Obamacare "law" written by socialist convicted felon Robert Creamer, while in prison.


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Who Actually Wrote Obamacare?

And now for the shocking truth about who actually wrote Obamacare. After all the secrecy surrounding Obamacare is lifting, we can finally put a name to this cruel lie. The man’s name who wrote a great deal of the scourge that we call Obamacare, is convicted felon, Robert Creamer.

Creamer is now credited for writing 628 pages of Obamacare while he was in prison. Creamer is a senior Democratic operative who defrauded banks in order to keep his Marxist/Communist community organization afloat by engaging in 16 counts of bank and tax fraud. Creamer’s book is entitled, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.

Many left-wingers say that Creamer’s book has inspired them in their progressive fight to turn America into socialist Europe. Creamer’s work has received support and garnered an endorsement from a surprising source. Or, maybe it is not so surprising after all. Former White House Senior Adviser, David Axelrod, described Creamer’s book as a “blueprint” for future progressive victories. Creamer has stated that in order to impose socialist healthcare on an unwilling nation, it is necessary to deceive the people.

Creamer is the husband of Marxist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat who demands a “single payer” healthcare delivery system. Creamer’s book calls for the “democratization of wealth”, and the “progressive control of governments around the world”.
Hmmm..., no matter how hard they try, libertarians can't convince me they aren't making the same mistakes as the Marxists. Both philosophies would require a fundamental shift in human nature to work. Don't see that happening anytime soon, so don't be fooled by their claims to righteousness and superior judgment. As the OP shows, all they've got is name calling, when it becomes evident you're not falling for their song and dance.
Hmmm..., no matter how hard they try, libertarians can't convince me they aren't making the same mistakes as the Marxists. Both philosophies would require a fundamental shift in human nature to work. Don't see that happening anytime soon, so don't be fooled by their claims to righteousness and superior judgment. As the OP shows, all they've got is name calling, when it becomes evident you're not falling for their song and dance.

I understand that the socialists , such as yourself, are not going to be angry at the fact that another socialist wrote the edict.

The health care law is essentially what the Heritage institute wrote for republicans to offer in response to the Clinton attempt to reform health care. Marxism indeed.
Who Actually Wrote Obamacare?

And now for the shocking truth about who actually wrote Obamacare. After all the secrecy surrounding Obamacare is lifting, we can finally put a name to this cruel lie. The man’s name who wrote a great deal of the scourge that we call Obamacare, is convicted felon, Robert Creamer.

Creamer is now credited for writing 628 pages of Obamacare while he was in prison. Creamer is a senior Democratic operative who defrauded banks in order to keep his Marxist/Communist community organization afloat by engaging in 16 counts of bank and tax fraud. Creamer’s book is entitled, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.

Many left-wingers say that Creamer’s book has inspired them in their progressive fight to turn America into socialist Europe. Creamer’s work has received support and garnered an endorsement from a surprising source. Or, maybe it is not so surprising after all. Former White House Senior Adviser, David Axelrod, described Creamer’s book as a “blueprint” for future progressive victories. Creamer has stated that in order to impose socialist healthcare on an unwilling nation, it is necessary to deceive the people.

Creamer is the husband of Marxist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat who demands a “single payer” healthcare delivery system. Creamer’s book calls for the “democratization of wealth”, and the “progressive control of governments around the world”.

I guess that makes it even more enjoyable that Republicans, one by one, are accepting Obamacare.
Who Actually Wrote Obamacare?

And now for the shocking truth about who actually wrote Obamacare. After all the secrecy surrounding Obamacare is lifting, we can finally put a name to this cruel lie. The man’s name who wrote a great deal of the scourge that we call Obamacare, is convicted felon, Robert Creamer.

Creamer is now credited for writing 628 pages of Obamacare while he was in prison. Creamer is a senior Democratic operative who defrauded banks in order to keep his Marxist/Communist community organization afloat by engaging in 16 counts of bank and tax fraud. Creamer’s book is entitled, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.

Many left-wingers say that Creamer’s book has inspired them in their progressive fight to turn America into socialist Europe. Creamer’s work has received support and garnered an endorsement from a surprising source. Or, maybe it is not so surprising after all. Former White House Senior Adviser, David Axelrod, described Creamer’s book as a “blueprint” for future progressive victories. Creamer has stated that in order to impose socialist healthcare on an unwilling nation, it is necessary to deceive the people.

Creamer is the husband of Marxist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat who demands a “single payer” healthcare delivery system. Creamer’s book calls for the “democratization of wealth”, and the “progressive control of governments around the world”.

I guess that makes it even more enjoyable that Republicans, one by one, are accepting Obamacare.
Of course, misery loves company.

I'm a simple minded soul. I'm stupid enough to believe that marxism's great mistake was taking incentive out of the human equation. There was a popular maxim with the average soviet schlep back in the day: "We pretend to work and the state pretends to pay us." Why would anyone want to work hard and to excel when nobody gives a damn, and when your fellow travelers condemn you for making them look bad? Communism has never worked and it's beginning to unravel in China. Look what's happening in Hong Kong right now.
I'm a simple minded soul. I'm stupid enough to believe that marxism's great mistake was taking incentive out of the human equation. There was a popular maxim with the average soviet schlep back in the day: "We pretend to work and the state pretends to pay us." Why would anyone want to work hard and to excel when nobody gives a damn, and when your fellow travelers condemn you for making them look bad? Communism has never worked and it's beginning to unravel in China. Look what's happening in Hong Kong right now.


