Obama Will Lose In 2012


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A guest post from Zerohedge which is a pretty good summation of how Big Government Cronyism is destroying America, and why Obama's support of it will cause him to lose in 2012 (we can only hope).

...This is mindless Keynesian policy on auto-pilot. As I have reported before, the Federal Government is borrowing and spending some $6 trillion in a mere four years, almost doubling the nation's debt, and all that's been accomplished is the Power Elites' share of the national income has risen and GDP has flatlined.

The structural dislocations and imbalances remain firmly in place; a financial sector dependent on fraud has been "saved," and an economy sick with an addiction to rampant financialization has been given plenty of smack to keep it from going through a desperately needed withdrawal.

The Keynesians have no answer as to when the economy will "recover" without the Central State borrowing 11% of GDP every year to prop up its various cartels and fiefdoms. They have no answer because they have no understanding of the imbalances, the fraud, the financialization or of the feudal partnership of the State and crony-capitalist cartels.

Obama has lost his "progressive" base, because he's done nothing remotely progressive. He has lost the middle because his Administration has overseen their gradual impoverishment at the hands of Financial Power Elites. He has offered them phony facsimiles of reform slicked down with the tiresome "soaring rhetoric" of a con artist so besotted with his own story that he actually believes the BS himself.

He can count on the public-union vote and a few of the State fiefdoms he's enriched and enlarged at the expense of the common good, but as the addict (the economy) goes downhill, slowly destroyed by the ever-larger doses of smack administered by the Fed and the Central State, then the consent of the governed will be irrevocably lost--not just by President Obama, but by the entire Status Quo.

The President is now a candidate hoping to scoop up a cool $1 billion to blow on another long, greasy media blitz, but I would be surprised if he rakes in much from the commoners and serfs straining to keep the wheels of their household finances turning. He will of course collect big bucks from various crony-cartels and contractors who have benefited from his bogus "reforms" and unstinting support of the banking sector, but his true-believer supporters will be thinned down to a few Elites, die-hard Democratic hacks and the delusional by mid-2012.

His opponents may fare little better unless they are willing to tackle the dominance of crony cartels, government fiefdoms and Financial Power Elites whose fat fingers remain firmly on the throat of the fast-expiring nation.

Guest Post: Obama Will Lose In 2012 | zero hedge
"But mommy I want it!!!!"

"No Barack."


"Barack, mommy said no, money doesn't grow on trees."


"Barack Hussein Obama! Mommy said NO!"

Racist ass mommy.
If the Republicans focus on the important issues they will win.
If they get sidetracked with the non issues of abortion and gay marriage they will once again lose.
They did not get sidetracked in the mid terms.
They are getting sidetracked now.
YOu can dream.

Obama thinks he has put together a coalition like Peron or Batista that will keep him in power. He talks savior to the poor one day, acts as savior to the plutocracy the next.
He's a statist con artist puppet...or a Magic Suit without a President.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOmTH1fIhBE]YouTube - Andrew Klavan: Barack the Magic Suit, A Political Fairy Tale.[/ame]
But he's black. So lots of fucking morons are gonna vote for him ONLY because of that reason alone. It's an uphill fight.

If he was white and named Barry Smith, but everything else was the same, we'd be discussing President McCain right now. But unfortunately, many on the left still let race matter when voting.
If big government cronyism didn't cause Bush to lose in 2004, there's no reason to expect it to cause Obama to lose in 2012. What will determine whether Obama is reelected is whether the GOP can pull its head out of its ass and present a decent candidate. So far, it seems to favor Tea Partiers and birthers. I'm not holding my breath for an Obama defeat at this point.
In 2004, unemployment was below 6% and the economy was growing; nor did we have $1T+ deficits.
I like my current sig line. It frames the current public policy issue facing the country quite well.
In 2004, unemployment was below 6% and the economy was growing; nor did we have $1T+ deficits.

In 2004 many people were very dissatisfied with Bush as President. Many people believed that the economic appearance of the time was what it turned out to be, which was a temporarily inflated facade on an unstable machine. People recognized that the deficits of the time were in reality larger than the numbers being presented, because the cost of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions were not being reflected. People were still remembering how Clinton left office with a budgetary surplus and were still quite irritated at how quickly that turned around. Many people felt sure that Bush style economics would only destroy our nation.

And yet, many of those people still voted for Bush, or they didn't bother voting against him. Why? Because Kerry was an idiot and a lousy candidate. Because people tend to feel more comfortable with the devil they know, versus the devil they don't know.
I'm not defending Bush's Big Government policies, but the circumstances are different. The Obama Economy is So Bad that many people who were rather apolitical now care about government malfeasance.

Unless there is some miraculous economic recovery in the next few months (highly unlikely), the continuing high unemployment combined with inflation (the Misery Index) will significantly damage Obama's reelection chances.
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Obama Will Lose in 2012

I'm not going to have any confidence in this until I see the Republican candidate. Last time the Republicans had a certain victory over an arrogant, unpopular Democratic sitting President they nominated....Bob Viagra Dole. Obama is personally popular, if the Republicans do that again people could figure they can live with Obama four more years. And every prominent name right now has large, gaping flaws. I really hope a solid candidate emerges from the pack. But last time they picked McCain. The Republicans are clearly not a reality grasping functional party.

From the time I've been on the site it's clear how much I hate the Democratic People's Party and their Marxist ideology, but I'm still seeing nothing to actually like about the Republicans. I've lowered the bar to support them over the Democrats to being a line painted on the floor and they still can't clear that. John McCain, you have to be kidding me. Let's just let Bush run for a third term.
I like my current sig line. It frames the current public policy issue facing the country quite well.

Which probably means you are not quite convinced.


Who's in.:lol:

No, I just don't allow creepy little bullies to manipulate me into doing things in which I feel no inclination to participate.
I'm not defending Bush' Big Government policies, but the circumstances are different. The Obama Economy is So Bad that many people who were rather apolitical now care about government malfeasance.

Unless there is some miraculous economic recovery in the next few months (highly unlikely), the continuing high unemployment combined with inflation (the Misery Index) will significantly damage Obama's reelection chances.

And yet.

No bet.:lol:
Thank you for proving my point.

If you wish to change your sig line, go ahead. Or do you only feel comfortable doing things when part of a PACK?
I like my current sig line. It frames the current public policy issue facing the country quite well.

Which probably means you are not quite convinced.


Who's in.:lol:

No, I just don't allow creepy little bullies to manipulate me into doing things in which I feel no inclination to participate.

I'll grant you the bully part. I bully people who start shit.

But I am far from "little".

Moving furniture for 11 years did wonders. As well as time spent at the gym.

And I am not "bullying" you. If you are so convinced..put your sigline where your posting area is..:lol:

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