Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

Insurers in other states continue to flourish. Check the stock prices if you think they're suffering. They aren't.

Why would they?

jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!
Insurers in other states continue to flourish. Check the stock prices if you think they're suffering. They aren't.

Why would they?

jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.
Why would they?

jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!
jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

Your left hand or your left brain?
See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

Your left hand or your left brain?

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

They have to do what ever takes to comply with their religious programming!
What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

Your left hand or your left brain?

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

They have to do what ever takes to comply with their religious programming!

"Will edited" is not even English, but if you want to keep reiterating your theory that john_berzerk is "far left," go for it. I'll revisit this if and when you decide to discuss the OP.

Make sure your response to this contains the word "drone."
See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

Your left hand or your left brain?

See how the far left will edited posts to get us to this point!

They have to do what ever takes to comply with their religious programming!

"Will edited" is not even English, but if you want to keep reiterating your theory that john_berzerk is "far left," go for it. I'll revisit this if and when you decide to discuss the OP.

Make sure your response to this contains the word "drone."

And the far left drone edits posts to divert..
Now we're getting somewhere:

...certain insurances offered to take on subsidized obamacare insurance policies

The insurance policies are not labeled "Obamacare." They're under the carrier's name.

in fact the government brags that 8 of 10 people in the market place receive a subsidy

many have quit the program because it is costly

Not true. The insurer gets the same premium they did before. If they're leaving the market, it's because they're pissed off that they can't reject patients for preexisting conditions or set lifetime caps anymore.

here we went from a half a dozen carriers down to two

avera and sanford

I'd have to know where "here" is, but I'm guessing it's one of those states that refused to set up its own exchange and rejected the funding for the Medicaid expansion.

Prior to passage of the PPACA, there were some states in which there was just one insurer monopolizing the entire market. No chance of getting competitive pricing from them. They're not allowed to do that anymore - a win for the consumer.

Insurers in other states continue to flourish. Check the stock prices if you think they're suffering. They aren't.

either you are really misinformed or a total liar

What is ObamaCare?
The official name for “ObamaCare” is thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA), or Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short

In 2015 1 in 6 Americans got a Health Insurance Marketplace plan for $100 or less and 87% of people who selected a marketplace plan for 2015 got financial assistance. For 2016 7 out of 10 returning Marketplace customers can get a plan forless than $75 a month and 8 in 10 can get one for $100 or less.
you really are a dimwit arnt'cha
Insurers in other states continue to flourish. Check the stock prices if you think they're suffering. They aren't.

Why would they?

jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

Why would they?

jon_berzerk seems to think they would. 'splain it to him.

See how the far left will edit peoples posts to fit their narrative?

What makes you think he's "far left"? And who are you talking to, anyway?

See even the far left drones get confused on their narratives..

Silly far left drone!

He hasn't even posted in this thread for more than 9 hours. Now I understand what the expression "where your voices count" means.

other folks have lives nimrod
In 2015 1 in 6 Americans got a Health Insurance Marketplace plan for $100 or less and 87% of people who selected a marketplace plan for 2015 got financial assistance. For 2016 7 out of 10 returning Marketplace customers can get a plan forless than $75 a month and 8 in 10 can get one for $100 or less.

Finally some information instead of bullshit. However, you said "8 out of 10." Let's do the math, shall we?

First stat: 1 in 6. So if you take 100 people looking for health insurance, 16.6% will have gone to a health exchange website, either federal or, if they're fortunate, their state site. 16.6% of 100 is 16.6. We'll round that up to 17, because we haven't considered fractions of people since the Emancipation Proclamation.

The second stat you provided indicates that, of those 17 people, 7 out of 10 returned to the health exchange sites to renew their policies with the insurer. So 70% of 17 people = 11.9, rounded up to 12.

What the links you provided say is that 12 out of 100 Americans got their health insurance through a health exchange website.

The link also states that, of those 12 people, 8 out of 10 (or 80%) were eligible for subsidies and paid less than $100 a month in premiums. 80% of 12 = 9.6. Rounding up again, 10 people out of 100 were eligible for a <$100 a month premium.

Any questions so far? You can take out your calculator and get the same results. Try it.

Now, as for your insistence that there's an insurance company called "Obamacare," let's look at a list of all the health insurance companies in the U.S.:

List of United States insurance companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See? Depending on the state you live in, you can get health insurance from any one of those companies.

Privately run, for-profit corporations.

No "Obamacare."

"Obamacare" is the popular name for, as you indicated, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

It is a law, passed by Congress, signed by the President, governing affordable access to health insurance.

If you go to a health exchange website and choose, say, a Blue Cross insurance plan, and go to your doctor, you will be asked "Do you have insurance?" You'll take your Blue Cross card out of your wallet and give it to the receptionist, who will photocopy it and return it to you. The billing department will use the number on your Blue Cross card to bill Blue Cross for your care. If you're under your deductible, you will be sent a bill for the office visit.

In other words, it still works the way it worked before - assuming you're an adult who's had health insurance prior to 2014, and not some idiot kid parroting what he heard Rush say.

You have a Blue Cross card. It says "Blue Cross" on it. Same as it ever was.

