
Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama's BIG LIE: "If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan."

Now I KNOW Obama thinks he KNOWS EVERYTHING.. after all he did say:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
And he also said ""a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ...
and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama"

BUT Obama is NOT qualified as an actuary - a business professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty.

So maybe for the rest of us IT will be helpful to understand why "Actuaries" CALL OBAMA on this big fat lie!

Health insurance premiums WILL INCREASE in cost by 141%!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

This report: Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs
pages 6 and 7 and you'll see Average annual premium of $2,553 will increase (These EXPERTS calculate!!) to in 2017 $6,158 an 141% increase!!!

Folks Obama knew SH...T ..about a lot of economic functions much less how health insurance works!
It became totally evident to me when HE and even other idiots continue to say there was a need to completely DESTROY health care as we know it
for a totally FALSE number that is proven to be NOT 50 million uninsured... BUT 8 million! i.e. 97.5% of the population will be totally disrupted!

Total lie!
1) 10 million of LIE 50 million uninsured ARE NOT CITIZENS!! Do you understand??
2) 14 million are ALREADY COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) And the biggest fallacy... 18 million that ARE uninsured BUT DON"T WANT, Can afford (make over $50k!!) under 34, and pay out of pocket health services!

That leave 8 million truly that need insurance and THEY can be easily covered!

But Obama LIED that there are 50 million uninsured!
Obama LIED that you'll be able to keep your plan!

But to almost all you idiots that don't believe in FACTS but FICTION this is not for you!
This is for those that still voted for the IDIOT and realize that with 10 Democrat Senate seats up for grab in 2014.. OVER THROW OBAMACARE can be done!!!
It will happen folks because SUCH A BIG LIE will be shown in your paychecks soon!!!!
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OK. So we will fix that. A single payer universal health care system. Now, what is your beef with that?
Gov't. control of healthcare, that is my beef. Totally against what this country is about.

It's like people really believe that with government controlled health care, they really will get health care. As it is, we're already losing health care providers as doctors leave the system.
OK. So we will fix that. A single payer universal health care system. Now, what is your beef with that?
Gov't. control of healthcare, that is my beef. Totally against what this country is about.

It's like people really believe that with government controlled health care, they really will get health care. As it is, we're already losing health care providers as doctors leave the system.
Too many people forget what the founding forefathers did. They would rather gov't. take care of them.
OK. So we will fix that. A single payer universal health care system. Now, what is your beef with that?

AGAIN amateurs LIKE YOU have NO idea!
Single Payer hahahahaha!!!

Do that and it will COST $100 billion a year in higher Federal/state/local/ and property taxes, 400,000 more Unemployed!

Again.. idiots like you who look for simple socialistic answers always always forget this truism!

But there is a time Obamatrons when as Margaret Thatcher said: “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”
"No one is going to force you to leave your plan" is a direct reference to the "grandfathered business" column in that table.
"No one is going to force you to leave your plan" is a direct reference to the "grandfathered business" column in that table.
It might have been better to believe all of obamaturds lies if obamacare wasn't forced on us while voting behind closed doors. Pelosi's lie "we have to pass it to find out what is in it" is still the biggest lying laugh line I ever heard. Only idiots would believe that whore, but a lot of idiots did.
OK. So we will fix that. A single payer universal health care system. Now, what is your beef with that?

And guess what??
NO $600 billion a year in defensive medicine costs in single payer systems because of FEAR of lawsuits ins almost non-existent!

But YOU and other ambulance chasing lovers have NO problem that physicians in this country FEARING LAWSUITS do that!
And that adds tremendous costs to health care!

PLUS you never heard of EMTALA have you???
Here once again I'll educate you!!!
Ever hear of the Laws of unintended consequences"???
"intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."

Medicare gets overcharged by hospitals sometimes 6,000% more then the cost of services! For example East Texas Medical billed Medicare 1,994 times at an average of $3,336 for CAT scans that cost $83! A 3,919% markup!
And this is just one of 6,000 hospitals that Medicare IS OK with paying gross overcharges!

All because of 1986 EMTALA law.. again good intentions creating unintended consequences!
1986 the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes Medicare,they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs.."

So just like idiots who think "Universal health Care" is the answer???
RIGHT well we are seeing the AFFECTS of this because of EMTALA!!!
"No one is going to force you to leave your plan" is a direct reference to the "grandfathered business" column in that table.
It might have been better to believe all of obamaturds lies if obamacare wasn't forced on us while voting behind closed doors. Pelosi's lie "we have to pass it to find out what is in it" is still the biggest lying laugh line I ever heard. Only idiots would believe that whore, but a lot of idiots did.

That wasn't what Pelosi said. And all of the votes were on C-Span.
OK. So we will fix that. A single payer universal health care system. Now, what is your beef with that?

And guess what??
NO $600 billion a year in defensive medicine costs in single payer systems because of FEAR of lawsuits ins almost non-existent!

But YOU and other ambulance chasing lovers have NO problem that physicians in this country FEARING LAWSUITS do that!
And that adds tremendous costs to health care!

PLUS you never heard of EMTALA have you???
Here once again I'll educate you!!!
Ever hear of the Laws of unintended consequences"???
"intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."

Medicare gets overcharged by hospitals sometimes 6,000% more then the cost of services! For example East Texas Medical billed Medicare 1,994 times at an average of $3,336 for CAT scans that cost $83! A 3,919% markup!
And this is just one of 6,000 hospitals that Medicare IS OK with paying gross overcharges!

All because of 1986 EMTALA law.. again good intentions creating unintended consequences!
1986 the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes Medicare,they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs.."

So just like idiots who think "Universal health Care" is the answer???
RIGHT well we are seeing the AFFECTS of this because of EMTALA!!!

This law probably is the most overlooked law on the books when it came to Obamacare and claiming someone is not insured. People get free healthcare everyday but now we have laws that will add costs to these services, time to open our wallets and give to the government. We were sold a bill of goods and we didn't know what we had or now what we got.
government isn't controlling health "care", its' making sure people are insured.

you really are dumb.
No, you idiot libtards are the dumbfucks.

i'm sure your 6th grade education has you convinced of that. :cuckoo:

Obviously you never heard of the disastrous initial "single payer" effort that EMTALA was in "trying to help the uninsured" created!
As I pointed out, you and obviously millions NEVER comprehend that "there is NO FREE LUNCH"!!!
When hospitals that take Medicare have to recover they OVERCHARGE Medicare/private insurance!

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