Obamacare website 500 million dollar Failure


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
What the Obamacare Website Failure Teaches Us About Crony Capitalism | Acton PowerBlog

As everyone from political pundits to late-night talk show hosts have pointed out, HealthCare.gov, the flagship technology portion of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), went live a couple of weeks ago — and was a complete failure.

A very, very expensive failure.

Andrew Couts points out that taxpayers “seem to have forked up more than $500 million of the federal purse to build the digital equivalent of a rock.”
Why did the government spend a half-billion on the equivalent of a 404-page? Because of crony capitalism. Mike Masnick lists the political cronies who were hired to build the site despite having a “long history of screwed up giant IT projects”:

We are in deep shit and the ship is sinking....:eusa_shifty:

Just remember that the web site is not the health care system.

It would be a mistake to hang your hat on this temporary failure and declare the whole thing a failure. Go too far with that, and any success the health care system itself has afterward will look much better by comparison.

Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

Just remember that the web site is not the health care system.

It would be a mistake to hang your hat on this temporary failure and declare the whole thing a failure. Go too far with that, and any success the health care system itself has afterward will look much better by comparison.


I agree with that. While the computer glitches are indeed hugely embarrassing for Obama, and heads should roll, at some point however the system will be fixed, the focus then will be on the law itself.
anything with that MF'ers name on it is a total failure and disaster :up:

after reading this mornings news i noticed a war like attitude within our ranks, locally and across this once great land, anyone else notice how we as a country is becoming more war like ?? internally ?? :up:
Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

1/2 billion dollars spent on a website:clap2::clap2::clap2:............
Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

1/2 billion dollars spent on a website:clap2::clap2::clap2:............

The website was developed by the same Canadian company that the Canadian government fired for screwing up their healthcare website.

Wonder who in obozo's admin got the kickbacks from that contract :confused:
There are companies in the Fortune 500 that didn't make $500MM in profits last year, but that what we paid for a broke-dick website
There are companies in the Fortune 500 that didn't make $500MM in profits last year, but that what we paid for a broke-dick website

Right, are the dem/libs so stupid that they believe that there is not one american company capable of even bidding on this? A sole source award to a canadian company that had been fired by the canadian govt???????????? WTF ??? Corruption or Incompetence, or both?
and how much more will be spent bringing in the 'experts' to fix the debacle? Heard it might possibly be Verizon getting in on the deal now.
and how much more will be spent bringing in the 'experts' to fix the debacle? Heard it might possibly be Verizon getting in on the deal now.

Massive incompetence on the part of the obama administration.

But thats what the country said it wanted in 08 and 12-----------the country deserves what it voted for.
1) The libbies won't even bat an eyelash when millions upon millions will be spent to try and fix the problem (the liberal way of just throwing money at something)
2) After all the tech glitches are 'fixed', people will then start seeing how these policies are not cheaper, that deductibles are higher, and that all the taxpayer money being spent on this abomination amounts to trillions in the trash... then again, liberal non-people will still cling to it and praise it as their mantra dictates
1) The libbies won't even bat an eyelash when millions upon millions will be spent to try and fix the problem (the liberal way of just throwing money at something)
2) After all the tech glitches are 'fixed', people will then start seeing how these policies are not cheaper, that deductibles are higher, and that all the taxpayer money being spent on this abomination amounts to trillions in the trash... then again, liberal non-people will still cling to it and praise it as their mantra dictates

the defective liberal gene is alive and very active in roughly half of the population. Mental illness is the only logical explanation for the way their brains work. :D
Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

Speaking of fools, how about this statement from your dear leader.

'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan'

PolitiFact gave that infamous claim by President Obama a "Half True" rating all the way back in August 2009. Looks like it's officially time for a change to "Pants on Fire," or maybe even a retroactive award for the fact checkers' "Lie of the Year." From NBC News:

"Health plans are sending hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters to people who buy their own coverage, frustrating some consumers who want to keep what they have and forcing others to buy more costly policies.
"The main reason insurers offer is that the policies fall short of what the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1. Most are ending policies sold after the law passed in March 2010. At least a few are canceling plans sold to people with pre-existing medical conditions."

'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health... | Kyle Wingfield | www.ajc.com
Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

1/2 billion dollars spent on a website:clap2::clap2::clap2:............

Maybe that is one of the reasons Obama had to cancel the White House tours.
Wasted breath, Mac. These people have so much invested in trying to believe that anything that the President does is a failure that they simply cannot recognize when they are making fools of themselves. We have seen that twice now. First, in 2012, when they insisted right up to the afternoon of 6Nov12 that Romney was going to win in a landslide, and in the government shutdown when they insisted the American public supported that move, clear up to the point where Wall Street, Main Street, and even those in the back alley, were telling them if they caused a default, they were dead meet. This bunch is incapable of learning from past errors.

Speaking of fools, how about this statement from your dear leader.

'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan'

PolitiFact gave that infamous claim by President Obama a "Half True" rating all the way back in August 2009. Looks like it's officially time for a change to "Pants on Fire," or maybe even a retroactive award for the fact checkers' "Lie of the Year." From NBC News:

"Health plans are sending hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters to people who buy their own coverage, frustrating some consumers who want to keep what they have and forcing others to buy more costly policies.
"The main reason insurers offer is that the policies fall short of what the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1. Most are ending policies sold after the law passed in March 2010. At least a few are canceling plans sold to people with pre-existing medical conditions."

'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health... | Kyle Wingfield | www.ajc.com


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