To reiterate, because some of you are incredibly slow learners: The PPACA is a law. It is not an insurance company, no matter how many times you claim it is.
... Depending on the state you live in, you can get health insurance from any one of those companies.

Privately run, for-profit corporations.

No "Obamacare."

"Obamacare" is the popular name for, as you indicated, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

It is a law, passed by Congress, signed by the President, governing affordable access to health insurance.

If you go to a health exchange website and choose, say, a Blue Cross insurance plan, and go to your doctor, you will be asked "Do you have insurance?" You'll take your Blue Cross card out of your wallet and give it to the receptionist, who will photocopy it and return it to you. The billing department will use the number on your Blue Cross card to bill Blue Cross for your care. If you're under your deductible, you will be sent a bill for the office visit.

In other words, it still works the way it worked before - assuming you're an adult who's had health insurance prior to 2014, and not some idiot kid parroting what he heard Rush say.

You have a Blue Cross card. It says "Blue Cross" on it. Same as it ever was.

To reiterate, because some of you are incredibly slow learners: The PPACA is a law. It is not an insurance company, no matter how many times you claim it is.

This is an excellent point, one I wish more people understood.

ACA essentially ensures that we get more of the same. Higher and higher premiums, for less and less coverage. We get guaranteed issue, and additional subsidies for the poor, in exchange for a mandate to keep the insurance industry afloat.

What we don't get is meaningful change to the health care market. Just a bunch of rules to make sure we keep giving the insurance companies our money.
... Depending on the state you live in, you can get health insurance from any one of those companies.

Privately run, for-profit corporations.

No "Obamacare."

"Obamacare" is the popular name for, as you indicated, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

It is a law, passed by Congress, signed by the President, governing affordable access to health insurance.

If you go to a health exchange website and choose, say, a Blue Cross insurance plan, and go to your doctor, you will be asked "Do you have insurance?" You'll take your Blue Cross card out of your wallet and give it to the receptionist, who will photocopy it and return it to you. The billing department will use the number on your Blue Cross card to bill Blue Cross for your care. If you're under your deductible, you will be sent a bill for the office visit.

In other words, it still works the way it worked before - assuming you're an adult who's had health insurance prior to 2014, and not some idiot kid parroting what he heard Rush say.

You have a Blue Cross card. It says "Blue Cross" on it. Same as it ever was.

To reiterate, because some of you are incredibly slow learners: The PPACA is a law. It is not an insurance company, no matter how many times you claim it is.

This is an excellent point, one I wish more people understood.

ACA essentially ensures that we get more of the same. Higher and higher premiums, for less and less coverage. We get guaranteed issue, and additional subsidies for the poor, in exchange for a mandate to keep the insurance industry afloat.

What we don't get is meaningful change to the health care market. Just a bunch of rules to make sure we keep giving the insurance companies our money.

What you give us is the same talking points without any substantiation.
... Depending on the state you live in, you can get health insurance from any one of those companies.

Privately run, for-profit corporations.

No "Obamacare."

"Obamacare" is the popular name for, as you indicated, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

It is a law, passed by Congress, signed by the President, governing affordable access to health insurance.

If you go to a health exchange website and choose, say, a Blue Cross insurance plan, and go to your doctor, you will be asked "Do you have insurance?" You'll take your Blue Cross card out of your wallet and give it to the receptionist, who will photocopy it and return it to you. The billing department will use the number on your Blue Cross card to bill Blue Cross for your care. If you're under your deductible, you will be sent a bill for the office visit.

In other words, it still works the way it worked before - assuming you're an adult who's had health insurance prior to 2014, and not some idiot kid parroting what he heard Rush say.

You have a Blue Cross card. It says "Blue Cross" on it. Same as it ever was.

To reiterate, because some of you are incredibly slow learners: The PPACA is a law. It is not an insurance company, no matter how many times you claim it is.

This is an excellent point, one I wish more people understood.

ACA essentially ensures that we get more of the same. Higher and higher premiums, for less and less coverage. We get guaranteed issue, and additional subsidies for the poor, in exchange for a mandate to keep the insurance industry afloat.

What we don't get is meaningful change to the health care market. Just a bunch of rules to make sure we keep giving the insurance companies our money.

What you give us is the same talking points without any substantiation.

Talking points? "You keep using that word ..."

In as political context, talking points usually refers to a technique of message management employed by partisan propagandists. Usually a core group disseminates key messages to be repeated by party members or receptive media outlets. Is that what you think I'm up to? Who do you imagine is giving me my talking points?
In as political context, talking points usually refers to a technique of message management employed by partisan propagandists. Usually a core group disseminates key messages to be repeated by party members or receptive media outlets. Is that what you think I'm up to? Who do you imagine is giving me my talking points?

Talking points are then repeated by followers of the official propagandists. When asked for data to support their opinions, these followers seldom provide any.
In as political context, talking points usually refers to a technique of message management employed by partisan propagandists. Usually a core group disseminates key messages to be repeated by party members or receptive media outlets. Is that what you think I'm up to? Who do you imagine is giving me my talking points?

