on pleasing some at the expense of others.
Yes. He wants the problem to get so big that we can't handle it. Just like he wants ISIS to get green cards and drivers licenses.

Absolutely. He is purposefully fucking up the GOP's perfect plan to solve our immigration issue.
Both sides agree on certain things when it comes to immigration, but their hands are tied because Obama wants amnesty first. Can you explain why he is doing that? Or will you just keep deflecting?

Are you familiar with Alinsky's rules for radicals or the Cloward-Piven strategy and how they perfectly explain many of Obama's decisions? Obama taught Alinsky's methods. Apparently, he was as good of a student as he was a teacher when it came to radical ways.
There's no mystery to it. Obozo wants to open our borders to every third world loser in the world because

1. He hates america and knows this will wreck the country

2. All this trash will go on welfare and vote for his party forever.

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