Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills

March 17, 2014 - 5:13pm Updated March 17, 2014 - 8:49pm


The hospital bills are hitting Larry Basich’s mailbox.

That would be OK if Basich had health insurance. But he doesn’t.

Thing is, he should be covered. Basich, 62, bought a plan through the state’s Nevada Health Link insurance exchange in the fall. He’s been paying monthly premiums since November.

Yet the Las Vegan is stranded in a no-man’s-land where no carrier claims him, and his tab is mounting: Basich owes $407,000 for care received in January and February, when his policy was supposed to be in effect. Instead, he’s covered only for March and beyond.

Basich has begged for weeks for help from the exchange and its contractor, Xerox. But Basich’s insurance broker said Xerox seems more interested in lawyering up and covering its hide than in working out Basich’s problems. Nor is Basich the only client facing plan-selection errors through the exchange, she added.

Xerox, meanwhile, said it’s working every day to fix Basich’s problem, and its legal counsel is routine.

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

I'm just sayin...
So, here we have a man with a pre-existing condition who signs up through the state exchange and the private corporation (Xerox) puts him on the wrong insurance provider list. His healthcare is due to start Jan.1 but the healthcare provider doesn't have him on their rolls yet and they don't cover the fallout of his heart attack because of course Xerox put him somewhere else due to what appears to be a clerical error on the private company's side.

If there was ever a clearer argument for Single-Payer/Universal coverage, this story would be it. And who's going to have to go in and fix this problem? Probably the government, since private corporations just keep showing us how retarded they are.

From the article: "Basich’s predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in $407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is covering.

Basich and his insurance broker, Tamar Burch of Branch Benefits Consultants, said the issue appears to be confusion at the state exchange. Xerox’s system says Basich chose a plan from another insurer, Nevada Health CO-OP, even though Basich has paperwork that shows he selected MyHPNSilver1. In short, [state insurance contractor] Xerox can’t seem to decide where Basich belongs, Burch said.

Before Obamacare, Basich wouldn't have even been able to sign up for healthcare with the heart condition he had. When he finally was able to sign up, he did everything he was supposed to do only to see the private healthcare system let him down.

Don't trust private corporations to run the people's business; it'll fail every time.

A public option in healthcare was the right way to go, but of course Obama didn't pass that; he kept healthcare in private hands to please Republicans, and this is the result you get. This never would've happened if on Jan.1 every single American was given automatic coverage through citizenship.
So, here we have a man with a pre-existing condition who signs up through the state exchange and the private corporation (Xerox) puts him on the wrong insurance provider list. His healthcare is due to start Jan.1 but the healthcare provider doesn't have him on their rolls yet and they don't cover the fallout of his heart attack because of course Xerox put him somewhere else due to what appears to be a clerical error on the private company's side.

If there was ever a clearer argument for Single-Payer/Universal coverage, this story would be it. And who's going to have to go in and fix this problem? Probably the government, since private corporations just keep showing us how retarded they are.

From the article: "Basich’s predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in $407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is covering.

Basich and his insurance broker, Tamar Burch of Branch Benefits Consultants, said the issue appears to be confusion at the state exchange. Xerox’s system says Basich chose a plan from another insurer, Nevada Health CO-OP, even though Basich has paperwork that shows he selected MyHPNSilver1. In short, [state insurance contractor] Xerox can’t seem to decide where Basich belongs, Burch said.

Before Obamacare, Basich wouldn't have even been able to sign up for healthcare with the heart condition he had. When he finally was able to sign up, he did everything he was supposed to do only to see the private healthcare system let him down.

Don't trust private corporations to run the people's business; it'll fail every time.

A public option in healthcare was the right way to go, but of course Obama didn't pass that; he kept healthcare in private hands to please Republicans, and this is the result you get. This never would've happened if on Jan.1 every single American was given automatic coverage through citizenship.
since private corporations just keep showing us how retarded they are.

yea like Govt agencies just keep showing everyone how bright they are right?....
If he signed up and paid his premiums then this should not be an issue

What the hell am I talking about, this IS government run healthcare

Instead of resting he is stressing out over this?

Who needs death panels

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