Reason the US will remain a fascist economy. The fascists also know that communism doesn't work - so they let entrepreneurs operate their business under government regulations.

Hmmm..., no matter how hard they try, libertarians can't convince me they aren't making the same mistakes as the Marxists. Both philosophies would require a fundamental shift in human nature to work. Don't see that happening anytime soon, so don't be fooled by their claims to righteousness and superior judgment. As the OP shows, all they've got is name calling, when it becomes evident you're not falling for their song and dance.

My major issue with libertarianism is that it has no effective means of curbing the abuse of private power. They focus exclusively and myopically on state power. But fail to recognize that ANY disproporationate and unchecked concentration of power will be abused. Its an Oligarch's wet dream.

Its also based on some profoundly foolish assumptions. Like....monopolies will never occur without government interference. Which is just horseshit. Business hates competition. And they do everything they can to eliminate it. And there's no balance in libertarianism for flagrantly

Also, the libertarian conception of consent is child like. Where if you and your family are starving, if you're dragging behind you one of the corpses of your emaciated children and in absolute destitution and desperation, you're offered a job for 30 cents a day, well you've consented. So any , any exploitation, any abuse short of actual violence....is perfectly acceptable in a libertarian system. Even just.

Another problem with libertarianism is that its not well suited for actual nations. In an ivory tower island scenario where there's no competing nation next door, it might last until it collapses under the weight of its own innate corruptibility. But that's not the world we live in. If you don't have central projects, if you don't have a standing army, if you don't have a professional military.....and your neighbor does?

He can just take all your shit.
I'm a simple minded soul. I'm stupid enough to believe that marxism's great mistake was taking incentive out of the human equation. There was a popular maxim with the average soviet schlep back in the day: "We pretend to work and the state pretends to pay us." Why would anyone want to work hard and to excel when nobody gives a damn, and when your fellow travelers condemn you for making them look bad? Communism has never worked and it's beginning to unravel in China. Look what's happening in Hong Kong right now.

The problem with that assessment is productivity. In actual industrial output the Soviet union has some pretty impressive productivity numbers. The problems they ran into were more ones of a lack of innovation over time and funding an enormous military that it couldn't afford. Food shortages and long lines were rarely the product of not being able to make enough products, but with too many resources being directed to the military.

I think China would be a better example of the efficacy of more economic freedoms. Though china is far from a capitalist system.

My opinion is that you get your best economic results out of stability. And your best results of economic choice in a balance between capitalist and collectivist doctrines. Full capitalism is wildly unstable, absolutely destroys environments and trends toward monopoly. Fully collectivist doctrines begin with government monopolies, are somewhat more stable, but not particularly efficient or adaptive. In between these two extremes is the regulated free market. Where capitalism's propensity for monopoly and anti-competative practices is mitigated by regulation. Where capitalism's inherent instability is mitigated by regulation and social safety nets. And where the adaptability and efficiency of capitalism are exploited to grow your economy.
Hmmm..., no matter how hard they try, libertarians can't convince me they aren't making the same mistakes as the Marxists. Both philosophies would require a fundamental shift in human nature to work. Don't see that happening anytime soon, so don't be fooled by their claims to righteousness and superior judgment. As the OP shows, all they've got is name calling, when it becomes evident you're not falling for their song and dance.

My major issue with libertarianism is that it has no effective means of curbing the abuse of private power. They focus exclusively and myopically on state power. But fail to recognize that ANY disproporationate and unchecked concentration of power will be abused. Its an Oligarch's wet dream.

Excuse me ding dong.

In a capitalist society the government has no authority to grant coercive powers. So explain how the XYZ Corporation will acquire "disproporationate and unchecked concentration of power "?!?!?!?

The historical evidence before our founding Fathers, published in the CATO papers , showed that in the previous 1787 years government was the one which cause death and destruction.
Does it really matter who wrote Obamacare at this point? It was written by conservative think tanks, insurance companies, liberal felons, congressional staffers, and god knows who else had a hand in it, and then jammed down our throats by the Dems and Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican.

It's here, neither party is capable or interested in fixing either the law or the medical end of the economy, and none of our betters in DC have a clue what to do next.
"Obamacare "law" written by socialist convicted felon Robert Creamer, while in prison."


It would have been entertaining to hear you make this 'argument' before the Supreme Court as 'justification' for invalidating the ACA.

“But your honors, they're a bunch of commies!!!”
Does it really matter who wrote Obamacare at this point? It was written by conservative think tanks, insurance companies, liberal felons, congressional staffers, and god knows who else had a hand in it, and then jammed down our throats by the Dems and Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican.

It's here, neither party is capable or interested in fixing either the law or the medical end of the economy, and none of our betters in DC have a clue what to do next.

"Obamacare "law" written by socialist convicted felon Robert Creamer, while in prison."


It would have been entertaining to hear you make this 'argument' before the Supreme Court as 'justification' for invalidating the ACA.

“But your honors, they're a bunch of commies!!!”


SCOTUS loves socialist edicts.

Read the case law approving the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve Board, massive regulations, Why the fuck do you think the federal government is a behemoth?!?!?!?!?!?

I understand that the socialists , such as yourself, are not going to be angry at the fact that another socialist wrote the edict.

A self-confessed libertarian is hardly in a position to judge. You look at the world with rose-colored glasses saying, "if everyone just did..., everything would be perfect", as if you could get everyone to do anything. You're just hippies for the new millenium.

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