Obama will lose Big Time per Washington Post Polling data!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There were 1,002 adults in this Washington Post Poll.
Obama and Romney close in poll among likely voters - The Washington Post

The Washington Post asked many questions in this 9/7/2012 poll one being :
Q: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a…

Democrat 33% or 330 adults answered
Republican 23% or 230 adults OR 100 less people were GOP!
Independent 37% or 370 adults

Studies show that 47% of Independents LEAN Democrat while only 34% of Independents lean GOP.

that adds another 174 of the 370 identified "Independents " that LEAN democrat!

All in all then there were at least 274 more people POLLED that would FAVOR Democrat over GOP!

So that meant at least 27% MORE of the people polled were Democrats/Independents and answered to poll questions like this :

Q: (Among likely voters) If the presidential election were being held today and the candidates were (Barack Obama, the Democrat)
and (Mitt Romney, the Republican), for whom would you vote?

49% said they would vote for Obama 48% or Romney..

Obama, Romney run close among likely voters after conventions - The Washington Post


If with an advantage of 27% MORE people polled being Democrat or Leaning Democrat, Obama ONLY got 49% of the votes????
Think what that means for the general election WHERE VOTING BOOTHS are secret.. people don't have to say who they will vote for!!!
To all you people FOOLED BY OBAMA the first time.. consider this:
A) You won't DO ANY worse this time by voting for Romney!
B You will though be considered as FOOLS for OBAMA and eligible for complete scorn, anger and contempt IF Obama has four more years to destroy the USA with his contempt for the USA as
exemplified by these statements. Statements THAT are NOT constructive BUT DESTRUCTIVE!
Think.. do you really want a President who actually said these actual words???

"Obama: I’d like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"

Obama: I’d like higher gas prices, just not so quickly « Hot Air

REALLY Obama WANTS YOU FOOLS for OBAMA to pay more for gas then $5 per gallon???

And YOU FOOLS for Obama.. YOU really want businesses to go bankrupt? To lay off workers? ADD to unemployment?

""So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,

So you want a President that WANTS higher gas prices, businesses to lay off people and then a President that
ENCOURAGES foreign oil companies that well here in Obama's OWN WORDS!!!

Obama tells Brazil:
“We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely.
And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customer!

IF all you FOOLS for OBAMA want this please.. go to some other 3rd world country like Cuba/Venezuela and take your little dictator with you!
If the Washington Post continues to post polling results, they can expect a visit from the DOJ and a lawsuit.
Actually you are correct!
I would love to see an honest poll of people that voted for Obama that asked this question.
Q. "Did you vote for Obama because you didn't want to think you are racist by NOT voting for him?"

I am 100% confident though that most of the respondents would not be honest!
Yet whenever I make a comment questioning the rationale for Obama voters.. they call me a racist!

I am 100% confident though that some if NOT MANY of the 44% of the 99 million WHITES that voted in 2008 for Obama did so NOT because Obama was qualified (which most intelligent people acknowledge was a fact) but because THEY didn't want to in their own conscience consider themselves racist by NOT voting for him!

I know this may be a distinction most people don't understand but these people that voted for Obama KNOWING that Obama was not qualified were VERY insecure in their racial attitude. These people that voted for Obama BECAUSE they didn't want to be considered RACIST will also probably vote again for Obama because they are so unsure of their racial bias!
Polls dont matter. Polls said Dewey would beat Truman. Polls said the 08 contenders would be Rudy Guiliani v Hillary Clinton.

Polls dont give us real information anymore. Not sure if they ever did.
I sink ve may have a shiny new lawsuit for our friends at ze Vashington Post.

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Polls dont matter. Polls said Dewey would beat Truman. Polls said the 08 contenders would be Rudy Guiliani v Hillary Clinton.

Polls dont give us real information anymore. Not sure if they ever did.

I don't think you read closely what I wrote.. but intelligent people generally LOOK at the polling methodology to determine closer what the poll was based.

In this case MY conclusion is that IF in spite of MORE Democrats and Democrat leaning Independents in the poll there was ONLY a one percent Obama lead... come on think!
It took 27% MORE Democrats/Democrat Leaning Independents TO give a 1% LEAD??
If you discount that and gave the 27% more to those that FAVORED ROMNEY there is a switch from Obama at 1% to Romney over Obama by considerably LARGER number!

Also you obviously don't follow polls to know that the problem with Dewey poll.

"that the use of telephone surveys doesn't include lots of people who don't have telephones.
That can lead to disastrous results, as it did in the Dewey-Truman election in 1948.

So you want to be sure you can really access your population with the techniques and methods you're using.

Getting a Sample Isn't Always Easy

NOW do you understand WHY the WashingtonPost poll is so far off??? THEY used more Democrats/Democrat Leaning Independents... just as the Dewey/Truman poll used people that could afford phones were generally for Dewey!
When did the planning for Osama bin laden mission begin??? 2009, or before?

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