Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

Within years they'll be non-profits, dingbat dupe.
Like magic, eh?
Pubs and Dems will take turns cutting their ridivulous profits until our system will be like Switzerland's and the Netherlands'- 2 other big capitalist centers. Glad I could help, Pub dupe.

What did you help? You cheer for the shittiest legislative sellout in US history. And your excuse is "the Republicans started it!"... .pahthetic.
I helped you learn something, if you were able, brainwashed hater dupe. Pubs would have voted for it,if they would vote for ANYTHING under Obama, and if they weren't total hypocrites bought and sold by Big Health, Big Pharm, etc etc etc...
Yes, yes. Republicans are bad. Democrats are good. Hater dups. Etc, etc. And I'm brainwashed. You're a very silly poster, f.ranco
Yes they are, yes you are. THE story of the last 20 years in this poor country...
Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.
This is a total lie that gets repeated so much people think it's true. The Heritage Foundation did not conceive it. The Heritage Foundation published an article by one guy, who has since disclaimed it, that suggested an individual mandate. But he probably wasnt the first to do that either.
No, Democrats own this turd lock stock and smoking barrel.
It seems the catching point is "But Burwell said the measure would also take away the subsidies over time and repeal important components of Obamacare such as guaranteeing insurance for Americans with pre-existing health conditions.
Burwell Obama wouldn t sign GOP plan to extend insurance subsidies - Yahoo News
Did you predict that? What objection do you have against guaranteeing insurance for American's with pre-existing conditions?

Why do Republicans have so much of a problem with covering pre-existing conditions?

An overwhelming majority of Americans support it

Many unions and school districts were provided exemptions. Are they Republicans?
Those are waivers that last only as long as their contracts or 2017 at the latest, Pub dupe.
There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.
This is a total lie that gets repeated so much people think it's true. The Heritage Foundation did not conceive it. The Heritage Foundation published an article by one guy, who has since disclaimed it, that suggested an individual mandate. But he probably wasnt the first to do that either.
No, Democrats own this turd lock stock and smoking barrel.

The Heritage Foundation came up with as an alternative to HilaryCare.

They conceived and they own it.

No amount of backpedaling and lying is going to change that.
Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.

Actually Romney foisted on MA first. It was the only option the GOP would allow the Dems to enact.

And yes, the Dems own all the credit for providing affordable healthcare to millions of Americans. The negative aspects are owned by the Republicans.

Yes, yes... except, that as is always the case... the actual law results in the opposite of how the Left labeled it.

As Healthcare now cost 3-4 times what it cost before the Left 'fixed it'.

And in truth, that was what they always intended, as we; The Americans pointed out time and again, when the Left was shoving this boondoggle down our throats.
3-4 times? You ARE nuts lol.
There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.
This is a total lie that gets repeated so much people think it's true. The Heritage Foundation did not conceive it. The Heritage Foundation published an article by one guy, who has since disclaimed it, that suggested an individual mandate. But he probably wasnt the first to do that either.
No, Democrats own this turd lock stock and smoking barrel.
But Romney DID sign this shit into law in MASS. No way around that inconvenient fact.

I don't really care who thought it up, but the fuckers responsible for it becoming federal law were all Democrats, and no amount off rationalizing will change that. The Dems in Congress didn't have to vote for it, and Obama didn't have to sign it. But they did.
There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.
This is a total lie that gets repeated so much people think it's true. The Heritage Foundation did not conceive it. The Heritage Foundation published an article by one guy, who has since disclaimed it, that suggested an individual mandate. But he probably wasnt the first to do that either.
No, Democrats own this turd lock stock and smoking barrel.
Well, that's fine, but certainly there's more to it than that...
Is the ACA the GOP health care plan from 1993 PunditFact
Of course Pubs in 1993 were just trying to screw up HillaryCare and I don't believe they'd EVER vote against Big Health. Totally bought by greedy idiot billionaires.
Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

It is your Heritage Foundation plan that has such an enormous overhead.

The Heritage Foundation conceived it, but the Democrats foisted it on the nation. They OWN it now.
This is a total lie that gets repeated so much people think it's true. The Heritage Foundation did not conceive it. The Heritage Foundation published an article by one guy, who has since disclaimed it, that suggested an individual mandate. But he probably wasnt the first to do that either.
No, Democrats own this turd lock stock and smoking barrel.
But Romney DID sign this shit into law in MASS. No way around that inconvenient fact.

I don't really care who thought it up, but the fuckers responsible for it becoming federal law were all Democrats, and no amount off rationalizing will change that. The Dems in Congress didn't have to vote for it, and Obama didn't have to sign it. But they did.
Yes, Romney did provide the prototype for Obamacare. And it's a disaster in MA, of course.
But the Dems decided to double down on stupid and pass this turd.

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