Talking points are then repeated by followers of the official propagandists. When asked for data to support their opinions, these followers seldom provide any.

Which propagandists do you believe I'm following? The supporting material I've provided has been from varied sources. Are you suggesting Bill Moyers is a propagandist?
Which propagandists do you believe I'm following? The supporting material I've provided has been from varied sources. Are you suggesting Bill Moyers is a propagandist?

Okay, once you mentioned Moyers, I actually reread the entire thread because I thought "Did I miss something?" and all I see is you agreeing with whatever the anti-PPACA side says, usually in one sentence. No references to source material at all, certainly no reference to Moyers.

Now I suppose you expect me to go through every post you've ever made in this forum or the ObamaCare forum to find some reference to Moyers. Then whatever I post in reply you'll dismiss.

So here's a thought: No. Whine all you want about being "forced" while simultaneously claiming you "refuse to get personal." The disconnect right there is untenable.
Which propagandists do you believe I'm following? The supporting material I've provided has been from varied sources. Are you suggesting Bill Moyers is a propagandist?

Okay, once you mentioned Moyers, I actually reread the entire thread because I thought "Did I miss something?" and all I see is you agreeing with whatever the anti-PPACA side says, usually in one sentence. No references to source material at all, certainly no reference to Moyers.

Now I suppose you expect me to go through every post you've ever made in this forum or the ObamaCare forum to find some reference to Moyers. Then whatever I post in reply you'll dismiss.

So here's a thought: No. Whine all you want about being "forced" while simultaneously claiming you "refuse to get personal." The disconnect right there is untenable.
Typically, if you are going to charge what he states as propaganda then you would have challenged one or more of the statements he made. The core of what he states I think is rather obviously true - the ACA enshrines and protects the insurance industry. Even most supporters of the ACA acknowledge this reality. Are you challenging that premise or just the premise it leads to reduced coverage at grater cost?
Typically, if you are going to charge what he states as propaganda then you would have challenged one or more of the statements he made.

And I've done so, repeatedly, in thread after thread.

The core of what he states I think is rather obviously true - the ACA enshrines and protects the insurance industry. Even most supporters of the ACA acknowledge this reality. Are you challenging that premise or just the premise it leads to reduced coverage at grater cost?

If you've read my posts (and clearly you haven't, or you wouldn't have issued this lecture), you'd know that I've never denied the role the insurance industry has played and continues to play in the implementation of the PPACA. I've also been very clear about my preference for single-payer.

dblack's main theme is "We're being forced...we're being forced...we're being forced."

Nothing will change his mind, and I knew that after the third or fourth time around. Since then I've been using him as a foil to instruct others.

But thank you for your concern.
In 2015 1 in 6 Americans got a Health Insurance Marketplace plan for $100 or less and 87% of people who selected a marketplace plan for 2015 got financial assistance. For 2016 7 out of 10 returning Marketplace customers can get a plan forless than $75 a month and 8 in 10 can get one for $100 or less.

Finally some information instead of bullshit. However, you said "8 out of 10." Let's do the math, shall we?

First stat: 1 in 6. So if you take 100 people looking for health insurance, 16.6% will have gone to a health exchange website, either federal or, if they're fortunate, their state site. 16.6% of 100 is 16.6. We'll round that up to 17, because we haven't considered fractions of people since the Emancipation Proclamation.

The second stat you provided indicates that, of those 17 people, 7 out of 10 returned to the health exchange sites to renew their policies with the insurer. So 70% of 17 people = 11.9, rounded up to 12.

What the links you provided say is that 12 out of 100 Americans got their health insurance through a health exchange website.

The link also states that, of those 12 people, 8 out of 10 (or 80%) were eligible for subsidies and paid less than $100 a month in premiums. 80% of 12 = 9.6. Rounding up again, 10 people out of 100 were eligible for a <$100 a month premium.

Any questions so far? You can take out your calculator and get the same results. Try it.

Now, as for your insistence that there's an insurance company called "Obamacare," let's look at a list of all the health insurance companies in the U.S.:

List of United States insurance companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See? Depending on the state you live in, you can get health insurance from any one of those companies.

Privately run, for-profit corporations.

No "Obamacare."

"Obamacare" is the popular name for, as you indicated, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

It is a law, passed by Congress, signed by the President, governing affordable access to health insurance.

If you go to a health exchange website and choose, say, a Blue Cross insurance plan, and go to your doctor, you will be asked "Do you have insurance?" You'll take your Blue Cross card out of your wallet and give it to the receptionist, who will photocopy it and return it to you. The billing department will use the number on your Blue Cross card to bill Blue Cross for your care. If you're under your deductible, you will be sent a bill for the office visit.

In other words, it still works the way it worked before - assuming you're an adult who's had health insurance prior to 2014, and not some idiot kid parroting what he heard Rush say.

You have a Blue Cross card. It says "Blue Cross" on it. Same as it ever was.

To reiterate, because some of you are incredibly slow learners: The PPACA is a law. It is not an insurance company, no matter how many times you claim it is.

hey dumb ass the figures are from the government

and they claim 8 of 10 in the market place get assistance in paying the premium

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