Obama will lose the debate tonight, but......

Of course they will. And Libberhoids in here will be cumming all over themselves.

The most interesting day will be post-election morning.

Many will be logged off.... jumping off buildings. On suicide watch, etc.

Glory days will be here soon.
Yes just who is to declare the winner?

You will, cock sucker. Of course. You had doubts?

Obama could "stroke-out" in the middle of question three, you'd pull your mouth off his ass and balls and proclaim him the winner.

Fucking inbred.

Get fucked.


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Yep both sides win according to their sides.

They throw out de bait and the pundits and partisan hacks run with it.
We know that no matter how silly, clueless or inept that obama will be, the media will declare him the uncontested winner and wonder why Romney even bothered to show up. That doesn't mean the people will fall for it.

For one thing, democrats have been heavily promoting that Romney is going to rely on some kind of zingers as a debate strategy. This isn't Romney's strategy at all. Romney has never made a secret of any kind over his debate strategy. It is to expose every lie obama says with facts. Is that the same as a zinger? Maybe to some people.

On the one hand we have a man who will be filled with facts and figures. On the other hand is a guy who is still burping up pepperoni from yesterday's pizza party. I expect obama to bluff and posture he way through relying on his stock answers about women's rights and fairness.

obama's main area of concern is that he's not the same person he was four years ago. He started out being thin skinned and become enormously thin skinned. He won't even take a question at his own press conference. He's resentful and personally challenged when a reporter dares to even ask a question. Now he's going to have to answer questions and justify his actions. He's never had to do that before. When he ran the first time, he had no actions to defend. He had neither failures nor accomplishments.

There's some expectation that this could well be a verbal bloodbath.
The media will declare victory for him. Book it!

What is the basis of "winning" or "losing?"

The "debate" is a stage performance. No one will "debate" anything. In an actual debate, Obama would get creamed, but there will be no debate, just the two taking turns making speeches.

thats all true. Still a winner and a loser, based on their stage performance, will be declared.
Both sides will declare that their guy hit it out of the park.

The actual winner will be declared in Nov.

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